
Chapter Two: Dragonmir

Even before Jean told me about what these mysterious people were planning I knew that something really terrible was coming our way. It was almost the same feeling I had when I left home. If I get drunk the feeling goes away, which is lovely. We were still in the forest realm trying to gain more information about the mysterious people. Pascal refused to drink anything I gave him after he got drunk. I guess I don't blame him. Pascal and Jean were so uptight and tense most of the time I just wanted them to loosen up a bit. I guess until this is all over they won't loosen up.

I sat up slowly my head was throbbing. Someone had carried me back to the room Jean got for us in the forest realm. Jean was gone and Pascal was sleeping in the other bed. I coughed into my sleeve and groaned. My sleeve was covered in blood. Damn it, I thought I had more time before I had to go back. I coughed again this time waking up Pascal. "Hey, you all right Draco?" He sat up groggily. I just nodded and told him I was fine. I hated lying to my friends, but I needed to. Pascal shrugged and got up. "Well, I'm going to find Jean and see what we are going to do next." I waved him off and laid back down. Maybe I could sneak out really quick and get help. No one would notice. I shook my head. I can last a little longer. I decided to go back to sleep until Jean or Pascal would wake me up.

I don't know how long I was asleep but it was almost nightfall when I woke up. Pascal was carrying me on his back. He and Jean were saying something about the spirit realm being the only one that won't be destroyed since no one but a spirit can go in. "But didn't that guy say that every realm was involved?" I managed to say as I slid off Pascal's back. Jean and Pascal stared at me for a moment. "I mean maybe whoever these people are they have inside people in the spirit realm. Jean and Pascal both agreed that it was possible. I sighed, "even so that would probably be the last realm they would go against." They both nodded. Jean said that the next realm to be hit would probably be the forest realm since they had no militia. "I thought we were already in the forest realm where are we going?" Jean said that we were heading to the center of the forest realm to room they're and prevent an attack.

Once we reached the center Jean got each of us our own room so we each had a bed. I crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow. Maybe Jean was right and it wasn't good for me to be sleeping this much, but if I'm not sleeping I'm coughing my guts out so this is a better alternative. I didn't sleep for very long though, usually, I'm drunk so I can sleep longer. I woke up in a cold sweat around midnight and began to cough up a lung. After my coughing fit was over I laid there staring at the ceiling. I felt oddly peaceful, at that thought I sat upright and almost started to cough again. I shouldn't feel peaceful if there was going to be an attack. I got up and started to pace around my room. The attack wasn't going to be here, I just needed to remember where I had felt danger the last time. It was when we were in the sky realm. Maybe I was overthinking this. I continued to pace for a bit trying to think of another explanation, but nothing came. I had never told Jean or Pascal about my danger sense, but maybe it was time I did. I ran over to Jean's door and knocked on it with all my strength. He opened it slowly and glared at me, "you can sleep for twenty-four hours straight and yet you decide to bother me in the middle of the night." I told him it was important so he let me in. I didn't feel like explaining my danger sense so I just told him he had to trust me that the attack was going to be on the sky realm. He agreed that we could go in the morning, but I knew we had to leave right then and there. "Fine, but if you pass out neither of us are carrying you," I agreed and went back to my room to get my stuff.

Pascal wasn't too pleased to be up this early. I guess we interrupted his beauty sleep. He was grumbling all the way to the sky realm saying that if I was wrong he was going to kill me. Sometimes I wish I was wrong about this kind of stuff. As we made our way from the forest realm to the sky realm Jean kept looking at me he seemed worried. I can't blame him. I did sound pretty insane, but there was really no time to explain. I doubt either of them would even believe me, hell I wouldn't even believe me. Pascal floated up beside me, "How are you even awake?" I laughed a bit and repressed a cough. Pascal examined me for a moment then went back to floating near Jean. As soon as we entered the sky realm my stomach did turn. Some disaster was about to happen. I felt like doubling over, but I had to stay alert. "Everything looks okay here." Pascal floated over to me and smirked, "looks like you were wrong." I shook my head and told him I wasn't. Jean decided instead of going back or getting us rooms going back to the tavern would be a good place to start. "You honestly believe that Draco was right?" Jean shrugged and went into the tavern I followed. I'd never say no to going to a tavern. Pascal was hesitant but finally followed us in.

I wanted to drink go badly, but being drunk interfered with my danger sense. I decided that I'd just chill with Jean and Pascal. They both looked at me with worried expressions. "What? I'm just not feeling it today." I crossed my arms, "do you both think so low of me?" They both laughed and I joined in. Jean told me it was just unusually for me to be sober in a tavern. Pascal agreed adding that I wasn't hitting on any of the guys either. "Well I mean if I'm right, and I am, and the sky realm is going to be attacked I should be sober." I said smugly, "and I can still hit on the guys here if I so pleased," we all laughed again. Pascal gave me a smug look and told me to prove it. I got up and told him that if I could get one guy to flirt with me back he'd have to do everything I said for an entire day. He agreed because the said I couldn't do it. Oh, I'll show him.

