
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 17 Only one possibility is the two reached an agreement

Liu is kind of angry to begin with. After his wife makes such a fuss, and thinking that he is about to be expelled, he would probably have a hard time in the future, he gets totally exploded since there' s nothing needed to be cared anymore.

"You still have the nerve to say that? What era is it now? Are you still using the son-in-law system? Everyone spoils him like this, I knew he would get into trouble, he deserves it! And I look down on him, well, is there anything good he has done to make me appreciate him? Do you want me to tell you about the disgusting things he did? Huh?"

Then Liu walks towards the crowd angrily and complains all the truth to the person who is filming.

Alex also gradually understands that there was no story between the security guard and Tang , it was just peeping. Is this why he didn't tell the police? Because he didn't want to expose his dark secrets.

Alex thinks it was probably like this. From Liu's words, he knew that that was not Li's first time to do peeping. The lesson that time was very serious and he was expelled from the school directly, so he didn't want to expose it this time, because he couldn't afford the consequences of being exposed.

What did Li find out exactly? Now that Li is dead, Alex has no place to ask more.

Shaking his head, Alex leaves the crowd. He feels that if he continues thinking like this, he would become bald sooner or later. When had he ever thought about this stuff before he traveled through time?

Alex walks aimlessly on the street, trying to put himself in Li's shoes.

Li has been watching Tang silently and very closely, and even entered her home. He was sure that he would watch Tang's live broadcast on time, and maybe he knew what Tang was doing every day.

Then Tang suddenly disappeared, he would definitely find it out, and then he sneaked into Tang's home again to make sure that she wasn't at home.

What should he do at this time? Report to the police?

No! He didn't dare, firstly, he couldn't explain, and secondly, he was afraid of exposing the fact that he was spying.

What would he do then? No doubt he would look for Tang by himself.

Since the day Tang disappeared, Li should have entered her home many times to determine whether Tang has returned or not. This checking time must be very late, and the early morning is the most suitable and best.

However, the original owner buried the corpse of Tang in the early morning that night, so the two may have met. Judging from the timeline, this is very likely.

At that time, the original owner was burying the body, and Li was rushing to Tang's home, or just came out of Tang's home. He saw a person digging something in the open space. As a security guard, he would definitely go forward to check.

Then the original owner discovered him. According to the original owner's habit, he should have killed him on the spot, just like killing Jasmin, but the original owner did not do it immediately. Why? And Li did not tell the police about this afterwards either. What's the reason for?

There are two possibilities. The first is that the two reached an agreement, and the second is that the original owner threatened Li and made him dare not tell anyone.

In Alex's opinion, it is unlikely to threaten Li, because there are only three points that can threaten Li, one is Tang's whereabouts, the second is his spying, and the third is his life.

The first one can be ruled out first. According to Li's obsession with Tang, this can indeed threaten him temporarily, but if so, when the corpse was found, he should have told the police immediately, but he didn't, which shows that this is not the case.

The second is his spying, which may also threaten him, but for the same reason, he is so abdicated to Tang, how could he quit it for the original owner? After all, it is murder, and it is killing the person he "loves most".

As for the third threat of his life, it is even more impossible. It is unnecessary and it is better to kill Li directly. Anyway, Jasmin was killed that night. One more and one less will not make a difference.

Then there is only one possibility left, that is, the two reached an agreement, so many things can be explained.

As for why he was killed afterwards, it is also easy to understand. The dead are the most strict.

The more Alex thought about it, the more he felt that this was the truth, because there was another benefit, blaming this case on Li, anyway, he was already dead.

And Alex thought that the two should have reached an agreement long ago. If they met by chance that night, how could Li agree on the spot? Doesn't he need to do psychological preparation? Unless Li is as perverted as the original owner, but this probability is too small in his opinion.

The original owner should have discovered Li's peeping a long time ago, and even noticed Li's idea of ​​killing Tang. After that, he found Li, and the two hit it off and committed the crime together.

Although Alex feels sorry for his conscience when he thinks of this, he is still relieved from the bottom of his heart, because with the original owner's meticulous mind, he should have planned everything a long time ago, including killing Li, just to put everything on Li.

In this way, the police should not be able to find him. As for why the original owner killed Li in the previous way, maybe for excitement or stimulation? Or what? He didn't know for the time being.

Of course, Alex would not completely believe the original owner and give up the investigation. He still has to find the first crime scene as much as possible to prove that his guess is correct, and then checks carefully to see if there is anything missing.

On the other side, Chen, Yang and several colleagues are in a spacious conference room. It is obvious that they are waiting for someone together.

After a while, a middle-aged man and a young woman come in. Chen and Yang stand up to greet them.

"Hello, I'm Chen, this is my apprentice Yang."

The middle-aged man smiles,

"Officer Chen, I've heard of you for a long time. I'm Hu, this is Alice. Because this case is too bad and it also leads to the serial murder case three years ago, the leaders attach great importance to it and set up a special task force. Considering that you have met the murderer of that case and have been in charge of it, the higher-ups decided to let you be the leader of this task force. We are here to assist you in your work."

Chen nods and turns to look at Alice. Chen has noticed this young female police officer since they entered the door. He feels inexplicably familiar with her, but he just couldn't remember her well.

Hu discovers his confusion and explains, "She is Liliya's daughter."


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