
Chapter One: Jean-Marc

We had been in the tavern since the night before. Draco had decided to get blackout drunk, again. Pascal was sleeping in mid-air out of reach. Some of the patrons had noticed Pascal and began to whisper about what had happened to the fairy realm. I listened in as much as I could. Not much new information was given. I sighed, we weren't going to find anything in this bar we needed to go to the one in the human realm it had always been known for its gossip. I tossed an empty ale bottle at Pascal. He caught it before it hit him and gave me a sour look. I got up and paid our tab, "get Draco and meet me outside." I didn't wait for him to answer me and went to wait outside. Shortly after Pascal came floating out Draco trudged out. He was definitely hungover. "Score this time?" I asked Draco over my shoulder as we walked. He groaned which was the only answer I needed. I smiled and shook my head. "When will you learn?" Another groan came from Draco as an answer. Pascal floated up beside me and asked where we were headed so early. "Well, I thought the best place to get info on the fairy realm was in my old stomping ground. There's a human tavern known for reliable gossip." Pascal's eyes widened. "It's far so I thought we should leave as early as possible." Draco groaned again behind me and I heard a loud thump. I sighed he passed out again. I picked him up and carried him on my back. If he was faking this I swear I was going to kill him.

It was almost dark when we finally reached the human realm. Draco was still passed out on my back, or at least it seemed like he was. I dropped him at the steps. "Hey what was that for!?!" Draco groaned and rubbed his head. I pointed at the door and made my way inside. I found a table and sat down. Pascal sat across from me instead of floating above the table. Draco slowly walked over to us and slouched in a chair beside me. "You didn't have to drop me you know." I shrugged and laughed a bit. "It's not funny Jean." Draco pouted. I told him that maybe he shouldn't get so drunk this time then. Draco laughed, "now that is funny!" I shook my head. He was never going to change. After a few drinks, sure enough, Draco was hitting on guys left and right.

Pascal shook his head. "I thought we were gathering information not feeding Draco's bad habit," I told him that Draco would find information in his own way. Pascal was obviously skeptical, but I had faith in Draco. As more people gathered in the tavern the gossip began to flow. I tried to listen to as many conversations as I could. Most of it was random ramblings or the occasional sweet nothings. Pascal was clearly getting annoyed that nothing was coming up about the fairy realm. I told him to just be patient. After hours of nothing Pascal got up, "I'm going to find Draco, make sure he didn't get into trouble, again." I nodded and told him good luck. As he floated away I started to hear about the fairy realm. It was all the same for a while, then I heard something new. I sat up and searched for the source. They had said something about another attack. I couldn't find whoever was speaking which bothered me. I got up and searched for Pascal. I found him patting Draco's back as he threw up. Pascal looked at me and stopped, "did you hear something?" I nodded and told them what I had heard about another attack like the one in the fairy realm. Pascal gasped. "Did you find the person who was talking about that?" I shook my head. Pascal looked so disappointed. I told him we'd find them.

The three of us went and sat back down. Pascal and I were listening closely trying to find the person from before. Draco had passed out and was sleeping on the table. Hours went by and it seemed like Pascal was getting ready to give up. I couldn't blame him I wanted to give up for the night too. I noticed that Pascal's head was starting to droop. I let him fall asleep he needed it. I was getting ready to lay my head down when I heard the same voice from before. It was talking about the fairy realm. I shook Pascal awake and motioned for him to listen. We sat there listening to the person for a long while. Pascal when he had heard enough floated toward the voice. I followed him pushing my way through the people. Pascal was already talking to them. I stood in the background and listened in. "So what do you know about what happened to the fairy realm?" Pascal despite his stature looked menacing. The people told him that they heard it was an inside job. That someone inside the fairy realm was conspiring to kill the king, but it went wrong. Pascal looked appalled. I thought I might have to stop him from doing something harsh. Beyond what they told Pascal they knew nothing else, but they said he could get more information in the sky realm since that was where they had heard about it. Pascal nodded and walked away from them. I followed. "I can't believe this Jean," he put his head in his hands. "Someone I knew, I probably even trusted them, and they betrayed me," he started to cry a little. "All of my people died because of this. Jean, what am I supposed to do?" I couldn't give him an answer. Most likely the traitor was also killed during the attack so there wasn't much we could do. I told him that the sky realm was our next best bet to get answers. He nodded and sat back down. Draco was still out which wasn't a big surprise. Pascal sighed and laid his head back down on the table and went to sleep. I leaned back in my chair and listened to the chatter. I slowly fell asleep.