I wandered around the bar doing my usual this except this time I was sober. The only lousy thing about being sober was that I would remember all of this. Rejection is rejection death threat after death threat I'd remember all of it. None of the guys hit on me back, most of them tried to hit me. There was only one guy left he was sitting all by himself. He actually reminded me of someone I used to know. I sighed and went back to the table without even trying to hit on him. Pascal was laughing at me telling me he knew I couldn't do it. I just ignored him and settled down into my chair. "Hey Draco I'm sorry, I'm sure you'll find your Mr. Right someday." I just nodded and told him it was all okay. Pascal stared at me for a long time, and after a while, it bothered me. I got up and went to sit outside the tavern. 

I noticed someone lurking around outside they were messing around with the outside walls. I got up and followed them trying to see who they were. They stopped near a window and placed something on the sill. I grabbed the person's cloak and pinned them against the wall. "What are you doing and who are you?" I growled. The person just laughed and told me my friends and I were too late. "You didn't answer my question." I snapped. The person just laughed even more than they surprised me by saying they knew who I was. I let them go out of shock and they disappeared into the night. I sat there shocked for the longest time. He knew who I was did that mean? No, he couldn't be. I shook my head trying to shake the uneasy feeling from my stomach, then I remembered the danger. I had to tell Jean and Pascal about the cloaked person I ran into. I ran into the tavern and over to them. When I told them what I saw I could tell they were both surprised that I was right about something awful happening here. We still didn't know if it had anything to do with the attack on the fairy realm, but I was sure of it.

Jean went to see what the cloaked figure was doing outside, and Pascal and I were left to defend the patrons of the tavern. I noticed there were a lot more people in the tavern than before. My stomach was doing turns again. This time I did double over and I even started to cough. Something disastrous was going to happen, and it was going to happen soon unless we stopped it. Pascal looked very worried and put his hand on my back. I shook him off and stood back up. He was still looking at me as if I was going to drop dead at any minute. After this, I really needed to get some help or else I could actually drop dead. Suddenly it felt like I had been punched in the gut. Three of the patrons came for Pascal and me. They all had huge swords and I don't think they wanted to buy us a drink. I drew out my dagger ready for a fight. Pascal brought out his magic staff. Jean came running in at just the right moment and pulled out his sword to help us. Three against three I like those odds. The guy I was fighting laughed at me. I plunged my dagger into his leg and tore down. He screamed and cursed at me. I dodged his sword swings and pointed the dagger to his face. I was already out of breath and I felt like I was going to pass out. Jean and Pascal were already done with their goons. The guy laughed at me again and knocked my dagger away tossing me to the ground. Pascal ran over to me while Jean took care of my guy. I felt so useless if I was in better condition I could've taken all three of them at once.

Jean came over to me and looked concerned. Pascal was making sure I didn't have any serious wounds. I told them I was okay I had only gotten a little light-headed. "What about when you doubled over and coughed up a little blood?" Pascal crossed his arms, "was that just your lightheadedness?" I shook my head and told them it must have been because I hadn't had a single drink. They both shook their heads and still looked concerned. I got up and motioned to my body telling them that I was fine. I could see that they didn't believe me, but I didn't really want to have to explain everything to them. I told them I was going to get a drink and headed over to the bar. I noticed the guy from earlier still in his same spot. I noticed a red dot in the window sill not too far from him. I doubled over again something was going to happen. I then remembered the cloaked figure and the thing they had put on a window sill. It was a bomb, they were so rare that I guess I didn't recognize it at first. The red light started to flash and I could faintly hear a beeping sound. I ran over to the guy in the corner and protected him from the blast the best I could.

Once the smoke had cleared I looked down at the guy I had saved. He was blushing really badly. I got off of him and held out my hand. He took it and got up. I introduced myself like I usually did when I was hitting on someone. The guy blushed even more and said his name was Damien. "Well Damien I should buy you a drink since I saved your life," he laughed and told me I made no sense. Before I could persist Jean and Pascal came rushing over. They said they had been worried about me and thought I was caught in the blast. "Oh, I was. My back is probably full of glass and wood and junk," all of them looked at me horrified. Damien hit my shoulder lightly and told me I was stupid. Jean and Pascal both agreed. "Well, it was either be stupid and get hurt or save the damsel in distress. I obviously picked the latter." Damien blushed even more and mumbled something about not knowing he was going to be in distress. The rest of us laughed. 

Jean told me we were both lucky to have survived such a blast and that the three of us should be heading to the light realm to make sure I really was okay. I told them I could go on my own and that they could stay here to prevent another attack. Jean and Pascal hesitantly agreed. Pascal then said it seemed as if this had been more targeted toward us and not the realm. Jean and I agreed, and Jean told me to meet them back at the rooms in the forest realm until we got a sense of where they would go next. I agreed and started on my way. After a while of walking, I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I turned to find Damien standing there. I looked at him for a minute and told him that I had to go. "I'm sorry, I just thought you were going to buy me a drink," he was blushing crazy now. I smiled and told him to find my friends and to go with them and when I got back I'd buy him his drink. "Oh, uh okay. I'll see you then." Damien then ran off back into the tavern. Looks like I won the bet, Pascal. I laughed to myself.