
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 12 Who has contact with these three deceased?

Chen frowns and asks, "What do you mean exactly? tell me what you have known."

Liu really needs to find someone to talk to about his inner anguish. He points at Li and says, "Officer Chen, didn't you say that day that he doesn't look like a security guard? Well, the reason why he does not look like it is because he was expelled from school. He was not graduated at all, you know."

Li becomes more and more excited as he speaks, pointing at Li with trembling fingers,

"Officer Chen, do you know what he did in college? I feel really embarrassed even if I just say it. He sneaked into the women's restroom to secretly film girls! It makes me awfully sick with just imagining about it!

Because of this, he was expelled from school and stayed at home for a while, but people have to go for a work, right? If not, who could support him for a lifetime? Fortunately, the girl took care of her own face and reputation seriously, so this incident didn't cause much trouble and not many people knew about the details.

But what could he do without a degree? Food delivery? or goods delivery? In addition, that incident probably caused a psychological shadow on him. Since then, he didn't like to talk to others much, and he couldn't hold any job for a long time. Naturally, his sister turned to me for begging. I am also a company leader, and it's not much difficult to arrange some special individuals to take a small job.

At the beginning, I indeed said I didn't agree with him coming to work here because I truly know who he was and what he has done? I was afraid that he would do something embarrassing and humiliating again, but there is no other way. Since my wife kept persuading me and quarreling with me everyday, which made my life totally messy.

I couldn't resist my wife's attacks, so I agreed finally with his repeated assurances. Even I was still worried about this, so I came over here often to have a look, fearing that he would cause more troubles for me. More than half a year later, I found this guy seem really changed and become more and more diligent. Everything seem have returned to how they were before, so I gradually felt relieved. Who would have thought that Li would end like this? "

Listening to Liu's accusation, Chen roughly understood what kind of person Li was.

"Is there any thing that you think he would probably die for?"

Liu is still angry,

"What else could it be? He must have secretly photographed someone again and been discovered and been murdered for his or her revenge. I think he totally deserves it!"

Chen waves his hand and stops him. He knows why Liu is so angry. There are many people like Liu who can arrange some special individuals to join the company, but the premise is that nothing happens to the people he arranges. If something happens, it just means he doesn't have enough ability to know the person well and will get penalty .

The business circle is not that big and it is impossible for Liu to find a similar job again. In other words, Liu will have to change fields and start over again. But how old is he now? In this way, his future life is basically ruined. How can he not hate Li deeply?

But Chen doesn't think this was a pure revenge, because the method was too cruel.

He recalls the 609 serial murder case in his mind, and the more he thinks about it, the more he feels that it is that person who did it. But he couldn't figure out why it was Li this time? Is it such a coincidence?

Alex drives car back to his house. He sees the police car in the apartment and knows that the police must have found the corpse.

After parking the car and coming out of the basement, he comes to the crime scene. The scene is crowdedly surrounded, and taking a lot of effort, he squeezes to the front. He looks at the deceased, and it is indeed the same as what was recorded in the diary.

At this time, Chen walks to Max and says,

"Max, let's assume that Li is the murderer of Tang, then who else killed him? If he was not randomly selected, does it mean that the person who killed him knew Tang as well? And did that person do it with the intention of revenge?"

Max nods,

"Your guess is not unreasonable, but there are too many people who know Tang apparently. Her fans and suitors are all possible."

Chen shakes his head,

"No, there are indeed many people who know Tang, but not many people who know her and know Li's secret at the same time."

As he speaks, Chen spots Alex with his peripheral vision, and then his eyes lit up, and the scene when he firstly asked Alex came to his mind. He immediately calls Yang,

"Yang, do you still remember the scene when you asked Alex?"

Yang nods,

"Of course I remembered. His guess at that time was very accurate, which made me deeply impressed."

Max asks, "Do you doubt Alex?"

Chen nods,

"Indeed, you see that these three deceased people are all near his house. Of course, this definitely doesn't mean anything, but he did have contact with them. He lived next door to Jasmin, and he also pursued Tang, and he definitely knew this security guard when he enters and leaves the apartment every day, plus he is a taxidermist and has done a lot of skinning and other things, which shows that he is good at playing with knives.

Of course, the most critical point is what I just thought of. Yang, do you think there was anything wrong when you asked him at that time? "

Yang frowns and recalls for a while, suddenly his eyes widens, and he says quickly,

"That guess!"