
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 21 The whole story is extremely ironic

Without further ado, Alex decides to set off now. When he arrives in Zhu County, it gets already dark. He simply finds a guesthouse and stays there.

The next day, Alex gets up early and wanders in Zhu County. He finds that it is very backward. Because most young people go to big cities, there are not many people left. Most of them left are middle-aged and elderly people.

The county town is not big, so Alex plans to drive around first. While driving, he notices that there is a pond in this county town. He stops the car and walks to the edge of the pond.

The water in this pond is very clear, including the surrounding scenery. It has nothing in common with the "Devil's Tears" in Beijing City. Could it be that he is overthinking it?

At this time, a little boy rans over and warns Alex mysteriously that there is a man-eating monster in the pond, and asks him to be very careful and better not get so close.

Alex smiles. He knows that this is a lie made up by adults in the county town to prevent children from getting into trouble when playing in the pond.

Alex doesn't care at first, but he suddenly think of the monster, which is somewhat similar to the devil, and then he feels that his guess is too far-fetched.

He looks around. Now that he arrives here, he has to ask around. Alex finds an old man and asks if anything has happened in the pond. Unexpectedly, someone has drowned here.

But what impressed the old man the most is that a murder has happened here. Alex narrows his eyes when he hears that answer, the Murder? Which murder?

Alex doesn't interrupt the old man until he finishes speaking, then he asks,

"Do you remember what the family's surname was back then?"

"Of course I remember. How could I forget such a big thing? The family's surname was Tang."

It matches, everything matches, Alex finally knows why Tang went to the Devil's Tears, he probably guesses all the stories about Tang, but he doesn't feel the joy of discovering the truth at all.

If it is really as he guesses, then the whole story is extremely ironic.

Although it is just a guess, judging from the traces at the scene, Alex feels that his guess is almost right.

In order to confirm his guess, Alex calls Tang's best friend again. After asking, he gets a piece of news, which further confirms his guess.

In a blink of an eye, it is the reunion day and Alex arrives at the restaurant early. He thinks he should be the first person to arrive, but he doesn't expect that there are already several people waiting inside.

Alex looks around and sees a woman, dressed simply but heroic. Some memories emerges in his mind again, which reminds him of who this woman is. She is the initiator of the party, Alice. She has changed a lot and is completely different from his memory.

Alice also sees him at this time, stands up and says enthusiastically,

"Hey, handsome guy, long time no see, you arrive here so early?"

"yes, it's been a really long time, I am available today ,so it is better come here earlier. You have changed a lot, I almost can't recognize you." Alex nods in response.

"It's been so many years, there must be changes, but you haven't changed at all, you are still as good-looking as before. We haven't contacted each other since graduating from high school. What are you doing now?" Alice makes a little joke and asks.

"Making animal specimens in a small unit."

Alice pretends to be puzzled, "Making specimens? I remember you didn't have this hobby in high school, right?"

Alex frowns slightly, how could it be? In his memory, the original owner liked animals when he was very young because of his father's influence, and he did try it, but why didn't he show it in high school? The original owner was hiding it? The key is why hide it?

He replies calmly,

"I have always liked it, but how should I put it, this hobby is still unacceptable to many people. After all, it's all animal corpses, and some people must think it's not good. I didn't show it at that time because I was afraid that my classmates would be scared. By the way, what about you?"

"Me? I am a policeman now, and I have a mission to return here this time." Alice answers naturally and casually.

"Policeman? beyond my imagination. Sure, women are as good as men, awesome."

Alex says this, but he is already alert to her. Combined with what happened recently in this city, she should be here to investigate the murder case happened in their apartment. So, she held this class reunion in order to investigate him?

Thinking of this, Alex has some ideas in his mind.

After a while, the people in the box gradually fills up. All the classmates working in the city come. Everyone is a little embarrassed at first, but as time passes, the embarrassment gradually disappears.

At the dinner table, everyone introduces their own lives. Even though this is a party proposed by Alice, Alex is still the well-deserved protagonist. After all, everyone has entered the society, and everyone knows what Alex 's father does. Although everyone doesn't flatter him, he could still hear the subtle compliments in their words.

Alex doesn't feel excited or arrogant because of this. He talks and laughs with everyone kindly like an old classmate. In general, the atmosphere is still very harmonious.

After three rounds of drinks, everyone starts talking about some interesting things happened around them. As they talk, the topic naturally led to the recent murder case reported here. Alex takes this opportunity to speak in a very gossipy tone,

"You guys don't know yet, I live in that Apartment."


"Then do you know anything about this case? Is it the same as what is said on the Internet?"

Seeing everyone asking with curious expression, Alex secretly glances at Alice who still reacts normally. He continues,

"I don't know the specific information of the case, but I know two pieces of news that you guys don't know yet."

"What are they exactly?"

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