
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 15 A three-year blank period in the diary

After that, Alex pats Chen on the shoulder and says,

"You should be glad that I am not the murderer, otherwise the scene what I described just now would really happen."

Alex returns to the house, and his expression suddenly becomes very strange, it was an expression of fear mixed with excitement.

Alex is afraid that this was too crazy, how could he do such a thing? Would the influence of the original owner become more serious? Would he eventually become a monster who also enjoyed killing people?

But this kind of madness and the feeling of dancing on the edge of a knife make him truly excited from the bottom of his heart.

Going outside the house, Chen has to admit that he really thought Yang had been killed at that moment. Thinking of what Alex said, he couldn't help but shudder.

If Yang was really killed, he couldn't imagine the result.

The court would probably accept Alex 's statement, which might be a bit radical, but it is normal for people to overreact when they are in danger.

In addition, he has investigated Alex 's family background. His parents are very rich and could hire the best lawyer. Alex would probably be acquitted in the end. In this way, Yang would have died in vain, and Yang died because of his illegal operation, which indeed makes him feel scared.

Chen is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of others dying because his mistakes.

Yang sees the fear in Chen's eyes and gets stunned. What happened just now? Why did Chen feel so startled?

Yang thinks of the last sentence of Alex, and he gradually understands. Although Yang doesn't know what method Alex used to make Chen mistakenly believe that he was killed, he knows that the reason why Chen is afraid is because Chen truly worries about him and is afraid that something terrible would happen to him. His eyes get a little wet.

Chen comes back to his senses, does not look at Yang , walks in front, and says earnestly,

"Don't learn from me in the future, I will review it with my superiors when I go back."

Yang follows him and shakes his head, saying, "There is no need, Chen, Alex volunteered to let me search."

Chen nods, and then asks, "Did you find anything there?"

Frankly speaking, Chen doesn't actually expect it in his heart, but Yang answers,


Chen is stunned. How could there be some proofs left? He turns around and asks hurriedly, "What exactly did you find?"

Yang smiles, "I found that you actually cares about me so much, Chen ,thanks."

Chen immediately becomes annoyed. He was fooled again and he wonders if he is really old. If not, why was he always fooled successfully? He raises his leg and kicks, but Yang dodges. Chen complains unhappily,

"Tell me quickly, is there really anything discovered?"

"Chen, how could it be possible? If there was one, I would have caught him long ago."

Chen shakes his head. Yes, right, how could it be possible? He is just distracted by what happened just now, and then looks at Yang seriously and says,

"Don't joke about this stuff next time!"

"Yes! Sir. " Yang promises loudly, and then smiles and says, "Chen, I am also a policeman, even if I am new. You don't have to worry about me and I will take good care of myself."

Chen looks at Yang and thinks of how he looked when he first joined the police force, and he was also so high-spirited.

Then he shakes his head and stops sighing, turns around and asks, "What do you think of Alex ?"

Hearing Chen start to discuss the case, Yang stops playing around, thinking of the scene he and Alex have just encountered several minutes advanced, and says seriously,

"It makes people feel chilling. Even if he is laughing, there is still an inexplicable fear, just like facing a beast that chooses people to eat."

Chen listens to his description, and Alex 's eyes without any emotion just now appears in his mind. These eyes gradually overlaps with the eyes in his memory, and he finds that they were surprisingly similar.

"Could it be you?"

Alex suppresses the strange emotions arising in his heart and calms himself down.

He turns on his phone and plans to watch some videos to change his mind, but it is the opposite of what he wants. The murders that happened one after another has occupied the headlines of the news.

He watches several videos in a row, all of which are about this case. Just when he is about to turn it off, he hears a host talking mysteriously, saying that the devil is back again.

Alex thinks that this host is trying to attract attention and take advantage of the hot spots, because his tone is really not like the tone of reporting the case, but rather like telling a ghost story.

But Alex notices that the IP address shows that it is local. He does not turn off his phone, but starts to listen this program, maybe the host does know something.

The anchor says mysteriously that this is not the first time. Three years ago, a serial murder case occurred here and the case has not been solved yet. He swears that every local person knew about it.

Alex frowns and takes out the diary he carries with him anytime and begins to read it. He is surprised to find that what the anchor says is true. There is indeed a three-year blank period in the diary, followed by Tang 's death.

Alex was busy reading the content before and didn't pay attention to the date at all.

In other words, the original owner did not commit crimes for three years for unknown reasons. Three years later, he started committing crimes again. The first victim was Tang. The most important thing was that the method of committing crimes had changed dramatically. It was no longer the torture anymore, but was more inclined to pursue "art".

Alex is a little confused, but he is not puzzled about why the original owner suddenly changed his method of committing crimes, because he roughly understood that reason.

People are like this. When they are hungry, their minds are all about how to make themselves full, but when they are full, people think about doing something better. Normally, people call this phenomenon pursuit.