
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 19 Two possibilities of place to murder Tang

For Alex, the law is not a weapon to ensure his own safety, but a tool that can be used. It is normal for such people to lack respect for the law. People will be afraid of swords and guns, but will they be afraid of daily necessities? This is a truth.

This is why many "successful people" will carefully study the loopholes in the law, while ordinary people will not. The different ways of looking at things have created such differences.

 Alex could have directly complained to Chen, but he didn't. He chose this way to warn Chen not to bother him again without evidence. Compared with a light complaint, he thought that this would make Chen more impressed, and the fact is indeed so.

So in my opinion, because this suspicion of Alex is somewhat unreasonable, it can only prove that this person is very smart, and the reason why you can't accept it and think that he has challenged the majesty of the law is because you haven't changed your mentality just now. "

At this point, Hu sees that everyone in the room has some unacceptable expressions on their faces, so he continues helplessly,

"Then let me ask, did Alex break the law? Did he cause any losses by doing this?"

The result was obviously no, Yang wants to refute but finds that what he said makes sense.

Hu sees that everyone gets silent, so he does not continue with the previous question, but changes the subject,

"Of course, I am not saying this to excuse him. On the contrary, I also doubt him, but I doubt another point, which is his personality. From Alice's statement just now, we can know that Alex's external impression is very perfect.

But can a person or a normal person have no shortcomings at all? I think there must be some, but he is hiding, even hiding it very early. What kind of "shortcomings" do you think will make people know how to disguise themselves from childhood?"

When everyone hears Hu's words, they also feels a sense of sudden enlightenment. Yes, if it is just some small habits and small shortcomings, how could they disguise themselves for decades? In this case, the most likely thing is that his "shortcoming" must be unacceptable to the world, just like Li's voyeurism.

Alice says immediately, "Since everyone doubts him, I have a way here."

"What?" Yang asks.

"Aren't he and I high school classmates? In addition, I haven't been back here for several years. If I invite him in the name of holding a class reunion, he shouldn't refuse. Then I can get close to him and test him directly."

Chen frowns when he hears about this plan.

"Although this plan is a good one, it is a little dangerous. If Alex is really the murderer, then your situation will be very dangerous."

Alice responses firmly, "I am a policeman."

Yang also echoes, "Chen, don't worry, there are so many of us protecting her, nothing will go wrong."

Seeing her so determined, and turning to look at the others, and finding that no one refuses, Chen hesitates for a while and nods in agreement. As for safety, it is indeed as Yang said, there are so many people protecting her carefully.

Alice sees that everyone agreed, takes out her mobile phone and signals everyone to start. She sends a message in the class group quickly, saying that she is back on a business trip for a few days and wants to meet with old classmates, and then @ everyone.

 Alex also receives the message at this time. Looking at the message on his phone, he does not refuse and simply replies with a number 1 which means that he is also available and able to participant in the reunion. Alex also wants to learn more about the original owner from these classmates.

Because of his incomplete memory, he really doesn't know what kind of person the original owner was.

" Alex agrees!"

Alice is a little excited. She knows why she gets so excited. Because her mother's death has always been her nightmare and she is truly eager to find out the real murderer. So this time, when she hears that the case happened here again and it also involved the case of that year, she specially submitted an application. This is why she appeared in the special task force.

 Alex put down his phone. There is no rush for the reunion party because there is still some time. Now what he truly needs is to think carefully about where the original owner and Li committed the crime.

This place was very hidden. The police had not found it yet, which meant that Li did not often go there. But since the original owner wanted to frame, this place must be found by the police, otherwise it would not make sense.

Now it is obvious that as long as Alex found this place, it would prove that his previous guess is correct.

Li was a security guard. The job of a security guard did not require any technical skills, but was time-consuming. So he spent most of his time either in the apartment or at home. These two places could be ruled out first.

Li's only hobby in life was to spy on Tang. He sneaked into her home at night, but what about during the day? Such a perverted person should feel uncomfortable when he could not see Tang. How should he relieve his boredom at this time?

Following Tang is an option, but what about Tang? She is an internet celebrity, who spends most of their time live-streaming, except for sleeping. She should have very little free time, so she either shops or does spa in her rest time.

These two places are crowded and not good places to start crime, so what else can she do?

Thinking of this, Alex's eyes lit up. If Tang goes out, there are two other possibilities. One is to meet the "big brother on the list" who is normally rich and supports her so much, and the other is to go to some interesting places to take pictures and check in.

 Alex quickly picks up his phone and begins to look through the daily videos shot by Tang.

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