
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 1 One diary of crime

Western District, Beijing City.

Alex suddenly discovered that his surroundings had become extremely strange after he woke up in this morning and there is only one diary beside him.

Then he had one instinct that maybe this diary would answer all his current confusions.

When he held that diary and slowly opened it, he found that the contents of that diary made him totally unable to distinguish its authenticity.

What a big shock, because that is clearly a record of someone's crimes. And It's 90% sure that this "someone" is probably himself. 

April 4, 2012, cloudy.

I saw Miss Susan on the way home from school today again. Wow, She is super beautiful. And I feel that I like her more and more with the days passing , but I know she is sick and I am really worried about her.

I have already told her several times about her sickness, however she didn't believe me and just thought I was talking nonsense. What's more, she always got very angry after that, which made me very sad and disappointed.

But I haven't given it up because I liked her seriously.

I noticed that she was standing alone in front of the school gate, apparently waiting for someone. That person seemed to be late and I was curious about it, so I planned to wait with her secretly.

Gradually the sky have become overcast, and the raindrops fell little by little. Fewer and fewer people walked on the street, more and more anxious Miss Susan became. How could she still got wet in the rain when she was sick? I felt very sorry for her and ran up to her to care about her.

Then I told her again that she was sick but I could cure it. Obviously, she became even more angry and warned me to leave or she would tell my mother to give me a penalty. How could she doesn't understand that I only want to help her? And why does she become so angry?

To be honest, I was a little offended at the time, but I held it back afterwards I like her so much. As we all know, being sick is very painful, so I continued to step forward. However, she became more serious and yelled at me, which made me heartbroken.

I knew she was suffering from an illness, and it would get too late if she didn't get the treatment as soon as possible.

So I took out an iron rod from my schoolbag and hit her head hardly. Sure enough, her voice dropped.

See, I just said that she was sick and only I could cure her.

However, I knew that her illness haven't been cured perfectly yet and that treatment was supposed to continue. Then I supported her and planned to find a quiet place to give her a good treat.

She was a little heavy, so I took a lot of efforts to bring her to an uninhabited alley.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier and I had to hurry up. I picked up my iron rod and hit her head again and again until she was motionless.

I took a breathe and the illness was finally cured. I called her name twice, but she didn't respond to me. It seemed that she was terrifically tired but it's not a big deal . After all, people who are recovering from serious illness always need to have a good rest.

I had a good idea to wait for that person on her behalf, but I didn't see him or her before my father showed up. It was really unreliable, but fortunately Miss Susan is now cured, otherwise it would have been too heartbreaking.

…What the hell?

… After reading this first chapter, Alex is totally shocked. A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. This chapter was written ten years ago, and unbelievable, there were others behind. He hurriedly turned to the next chapter. There is no doubt that second content was similar to the previous one, and they all talked about how to kill people.

"Parton? What the fuck. seriously? I've traveled through time and space into this guy's body? and this guy is a murder? holy shit " Alex feels so ridiculous.

Alex just has one question now.

How should a good person be judged if he happened to get his soul into the body of a perverted murderer?

Although I have no memory of the original owner's murder, this diary doesn't seem to be fake.

If the original owner really did the same stuff as what he wrote in the diary, should he surrender to the cops?

May the key is that Alex himself didn't do those crimes at all. Isn't this too unfair to himself? If he confessed he traveled through time and space to have a rebirth , is there anyone would like to believe it? Or just think he is a nut or seeks for an excuse?


How could he is damned unlucky? He was just eating some hot pot and watching a football match at home, and somehow He time-traveled to the body of a perverted murderer.

"Calm down! Calm down! Maybe it is not necessarily true. What if it's made up?"

When Alex is about to see more and tries to figure it out ,a piercing siren suddenly came from the community and his heart jumped as fast as a rabbit.

"Will they come to catch me?"

Just after reading this kind of diary, a siren sounded, which makes him couldn't help having those such bad associations.

 Alex quickly stood up and went to the window to have a look. He sees the police is entering his unit door. He becomes more panicked and quickly turned around to hide this crazy diary.

When he came to the door, he leaned on the door and listened very carefully. After a while, he heard many messy footsteps, getting closer and closer.


He has no way to escape successfully since cops are already outside the door. He isn't going to resist either and he considers to tell the truth, whether they believed it or not?

There is a commotion outside the door in the other side, and then Alex realizes that these police is not here to arrest him. He feels like he is surviving a catastrophe.

He doesn't want to open the door, after all, he is still so scared.

But Alex just is in hesitation in one second, after all, it seemed strange if he is not curious about such a big movement. There is a feeling that there was no silver in this place, which would definitely make him more suspicious.

He is not extremely foolish. 

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