
Chapter Three: Pascal

I can't believe Draco actually told that kid from the tavern he could follow us back to the forest realm. Sometimes he is so infuriating, and other times he just worries me. He's so reckless he's going to get himself killed. I shook my head, it wasn't my problem. Jean knocked on my door and opened it slowly. "Has he come back yet?" I already knew that he probably wasn't. He'd usually leave for a few weeks and return and give no explanations, but he'd never been this hurt before. Jean told me he'd be back and better than ever. I just nodded, "yeah I know, I just wish that he hadn't of been so stupid." Jean agreed and told me he'd keep a better eye on him. We both laughed and agreed that that wouldn't stop Draco from doing dangerous and stupid things. Jean told me I should probably get some rest and left my room. I stayed up for a few more hours thinking about what had happened in the sky realm tavern. Draco had doubled over right before the attack and he had been coughing a lot lately. Come to think of it he was usually coughing right before he'd make one of his mysterious trips. Maybe he was sick and had to regularly visit the light realm for treatment. I sighed, why did I even care. He doesn't bother to tell us anything so why should I care. I shook my head I should just sleep it off.

The next morning someone was knocking on my door. I got up and floated toward the door and opened it. "Wow, you look like crap." Draco was standing there with a smug look on his face. I glared at him and shut the door in his face, "hey that wasn't very considerate I thought fairies were congenial." I swear I was going to punch him in his smug little face. "Oh, by the way, I won the bet. The guy from the tavern, Damien, he actually wanted to have a drink with me so guess what that means your royal highness." I groaned. There was no way I was going to do anything that oaf said, but we did make the best and he won it fair and square. I sighed, why did I have to agree to do whatever he said for an entire day. I told him I'd do it tomorrow. "Fine, but you're just trying to avoid the inevitable," he said as he walked off. I sighed, he was right I was just avoiding my fate. I had no idea what he was going to have me do for a full day. I was a little scared thinking about it. I shook my head. He couldn't possibly have me do anything too unpleasant. Since I was free from him for the day I decided to take a stroll around the forest realm.

In some aspects, the forest realm reminded me of my home. It made me remember the good days and also the bad. I noticed Draco was also taking a walk, and he was with that young man from the tavern, Damien I think Draco said his name was. Draco seemed content for once. I didn't want to spy or seem like I was spying, I mean why would I want to spy on him anyway, so I decided to go back to my room. There wasn't much to do in the forest realm anyway. Once I was back in my room I decided that my time would be best spent practicing my fighting skills. I didn't want to be a weak link so I needed to get stronger. I pulled out a sword I picked up from the human realm. I swung it around trying to mimic Jean from our fight in the sky realm tavern. It was actually a lot harder than Jean made it look. Maybe I should pick up a dagger-like Draco. I shook my head why would I even think about that. I could always stick to my magic staff, but it's powers are limited. I only beat the guy in the tavern because he was caught off guard by my stature and I was able to shoot him with some magic and knock him out. I swung the sword with all my might and got it stuck in the door. Jean knocked on my door and asked me what was going on. "Just uhh, practicing stuff." I could tell that Jean knew I was lying, but he did walk away. I tried to pull the sword free, but it was really stuck. I must be stronger than I look, or I just got very unlucky with that swing. I pulled on the sword, even more, this time it came loose sending me tumbling across the room. Maybe I should stick to my staff for now. I slid the sword under my bed, Probably best if I don't try that again.

Jean knocked on my door again and I let him in this time, "sounded like you were dying in here." I laughed nervously and told him I didn't know what he was talking about. Jean just rolled his eyes, "anyway that's not why I came here. I wanted to talk to you about how Draco had been acting in the sky realm." I nodded and told Jean everything I saw and that I had noticed since joining them. "I noticed his coughing fits as well. I guess I just never gave it any thought." I told him that I thought maybe Draco was sick. Jean nodded, "but why wouldn't he tell us?" I shrugged. Maybe he doesn't trust us. Jean placed a hand on my shoulder. "I know you're worried about him. Hell, I'm even worried about him, but I'm sure if he was seriously injured or sick he'd tell us," he smiled at me and then told me everything was okay. I sighed and nodded, if everything was okay then why wouldn't Draco tell us anything? Jean smiled and told me to take it easy on the training. I again told him I didn't know what he was talking about. Jean just nodded and left.

