

"Deku! Are you okay?" Rey shouted, sprinting towards All Might and Deku. The boy burst through the ring of teachers.

"Rey! You're bleeding!" Deku exclaimed, pointing at a bloody wound on Rey's shoulder.

"It's nothing! Don't worry about it." Rey examined Deku's broken arm and turned him around. After seeing that nothing else was broken, Rey looked at Deku. "Where's the rest of the class? Where's Aizawa sensei?"

"We all got separated by the villain with the portal Quirk. Ai-Aizawa sensei is over there." Deku pointed at Aizawa's still figure.

Rey sucked in a breath of air. "Let's go. We have to help him!"

Rey grabbed Deku's uninjured hand and pulled him towards the entrance.

"Where did you get teleported to? I got trapped underground on the far side of USJ. I just managed to find my way back. Where are all of the villains? What is All Might doing here?" Rey questioned.

"Tsuyu and I got teleported to the sinking ship area. And, and, the villains escaped after All Might defeated them. We won, Rey!" Deku replied.

Rey nodded in response. The two reached Aizawa's side where Present Mic was already tending to his injuries. Rey kneeled next to Aizawa and placed a hand on Aizawa's chest.

"Deku, go and check on our classmates. If anyone is hurt, bring them to me! I'll heal them." Rey ordered. Deku nodded and left.

"What are you planning, Rey?" Present Mic said.

Rey looked at the hero. "My Quirk can heal people. Aizawa sensei's life force is extremely low right now. I need to inject life force into his body in order to stabilize his condition before his wounds can heal."

Present Mic nodded and moved backwards, giving the boy the room he needed. Rey placed both hands on Aizawa's chest, and a bright glow lighted up Aizawa's body. Streams of light particles from the surrounding areas flowed into Rey's body. The glow got brighter as Rey accumulated all of the light particles in the area and converted it into life force. He pushed the ball of light onto Aizawa's chest.

Rey's hands were shaking, and his sweat dropped continuously onto the floor. The blood flowed faster from Rey's wound, but he didn't stop the healing process.

"Rey, please help Thirteen! She's hurt badly!" Momo cried out. Bakugo and Shoto carried over the injured hero.

Rey stopped using his Quirk on Aizawa and took a shaky breath. "Put Thirteen over there. I'll be right there."

Rey stood up unsteadily and moved towards Thirteen. He stumbled halfway, but Present Mic caught the boy. "Careful, you've lost a lot of blood. Don't push yourself. You should get some rest and your wound looked at."

Rey shook his head. "I'm fine. Thirteen needs my help. Help me walk over there."

Present Mic frowned, but he knew that Rey's words were true. With the help of Present Mic, Rey was able to make his way next to Thirteen. He collapsed next to the hero. Rey placed two shaking hands onto Thirteen's back and started to heal her.

Outside, sirens wailed. The police and ambulances have finally arrived. Paramedics and the police rushed into the USJ.

"Rey, you can stop now. There's people here to help them now." Present Mic pulled the boy away from Thirteen.

"Go and mee-" Present Mic started to tell the boy to go find his classmates, but he broke off after seeing the boy's condition. Rey's skin was boiling hot, but his body was shivering. Rey's lips were pale white, and he could barely stand. The boy swayed on his feet and fell backwards.


When I woke up, everything hurt. The most acute pain was in my left shoulder. I was lying in a comfortable bed with white curtains draped around it. I groaned as I maneuvered myself into a sitting position.

Pulling back the curtains, I saw a bandaged mummy on the opposite bed. I stared for a couple moments before realizing its identity. "Good morning, Aizawa sensei."

"You mean good afternoon, Rey. You've been out for more than a day." Mr. Aizawa said.

"Oh, I see. Good afternoon then."

"I'm glad to see that you're in good spirits. However, that doesn't mean I'm letting you off the hook. Even though you are more experienced than your classmates, running into a group of villains is still very dangerous. Not only that, you did not attend to your own wounds and recklessly overexerted your Quirk in healing Thirteen and I. Do you know how dangerous that is?" Mr. Aizawa scolded.

"Sorry, Mr. Aizawa." I apologized.

"As for you, as a pro hero and teacher, how did you not recognize the fact that Rey was pushing himself too far? Why did you let him heal Thirteen and I in such a situation? Sometimes, I wonder what goes on in that brain of yours." Mr. Aizawa continued, scolding someone I could not see.

"My bad, Aizawa. Your situation and Thirteen's just didn't look very pretty, so I misjudged the situation." Present Mic apologized.

Someone cleared their throat. We all looked at the doorway to see Recovery Girl and Nezu standing there.

"Actually, both Aizawa and Hizashi are correct. It is true that it was very dangerous to allow Rey go through the healing process while injured. However, if Rey had not chosen to do so, Thirteen would have been in a life-threatening condition by the time help arrived. So, Aizawa, Rey's judgement was not wrong." Recovery Girl said.

She walked up to me and knocked her walking stick on my head.


"But that doesn't mean you are allowed to pull such a stunt again. Your body temperature was dangerously high when we got to you, and you passed out from excessive blood loss. In order to let your body heal, you are not allowed to use your Quirk for the next week in class." Recovery Girl ordered.

I nodded obediently. "Yes ma'am."

Recovery Girl gave me and Aizawa a quick check up before leaving.

"The doctors say that both you and Rey can be discharged from the hospital after tonight. I'll leave Rey with you then." Nezu told Aizawa.

Nezu, Present Mic, and Recovery Girl closed the door and left the two of us alone.

I sighed and lied down on my bed. "How are your eyes, Aizawa-sensei?"

"The doctor says they will be fine. How are you feeling, Rey?" Mr. Aizawa asked.

"I've been through worse. I'll live." I stretched my good arm.

Mr. Aizawa made a noise in reply. "Thank you, Rey, for saving me."

The next day, the class of 1-A was unusually quiet. They were all sitting in their desks, the mood was heavy. Deku occasionally glanced at the empty seat behind him. Rey was still not in class.

The door slid open. All eyes turned towards the door. A white-hair boy with bandages around his left shoulder entered the room.

"Rey! You're here!" Deku exclaimed in surprise. Rey gave a friendly wave as he walked over to his seat and sat down.

"Are you alright, Rey?" Momo asked worriedly.

"Don't worry! Recovery Girl said that I'm well enough to come back to class, but I just can't use my Quirk for a couple days." Rey reassured his friends.

Deku sighed in relief. He was about to ask about Aizawa when the bell rang. Everyone quieted down.

The door slid open, and a bandaged man walked into the classroom.

"Aizawa sensei! What are you doing here?"

"That's Aizawa sensei? I thought that was a mummy."

"Aizawa sensei, is it okay for you to be here?"

Aizawa waited for the sound to die down. His onyx eyes swept across the students. "My wellbeing does not concern you."

In the back of the classroom, Rey started choking on the the water he just swallowed. Aizawa saw his student's dismay and cleared his throat. "I'm fine. I've been discharged from the hospital and deemed well enough to continue teaching."

The atmosphere of the classroom got brighter, and many students breathed a sigh of relief.

"But, your battle is not over yet!" Aizawa announced. "Your next battle will be the annual UA Sports Festival!"