
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 16 The original owner is awake

The original owner started killing people because of the so-called desire to "eat". After he became full, he began to pursue.

In fact, Alex wonders why the original owner stopped committing crimes in the past three years. Wasn't he "hungry"?

Alex had no clue for the time being.

He begins to search for information about the serial murder case and matches it with the diary one by one. The more he checks, the tighter his brows frowns.

Alex suddenly feels a strong sense of separation. In his opinion, since the original owner had completed the "evolution", why did the security guard die with previous method?

"Dessert" after the "main meal"?

Or the "staple food" in the "big meal"?

Moreover, Alex notices that the original owner was extremely meticulous. The victims seemed to be randomly selected, but in fact, the original owner noticed the distance factor. The victims were indeed randomly selected, but the location was not.

In order not to be locked by the police, he deliberately chose several places far away from his home to interfere with the direction of the police.

This is the source of the sense of separation,

The death of the security guard.

Since the original owner was so cautious, how could he commit crimes continuously in the same place? Doesn't this increase the risk of self-exposure?

Normally, the original owner should have ended after killing Tang, but there was an accident here. Jasmin turned on her light, which made the original owner suspect that she had discovered him, so the original owner killed her, which was reasonable.

But what about the security guard? Did the security guard also see something? Or know something?

Because only in this way it can explain why the original owner killed him, otherwise, unless the original owner was tired of living, he would commit crimes crazily in the same place.

Alex closes his eyes. If this guess is true, then what did the security guard find? He doesn't know for the time being.

But he knows that if the security guard really found something, the original owner must not have known about it at the beginning. If he had found it at that time, the security guard would have died earlier.

In other words, the security guard must have done something in the past few days that exposed his flaws and was discovered by the original owner, which is the reason why guard has been killed then.

Thinking of this, Alex suddenly freezes because he just has a terrifying guess. If this is true, it would be extremely terrible.

The original owner might have been awake for much longer than himself!

If Alex has to say that the security guard has done something recently that exposed his flaws, then it was only that day when he saw the security guard staring at Tang's photo. At that time, he also guessed that there might be a story between the security guard and Tang.

What does this mean? This means that the original owner knows everything he is experiencing now. The original owner follows him like a shadow, silently observing him in the dark, but he has no way of knowing the original owner's actions.

What's more, the original owner even knows the thoughts in Alex's mind? This can also explain why Alex understands the original owner more and more, because their thoughts are the same?

"No, this is too fantastic and ridiculous."

Then Alex shakes his head again, not ruling out this possibility, because he even has traveled through time, is there anything more fantastic than traveling through time?

If this is true, it seems that he has no way to stop the original owner.

Drunk? Drinking too much makes the body out of control, so the original owner can't kill people. He doesn't know if this method is effective? But he decides to try it tonight. He can't just leave it alone, right?

Now Alex couldn't communicate with the original owner, so he could only put this question aside for the time being. He decides to go downstairs to see if he could find any clues.

When he comes downstairs and looks at the messy empty space, his eyes narrow. He forgot one thing. If the security guard knew something, why didn't he tell the police?

Because of some reason he couldn't say it? Or did he not think that what he found was related to Tang's death?

Just as Alex is thinking, a scream interrupts him. He turns his head and sees a middle-aged woman kneeling on the ground crying, her hair is a little messy. A middle-aged man stands in front of her, and the man stretches out his hand and is a little at a loss.

Alex knows this man, who is the property manager of their apartment. He remembers that his name seems to be Liu.

It seems that he beat the woman. Did the couple have a conflict? However, Alex remembers that Liu has a good temper, who was cheerful and enthusiastic when he met anyone. Anyway, Liu doesn't look like a domestic violence person.

Liu sees Alex looking at him, smiles awkwardly, then squats down and tries to help the woman up, but the woman ignores him and just lowers her head and cries.

At this time, more and more people gather around. Liu discovers that someone takes out the mobile phone in order to call police, and he panics. If this matter is posted on the Internet, how could he live later? Domestic violence is always a hot topic.

He doesn't have more time to care about other things, and directly takes action to take his wife away. He whispers,

"If you have anything to say, go home and tell me. Get up now. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

Hearing this, the woman explodes,

"Shame? How am I ashamed? You hit me! You don't feel ashamed? Instead I should feel ashamed?"

Liu doesn't say anything, but insists on taking the woman away, but she still refuses to give in,

"I know you look down on him, but he is my brother after all. Now he is dead, and you tell me that he deserves it. Do you have any humanity? No matter what, he is your brother-in-law!"

Hearing the woman's words, Alex narrows his eyes. The security guard is Liu's brother-in-law?

Well, he really doesn't know this stuff...