
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 14 Is justice obtained through unjust means still justice?

Chen is really worried about Yang's safety and doesn't have more time to care about others. Then he shouts,

"Get out of the way! I tell all of you guys now, you are obstructing law enforcement! It's illegal!"

The crowd is still not giving in. Chen becomes more and more anxious and warns them loudly, "I promise that the case will be solved soon! If you still don't leave, I will arrest you all!"

Alex is walking on his way home. He shakes his neck, and his cervical spine makes a creaking sound. He walks neither fast nor slow, and des not seem to be in a hurry.

When Alex comes upstairs of his house, he sees that the door is open. He unconsciously put on a happy smile on his face, walks slowly to the door, and sees Yang looking through something in his closet.

Alex waits for a while, and finds that Yang is too serious to notice him. So he walks forward gently and quietly and comes behind Yang.

Yang is carefully checking the traces in the closet, and suddenly he sees a pair of feet appear behind him from the corner of his eye, which scares him so much. He turns his head quickly and sees that Alex is looking at him with a ironic smile.

Yang freezes for a moment, and then Alex laughs and asks softly,

"Officer Yang, did I startle you? Sorry, by the way, I'm a little curious about what Officer Yang is looking for at my cabinet? Tell me please and I'll help you find it, which will be easier and faster, after all, this is my home, right?"

Yang Shu is speechless for a moment, he feels an inexplicable fear at this time.

Alex suddenly pretends that he realizes,

"Oh, Officer Yang suspects that I am the murderer, right? Came to my house to look for any clues? You should have said it earlier, just tell me, I will definitely cooperate with you.

So, Officer Yang, please continue."

As Alex gestures for Yang to continue, Yang looks up and stares at Alex. To be honest, Yang is a policeman, and he does not allow himself to be afraid of criminals, which makes him feel truly ashamed.

Alex ignores his terrible look and smiles,

"It's inconvenient for me to be here, right? OK okay, I'll leave, you can continue and don't refuse it please. Since you suspect me, if I just say I'm really innocent, you will definitely not believe it. Now it's good, after you finish the inspection, if you don't find any clues, isn't this a disguised way to clear my suspicion? I want it more than anything."

Without giving Yang any chance to refuse, Alex walks out directly and closes the door considerately.

Yang is a little confused at this time because he even thought Alex was going to commit a crime just now. Yang is ready, but now Alex just leaves?

Yang looks around doubtfully. Since Alex asks him to continue the inspection, then he continues.

Alex stands quietly outside the door, waiting for Chen to arrive.

The excitement of the crowd on the other side is temporary. Chen calms the crowd down and rans to Alex's house as fast as possible. After a while, Chen climbs to the floor where Alex lives and sees Alex standing at the door right now.

Alex has already notices that Chen has come up. When Chen gets closer, Alex's expression totally changes and he shows a very panic appearance to make a trick for Chen.

Chen's heart sank when he sees Alex's expression. The bad premonition in his heart becomes stronger and stronger. He rans up quickly, grabs Alex's collar, and growls,

"Where is Yang?"

Alex pretends to be in shock and stammers,

"Officer Chen, you...believe me, I...didn't mean to do it, really, I really didn't mean to do it, you believe me, Officer Chen, you must believe me!"

Chen feels a sudden pain in his heart when he hears about this, followed by a strong sense of dizziness. He staggers two steps, then steadies himself. He suddenly shakes Alex off and rushes into the house, but is pinned to the wall by Alex hardly.

Alex holds Chen tightly, staring into his eyes. There was no emotion in Alex's eyes, but Alex's expression is still panicked.

"Officer Chen, you must believe me! Three murders happened in the apartment one after another, making people panic, including me.

I returned home and suddenly found a stranger in my house. My first thought was that the murderer was targeting me. You know, I was very scared at the time.

Really, I was too scared to think much, I picked up a stick and smashed it on that person's head, again and again, until he was completely motionless.

Only then did I realize that this person was Officer Yang. I swear I didn't know he was Officer Yang beforehand. Really, if it was Officer Yang, how could I have done it? Officer Chen, do you believe me?"

Chen shows a painful look on his face and grits his teeth, "Get out of the way!"

Alex feels that it is almost a good time to release Chen now, then he does it and Chen pushes him away hardly. Just as Chen is about to open the door, Alex's door suddenly opens and Yang walks out with an innocent face. Yang discovers Chen and asks with some confusion,

"Chen, why are you here?"

Chen stares at Yang steadily. Yang is somewhat at a loss for words and asks weakly,

"What's wrong, Chen?"

Chen comes to his senses and turns his head to look at Alex with incredible eyes. Chen knows clearly that he has been fooled.

Alex's face is no longer panicked anymore. He smiles and says,

"Officer Chen, whether you suspect me or not, investigate me or search my home, I will cooperate unconditionally. But I have seen a problem that I have always been puzzled about. Is justice obtained through unjust means still justice? I think you law enforcement officers should definitely understand this issue better than me, right?"