
Suspicions (Part 1)

I watched as the rest of my classmates cleared the obstacle course with their Quirks. I was sitting out of the exercise, courtesy of Recovery Girl's explicit directions to me not to use my Quirk. I flexed my injured shoulder and winced.

Maybe I overdid faking the injury. That seriously hurt. Heh, so merciless, even to myself.

I sighed and massaged my temples.

I wonder how long this peace is going to last. I looked over at Mr. Aizawa and All Might who were supervising the exercise. If they chose to investigate the incident even more, and they will, they're going to find something about the Reaper. At that time, I don't know how much longer I can hide my secret.

A pity I don't have a doppelgänger Quirk, or else everything would have been so much easier. I guess I'll have to take it step by step when the time comes.

"I've asked you to gather here in order to discuss the USJ attack. Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi here has information the police gathered about the villains present at the attack. I'll have the detective start first." Nezu said.

The detective cleared his throat and looked at the heroes sitting in the conference room. "From the police's investigation, the two leaders of the attack, Tomaru Shigaraki and Kurogiri, have no registered information about both of them in the government database. Neither Quirks have been registered, too. As for the other villains, they were all low grade villains and thugs gathered from the streets."

"What about the Nomu?" All Might asked.

"The Nomu was located around 400 meters from UA school campus. He, excuse me, it had not made any indication of movement or speech after the police captured it. It seems to have no capabilities of thinking on its own. The police are still working to see what other information can be acquired from the Nomu." Naomasa said.

The heroes discussed quietly amongst each other. Aizawa sat quietly, clearly concerned about something.

"And what about the cause of the attack? How did the villains know All Might would be at USJ?" Ectoplasm asked.

"Isn't it obvious? There's a traitor at UA." Present Mic said grimly.

"Who's the traitor then?" Snipe asked.

"I don't know. We'll have to do background searches of everyone on campus, including us teachers. We're all suspects." Present Mic said.

"How can we do that? For all I know, you could be the traitor." Snipe challenged.

"That's enough! Present Mic and Snipe are both right. We cannot eliminate the possibility that we have a traitor at UA, but we cannot start suspecting everyone. That will only tear us apart." Nezu said firmly. "This matter ends here."

"Is there anything else we can work off of?" Midnight asked.

"Tomaru Shigaraki, he called himself the leader of the League of Villains. But he doesn't act anything like the villains I faced before. His mindset is like a child. His actions and manner are all similar to a child's. It's as if he's treating this attack as a game where he can start over if he failed." All Might said.

"What if it is true? What if someone was training him just like how we train our students at UA? Training him to become a villain? How frightening would that be?" Nezu asked.

"We need to stop him before that ever happens." All Might declared.

"The police will do everything they can to capture more villains and get to the bottom of this." Naomasa promised.

"And UA will be do everything to assist you." Nezu replied.

The pro heroes nodded and prepared to leave.

"Are you all forgetting something?" Aizawa said. The heroes stopped and looked at him.

"Shigaraki isn't the only one we have to worry about. What about him?" Aizawa said. "S-rank villain, the Reaper. What are we going to do about him?"

Sorry for a short chapter. College is getting to me.

FruitMonkeycreators' thoughts