
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 11 609 serial murder case 3 years ago !

Max also sees the stunned Chen , and then walks toward him without hesitation,

"The time of death was between two and three in the morning. There were no signs of dragging at the scene, indicating that the deceased followed the murderer consciously. After inhuman hardship, the deceased had injuries everywhere except his head, and his bones were broken in many places. He should have been beaten to death with a blunt object.

The murderer deliberately paid attention to avoid the key points of body, and the method is the same as that of the serial murder case three years ago. Of course, I am more inclined to imitate the crime. It has been three years, and I don't think a serial murderer can control his desires so much long time. "

Chen doesn't speak, while he just looks at the deceased blankly, as if he is lost in the memories.

When Yang hears what Max said, he glances at Chen worriedly. Although he has just arrived at the police station recently, he knows what Max was talking about because the serial murder case is so famous.

609 serial murder case!

First, the number of victims is staggering. There are a total of twenty-seven victims, both male and female. They have nothing in common, as if they were randomly selected.

Second, the murderer's methods were extremely cruel, and everyone was beaten to death.

Third, the murderer is very cunning and has not been caught yet.

Yang looks at Chen seriously. As far as he knew, Chen had met the murderer and happened to catch the murderer in the act. However, because the situation was critical and it was important to save victims, Chen did not chase the murderer successfully and let the murderer run away.

Fortunately, the victim was rescued finally.

Unfortunately, the murderer became silent for a while after this incident.

The police knew that this was the calm before the storm, but no one expected that the murderer would become so crazy later.

Half a year later, the murderer committed another crime, and his target was the same person who was rescued by Chen before in that incident. This time the luck did not favor that person again. The murderer succeeded, but his method was still as cruel.

Yang knows that Chen must be in pain in his heart hardly. He feels that if he has encountered this situation, he might have been beaten to the point of collapse, but Chen did not and still did not give up, so awesome.

This provocative behavior of the murder also angered the police, who decided to invest more force, but as fate would have it, the murderer seemed to want to appreciate the police's incompetence and suddenly stopped committing crimes. There were no new clues, and the old clues were useless, so this case also reached a dead end and became an unsolved case.

Chen comes back to his senses and speaks slowly, as if he is to cheer himself up and says,

"We can't draw this conclusion yet, but I have a hunch that if it's still 'him', then 'he' will definitely not be able to escape this time."

Then he asks, "Anything else has been discovered?"

Max takes out a mobile phone and hands it to Chen and responses, "This was found on the deceased's body and it is the deceased's mobile phone. There are some things in it, including some interesting photo albums and videos. You can check it by yourself."

Chen takes the phone and opens the album. Wow, he recognizes the person in the album at a glance, Tang. He raises his head and looks at Max, who motions for him to continue checking.

It doesn't take a long time for him to look it through quickly, frowning, and there are some perverted things Li did to the unconscious Tang recorded in his phone.

After seeing Chen finish reading, Max says,

"Now we know that Li has a habit of peeking, even to the point of being possessed. From the video, it can be seen that the deceased was in a coma, which also explains why signs of long-term use of sleeping aids were found in the body of the deceased, which is probably done by him and now it seems that Li is highly suspicious that he murdered Tang too.

As for the motive, it is not difficult to see from the contents of the mobile phone that he was very obsessed with the deceased Tang, but what was Tang's identity? Internet celebrity, or if I use a popular term to describe it more accurately, son of bitch.

Li watched her being ambiguous with various men every day. It was normal that he couldn't accept that, so he killed her out of love and hatred. The way the deceased was made into a work of art was in line with his psychological distortion. "

Chen frowns.

Well, it is indeed true if it is considered at this way, but Chen is still a little confused.

"His suspicion is indeed pretty high, but don't you guys think Li is too thin and weak? It should be very difficult for him to dismember the body. How did he do it at that time?"

Max nods slowly, arising the same confusion.

Suddenly, Chen remembers one thing,

"By the way, I remember that the property manager here is his brother-in-law, right ? Where is he now?"

Max stretches out his hand and points somewhere. Liu is squatting in the corner, looking lost. Chen turns his head and cast a doubtful look at Max.

Then Max explains,

"With such big incidents in the apartment, he will definitely have to quit his job. He will lose his job in the middle age, you know, plus the deceased is his brother-in-law. There is nothing could worse than it."

As he speaks, Max shakes his head with a look of regret.

Chen nods, walks up and pats his shoulder to express comfort and understanding. Liu comes back to his senses and glances at Chen and the dead Li. His expression changes and he grits his teeth and yells angrily,

"I knew it! I knew it! Sooner or later he was going to get me totally into a big trouble!"