Pascal woke me up in the morning. He was animate that we head to the sky realm right now. I agreed and looked at the passed out Draco. "It's your turn to carry him," I smirked and began to walk out of the tavern. Pascal hesitantly accepted and picked Draco up and threw him over his shoulder to carry him. He floated beside me and I told him some stories about the sky realm. Pascal told me he used to run away as a child, but he never went to the sky realm. "Well, the sky realm is pretty cool. I've been there a few times." Pascal smiled a bit. Draco groaned on Pascal's back I swear I heard him say a name, but I couldn't quite make it out. It seems that Pascal didn't notice. I guess I shouldn't bring it up. Once we reached the sky realm Draco was starting to wake up. "How can you sleep so much? It can't be healthy." Draco just shrugged and slid off Pascal's back. He took a look around and was fairly confused. Pascal and I explained why we were in the sky realm. He just nodded and went straight for the tavern. Pascal and I both laughed and shook our heads.

As usual, Draco was off hitting on the guys and Pascal and I were left to gather information. Pascal was floating overhead trying to listen from above while I was walking through the crowd trying to put faces to voices. I noticed a cloaked figure in one of the corners and headed over to them. I sat across from him, but he didn't seem to notice me. I asked him what he knew about the fairy realm. The cloaked figure turned his head to look at me. I could make out his eyes and his beard. He began by telling me stuff that was already well known, then he told me stuff that the people in the tavern were talking about. "I see you already know all this. Well then let me tell you this. The people who brought the fairy realm to ruin aren't stopping with that. They are planning on destroying every single last realm until only they remain." I asked him who they were, "they are an unstoppable force made up of people from all the realms. They all want to be free of rule even if that means mass genocide." I sat there horrified. What was I supposed to say? "They haven't struck again yet, but it is only a matter of time. Maybe someone should do something about it." With that, he got up and left. I was still too shocked to move. How had it come to this? I shook my head. The man was right, someone needed to do something about this, and who better than someone who can't die?

Pascal found me and sat beside me, "hey Jean did you find something?" I didn't speak for a while, then Pascal touched my shoulder, "are you okay?" I took a deep breath and nodded. I told him everything the cloaked man had told me. When I was finished Pascal was just as silent as I was. "We should tell Draco so we can make preparations to defeat them." I stared at Pascal for a while then nodded. I guess the three of us fighting would be better than just me. "Then let's go find him before he passes out again." Pascal got up and started to float above the crowd. I just went straight for the bathroom. I found him throwing up. I waited for him to finish puking his guts out before I went to talk to him. I told him that we had found some information and that we needed to discuss. He agreed and followed me to the table. Pascal slowly floated down into his seat. I explained what I was told by the cloaked man to Draco. "So long story short we're going to find them and make sure they don't destroy any more realms." Pascal looked at Draco, "so are you in?" Draco nodded and told us we'd be lost without him. All three of us laughed and Draco got us all drinks. Pascal was hesitant about drinking at first, but with some encouragement, he started to drink. After only two drinks Pascal was super drunk. Draco laughed saying he had never seen either of us drunk. Since I had lived for so long my tolerance for alcohol was a few hundred drinks so Draco would probably never see me drunk.

The next day I had two passed out people to carry. I guess it wasn't the best idea to let them both get drunk. I had Draco on my back and Pascal in my arms. They were both drooling and mumbling. I laughed a little. I still can't believe I'm friends with these two, but I'm glad we are friends. Next stop should be the forest realm since it was the closest to the fairy realm. I found a small place for us to stay in the forest realm until we knew exactly when they were going to strike. There were only two beds so I put the two drunks on one each and I settled down onto a chair. I watched them for a bit then I began to drift off to sleep. I had horrible dreams that didn't allow for a peaceful rest. After about five attempts I gave up and went for a walk. I have always enjoyed walking in the forest realm it's always so peaceful. I wonder if the fairy realm was like this? I've always wanted to ask Pascal about the fairy realm, but I have never found the right time to ask. Maybe after we save the other realms I could ask him about it. After a few hours of walking, I went back to the room. Draco was up and doing something to Pascal he motioned for me to be quiet. I opened my mouth to say something, but I slowly shut it. Draco then backed away from Pascal and was snickering. I looked at what he had done. Draco had drawn on Pascal's face. I shook my head and threw a rag at Pascal waking him up. Confused he looked at the rag then at Draco and me. I pointed at his face and Pascal began to wipe his face with the rag. Draco laughed and I just shook my head. This was going to be a long journey.