
Dance with Darkness (Part 2)

Deku and Tsuyu looked at the entrance, their eyes glittering in hope. "It's All Might! He's here!"

A small grin formed underneath the Reaper's mask. All Might wasn't wearing his signature smile. His face was serious. All Might flew over to the battlefield and swiftly took out the remaining villains. Then, he immediately gathered up Deku, Tsuyu, and Aizawa and brought them to a safe location.

All Might looked at Aizawa's unconscious figure. "I'm sorry, Aizawa. I came late."

All Might looked at Shigaraki, the Nomu, and the now-conscious Kurogiri. "You were the ones who did this. I will bring you all to justice!"

All Might charged at Shigarki at an incredible speed. The Nomu intercepted All Might and absorbed his blow. All Might was surprised, but he continued to trade blows with the Nomu. The Nomu was not weak at all, absorbing blows and returning his own. They were equally matched in physical prowess. However, the Nomu lacked battle strategy, so All Might was able to gain the upper hand. Before All Might could deliver a substantial blow, Kurogiri's portal opened up behind him, and Shigaraki's hands touched All Might's body. The places he touched immediately started to decay. All Might reacted quickly, swinging a fist at Shigaraki, but Shigaraki was able to dodge by returning to the portal.

The distraction was deadly to All Might. The Nomu had recovered and punched All Might in the head. All Might flew backwards and crashed into a building. All Might immediately stood back up and resumed his fight with the Nomu. All Might's blood flowed freely from his wounds.

The Reaper watched quietly, his fingers tapping his cheek. A pensive expression emerged on his face as he watched All Might and the Nomu trade blows. All Might's fists were getting slower. He was getting tired.

Deku watched in fear as he saw All Might injured. He knew it was his fault that All Might was weaker than before. He had to help All Might. Deku quietly snuck away from Tsuyu and sprinted towards the battle. The Reaper saw his movements, but he showed no indication to interfere.

All Might was on his last few bursts of energy. Shigaraki knew it. The number 1 hero was bleeding in multiple places, and he was breathing heavily.

"Nomu, finish him!" Shigaraki ordered. The Nomu roared in response and charged at All Might. All Might prepared himself to face the blow.

Deku, from his hiding spot, gasped. He started running at full speed, desperately trying to intercept the Nomu's attack. Green lightening crackled around him as Deku concentrated all of his power into his fist and leapt forward. That was when the Reaper moved.

A large explosion shook the air. Dust obscured the battlefield. No one could see what had happenned. When the dust finally settled, All Might was unscathed. A wall of darkness stood in front of him, separating the Nomu from him. Black chains pierced through the Nomu's outstretched arm, rendering the great creature immobile. A small distance from the Nomu, the same chains kept Deku suspended in the air. The boy's accumulated power disappeared in an instant. His body slumped forward, but the black ribbons kept him from falling. No one moved.

"Excuse my interruption." The Reaper laced his fingers together calmly, red eyes sweeping across each one of them below him.

"Reaper, how dare you!" Shigaraki hissed furiously. "All Might was going to die!"

All Might's brows furrowed as he spotted the Reaper's location. He had not noticed the Reaper's presence until the young villain had spoken. "What are you doing here, Reaper?"

"All Might. The Nomu's has multiple Quirks. It's a perfect sandbag, built to wear you down." The Reaper ignored All Might's question.

"I know. It has Super Regeneration and Shock Nullification," All Might agreed.

"Not quite. It's not Shock Nullification. it's Shock Absorption," the Reaper corrected. He waved his hand, and all of the darkness constructs disappeared. "I'll help you up to here, All Might. Anymore, and I would be stepping over the line as an audience member." The Reaper gestured at Shigaraki. "Please continue."

"Nomu, get the boy!" Shigaraki shouted.

The Nomu, now free from the chains, charged for the boy on the ground. Deku, filled with fear, couldn't move. He watched as the Nomu's fist got closer and closer.

An explosion shook the battlefield.

"All Might!" Deku gasped. All Might was standing in front of him, his hands in front of his head. All Might had taken the blow for Deku.

"You really don't know how to hold back, do you?" All Might asked.

Shigaraki shrugged. "It was the best course of action."

"The Reaper's not going to help you this time. Nomu, finish the job," Shigaraki ordered.

All Might took two steps forward. His demeanor had suddenly change. A strong sense of confidence and strength radiated off of him. "Today, I will show you the strength and resolve of a hero. I will not let evil prevail. This ends here!"

All Might met the Nomu in battle for the final time. All Might's blows got faster and faster, so fast that it was impossible to follow with the human eye. The Nomu could only tank the blows, and All Might's fists continued to rain down.

"PLUS ULTRA!" All Might yelled, dealing the last blow to the Nomu. The Nomu was blown upwards, shot through the ceiling, and disappeared into the sky. All Might straightened his body and locked eyes with Shigaraki.

"This is revenge for Nomu!" Shigaraki shouted, charging at All Might.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two gunshots rang in the air. Two gun wounds appeared on Shigaraki's hand and leg.

"I, the class representative of class 1-A, has fulfilled my duty and returned with backup!" Tenya yelled from the entrance. The pro heroes of UA had arrived. Snipe, the one who fired the shots, started firing rapidly with his guns, eliminating the straggling villains.

Kurogiri's mist wrapped around the wounded Shigaraki. Snipe tried to fire more bullets at the two villains, but they successfully escaped into the portal. The battle was over.

"We won." Deku breathed a sigh of relief. He smiled at All Might, but his smile immediately disappeared. Deku followed All Might's gaze and saw the Reaper perched on the roof.

The Reaper hopped down from the building and landed softly on the ground. The young man brought his hands together to give them a slow, resonating applause. "Thank you for putting up a wonderful show. It greatly exceeded my expectations."

The Reaper took a step forward when, suddenly, a cement wall struck into the Reaper. The Reaper exploded into particles of darkness, and he reappeared a couple feet away. The Reaper racked the wall with his gloved hand. "Oiya, you almost caught me off guard."

"Cementoss sensei!" Deku exclaimed.

The teachers gathered around. Snipe cocked his pistols at the Reaper. "Don't move and put your hands up, villain."

The Reaper slowly raised his hands into the air. "I don't think it would be in your best interests to provoke me right now." The Reaper spoke in a taunting voice. His gaze slowly slid past each of the heroes, and the heroes couldn't help but feel a cold shiver go down their spines as the villain's red eyes landed on them. The Reaper stopped when he saw All Might's ragtag figure.

All Might could almost see the mocking smile behind the Reaper's mask. All Might tightened his fists, but he didn't deny the Reaper's statement. He wasn't sure if he could stop him if the Reaper decided to fight right now. He was running out of time.

The Reaper's gaze landed on All Might, his red eyes sparkling in understanding. The Reaper gave a light chuckle. "Since the curtains have dropped, I think it would be an appropriate time to see myself out." The Reaper placed a hand over his chest and dipped his head at the heroes. "Until next time, All Might."

"Where do you think you're going?" Snipe shouted, firing a round of bullets at the Reaper. The Reaper disappeared with a flash of darkness, leaving behind his laughter ringing in their ears.