I settled onto my bed to take a nap. I felt physically and emotionally exhausted. It's in a fairies nature to care for people, but sometimes my caring nature makes me feel emotionally drained. I guess I would've felt this way all the time if I had gotten to be king. I sighed, thinking about that just drains me even more. I soon fell asleep, but it was anything but peaceful. I dreamt of the fairy realm and how things should have been. I was traveling with my best friend and we were both jovial. Upon returning to the fairy realm though it was gone, everything was burnt, and the people were all dead. I looked for my friend, but he was gone, most likely among the thousands of dead. I woke up with tears streaming down my face. I wiped at my face trying to dry my tears. Lately, all my dreams had been turning into nightmares. They all end the same way. Me back in the fairy realm, or what was left of the fairy realm anyway. I'm just standing there amidst the chaos then suddenly I'm grabbed from behind and then I wake up. It's horrible it leaves a pit in my stomach that I just can't shake. The nightmare just feels so real like I'm actually in the fairy realm. I shook my head trying to shake the nightmare. The images kept returning to me no matter how hard I tried to get them to go away. Maybe if I went back, no, there was no way I could go back there. I just wish I could forget about that day. I buried my face into my pillow. What was I supposed to do? I sat up and sighed, I guess there was only one thing I could think to do. I have to go back to the fairy realm. I have to face the truth, hopefully, my nightmares will stop and not get worse.

I was going to leave a note for the others, but I was starting to feel guilty about not telling them in person. I think Draco was still walking with Damien so I went to Jean and knocked on his door. When he opened it I told him about the dreams I had been having and that I needed to go home. Jean looked worried and offered to go with me, but I told him I needed to do this on my own. He nodded and told me to be safe. I promised him that I would try. With that, I left for the fairy realm. As I went I began to have hopes that some of my people had survived besides me. Deep down I knew there was only a slim chance that any of my people survived, but the hope was pleasing. I never saw myself being king, and I guess I know why now. It's hard to be a king when there is no one to be king of. I probably would have been a lousy king anyway. My best friend, Xander, was the only one who ever thought I could do anything exceptional asking. I guess I let him down. I sighed as I stood at the entrance to the fairy realm. The sign I put there after the attack was still there. It forbade anyone from entering. Not that anyone would want to go there anyway. I took a deep breath and went in. I couldn't believe my eyes. It looked even worse then what I remembered. My realm, my people gone forever. I closed my eyes trying to hold back the tears. When I opened them again I swear I saw something move off in the distance. I went to run toward it but someone grabbed me from behind and knocked me out.

I was home, and I had been attacked. It was just like my dream. Was I dead, no I couldn't be dead, not yet? My head was throbbing and I could still feel my arms and legs, so I must be unconscious or something. Not dead. Suddenly I was doused with water and I woke up. A cloaked figure was standing in front of me. I went to say something, but there was a gag in my mouth. The figure paced back and forth and was mumbling something I couldn't quite make out. They stopped and stared at me and came towards me. I tried to move away, but my arms and legs were tied to a chair. The figure laughed and told me it was useless to struggle. The figure then took off the hood to their cloak. It was a girl I'm pretty sure she was human too. She started to talk about the attack on the fairy realm as if I was a part of it. I tried to speak again, but she told me she didn't want to hear anything I had to say. I felt anger welling up inside me. She thought I was a traitor to my people, and she wouldn't even believe me if I told her I was the king. How am I going to get out of this mess?