
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 13 The provocative behavior of Alex

"Yes! We didn't even ask Alex why the deceased died. Why did he say it so suddenly? Would a normal person do that?"

"Absolutely not!" Yang replies.

Chen nods and continues excitedly,

"Then why did Alex say that suddenly? Do you remember what I was doing at that time?"

Yang recalls the scene at that time,

"Open the cabinet! There is something absolutely in Alex's cabinet!"

"That's right! I suspect that the murder weapon was hidden inside at that time! Maybe he didn't have time, or maybe he was very confident in himself. Anyway, he put the murder weapon in the closet without getting rid of it.

At that time, there was only one door between me and the closet. I was about to open it, and he saw it. In order not to be discovered, he had to stop me, but what could he do in that kind of situation at that time? run? There were police outside, how could he escape successfully?

Impossible, so he had no choice but to threw out a point that could attract my attention and prevent me from opening the cabinet. This was the reason why he suddenly offered with that guess. "

Yang is a little excited and asks, "Then shall we arrest him now?"

Max shakes his head immediately,

"Everything is just a speculation. If there is no evidence, arresting is impossible." Yang is a little frustrated when he hears about it.

Chen hesitates in a moment and says, "I have an idea."

Yang asks excitedly, "What can we do?"

"Alex is right here."

After hearing about it, Yang immediately turns around to look for Alex, but he is stopped soon by Chen.

"Do not look around and let me continue to talk about my method. Since Alex is here, I will pester him on the pretext of asking him to cooperate with the investigation, and then Yang will take this opportunity to go to his house to see if you can find any clues."

Max frowns, "This is not in accordance with the procedure."

Chen doesn't care about it, "It's more important to solve the case. If anything happens, I'll take the responsibility."

Yang also agrees with this idea. As a newcomer, of course he feels that solving the case is the first priority, and the procedures could be supplemented later.

Max is speechless but he does not stop Yang either because he feels that Chen's guess is probably the real truth.

Seeing the expressions of the two persons, Chen nods and says, "Bring your tools, be careful, and do quickly."

Yang nods heavily.

Chen turns around and walks towards Alex, which makes Alex puzzled and curious.

"Officer Chen? Are you looking for me?"

Chen nods, "There are some situations that I need to know more clearly, please cooperate with me now."

Alex nods, "If you need to know anything, I will definitely cooperate and help."

Seeing Alex's calm expression, Chen suddenly feels that if Alex really killed someone, he would definitely have left no trace. He kind of regrets to let Yang go to check alone. He turns around and wants to call Yang back, but he finds that Yang has already left. 

"This brat is really proactive."

Since Yang has gone, Chen must match with him well. Then he continue to ask,

"Do you know the deceased?"

Alex also notices Yang leaving. To be honest, he is a little confused about it. Where will this young policeman go instead of staying at the scene of the crime? Thinking that among so crowded people, Chen only turns to him to ask for more information , Alex has some guesses.

There is a half-smile expression appearing on his face, Alex looks at Chen, laughs and says,

"I know, the security guard, but I'm not familiar with him. Also, Officer Chen, frankly speaking, if you really want to doubt me or investigate me, just tell me and I promise to cooperate. There's no need to do something behind me now."

Chen doesn't panic when he is discovered, and asks back, "What kind of thing is needed to do behind you? I'm just asking you for some information normally. Is there any problem?"

Alex doesn't bother anymore, "No problem, just ask whatever you want."

Seeing Alex's indifferent look, Chen becomes even less confident. He feels that Yang might fail because Alex's performance is too calm.

Alex is indeed calm. The murder weapon has been transferred by himself. As for whether it would leave any traces? If the original owner has been so careless, he would have been caught long long ago. How could wait till his time- travel? But he is still afraid in his heart. The matter might be exposed if it were a little later, truly.

Alex glances around. Many people's faces are full of panic, and everyone's eyes reveals an emotion of distrust.

He takes it to heart and has an idea. Although he is not worried about the police searching his room, in particular, this is done without his consent, he is still a little angry.

Alex looks at Chen and asks loudly, "Officer Chen, can I ask you a question?" Chen raises his head and stares at him, "Go ahead."

"I want to ask you when the police will solve the case? It has happened three times in a row, which makes me very scared. I have been restless these days, for fear that I will die next."

As soon as he finishes speaking, the crowd who has been discussing quietly just now suddenly falls silent, and then immediately becomes noisy.

"Yes, when will you solve the case?"

"How are we going to live like this?"

Such questions kept coming one after another, and the policemen are a little at a loss and all looks at Chen.

Seeing that the crowd is getting more and more restless, Chen has to step in to coordinate and explains loudly,

"Don't worry! We will seize the time to solve the case! Ensure your personal safety..."

Alex takes this opportunity to retreat quietly. Chen was calming the people at that time and did not notice Alex's movements. By the time he notices it, Alex has already retreated to the periphery.

Chen glares at Alex, who is looking at Chen with a smile of unknown meaning on his face, making a walking gesture with his two fingers, telling Chen that he is going home.

Chen wants to stop him, raising his legs to chase him. While people become even more excited when they find out that Chen is about to leave.

"You can not leave before you answer our questions? And who and how will the police guarantee our safety?"

Chen feels like he couldn't get out quickly, so he hurriedly turns back and shouts to Max,

"Call Yang, please! Let him come back! Hurry!"

Max also knows the priorities and immediately takes out his phone to call. After ringing for a while, he says with an anxious face,

"No one answered, probably because he didn't bring the cell phone. Or maybe …"

"Fuck!" Chen yells in a low voice, anxiously.