
Real Kingdom Online: I’m an NPC in a Game?

After seeing a 'Chosen One' save her little village in person when she was young, Videl dreams of becoming a sword mage just like her. She makes it a point to join the 'Chosen Ones' Familia in order to potentially become friends with her. If the 'Chosen One' gives her crest to join her Familia, they would definitely become friends right? However, things don't go as planned as she ends up receiving a crest from some random little girl she saved on her way to Pendragon city to join the 'Chosen ones' Familia. And you can only have one crest at a time. Not only that, something crazy happens that may make it even harder for her to join her idol's Familia. Jenny Baker loves playing the deep dive VR game Real Kingdom Online and is basically the most popular player. So she leaves the more populated area of the game to play by herself. Setting up her Familia in a city called Pendragon City, she enjoys her time playing only with NPCs. However, doing so ends up causing something huge to happen in the real life world. Luna is a Goddess sent by the world of the gods to find out why no-one can leave the world of the gods as she is the only one that can.

AgedZebra · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Real Kingdom Online

Jenny Baker had just logged off of her favorite game, Real Kingdom Online, and lazily took her deep dive VR headset off.


She did not want to go to class right now but getting her dream job depended on it so she sacrificed time playing her beloved game in order to go.

Sitting up, putting the VR headset next to her pillow, and getting off the bed, Jenny thought about how she got to this point while she got ready for her college class.

Back when she just turned twelve years old, she had received a quite interesting present on her birthday. Her cousin's family who had been working on a big game for the new deep dive VR headset, E-merseU, had shown up to her party with one of the E-merseU headsets and a copy of their new game they happened to be releasing that day.

Her uncle gave both her and her cousin the privilege of playing the game two hours early in order to practice how the game worked on a beta version.

Then, when the Real Kingdom Online servers went online for the first time Jenny logged on and stared creating her character. The game happened to be a rated 'M' for mature game so technically she should not have been playing but her uncle being one of the creators came with benefits. Therefore, her in game character ended up being a twenty-year-old looking girl. She made her character flat like her current self was with long golden blond hair.

Before she started playing this game her favorite games to play had been Japanese anime games and she loved the dragons that appeared in those games. Therefore, she named her character Tiana Tatsuya and picked a Familia insignia of a dragon.

The way the game Real Kingdom Online worked was you needed to start a Familia and then Create or join a Kingdom with other Families. If you compared it to other games then a Kingdom would be your guild while a Familia would be your NPC followers. You could make your Familia stronger by recruiting more NPC's and you could make your Kingdom stronger by inviting more Familia.

To Jenny's surprise she ended up progressing in the game quite fast and secured many World Firsts that were broadcasted to every player. Unbeknownst to her, however, her uncle had given her an account with a cheat that increased her experience gains. She, as well as every other player, still haven't found out about it till this day.

After only playing for a month, Jenny had reached the max level of one hundred broadcasting yet another Word First to every player. Some time later, when her thirteenth birthday was approaching, she decided it was time to change things and sent all the NPCs in her Familia that didn't want to leave to a friend's Familia, left her Kingdom, and set of to a distant land that was far and removed from where any players had ventured out to. Basically, she didn't like how popular she was and wanted some peace and quiet.

Once she arrived at a city named Pendragon city, she felt the name fit perfectly with her Familia's and decided to settle down there to rebuild her Familia. She didn't expect any players to come out this far unless it was a short adventure to complete a quest. Otherwise, players would stick close to the Kingdom that they created their Familia in as the NPCs in their Familia live there.

Since NPC's are not 'yours' and could leave your Familia at any time such as your character losing reputation or in the case of them not wanting to move away from the city with you. The NPCs only receive power from you and could very easily receive it from someone else so many players wouldn't risk doing something that would cause their NPCs to leave them. Although, with her level still being maxed out, it wasn't hard for her to get NPCs interested in joining her Familia again.

After quickly reestablishing her Familia, Jenny started taking quests in the villages and towns in the area in order to improve her and her Familia's reputation.

Back to the present, Jenny, who was now nineteen years of age, had just finished eating breakfast and headed out the door to attend her class. It wasn't till four hours later that she returned home.

Walking through the door to her apartment in an exhausted manner, Jenny sighed before dropping her stuff on the table and heading to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Man, today totally sucked… Mrs. Pearson can really just go on and on and on…" Jenny said to herself as she carried her sandwich towards her room as she ate it.

Pushing the door to her room open Jenny was left speechless by what she saw dropping her half-eaten sandwich on the floor.

Laying on her bed was a naked girl who was wearing Jenny's E-merseU headset. It took a minute of staring in shock before she reacted.

"Wha… wha… what the hell! What does this pervert think their doing!" she yelled.

At this moment Videl was slowly waking up due to the loud yelling crossing the room and entering her ears.

Jenny quickly ran outside to check that she was in the correct apartment before rushing back into her room with the intention of forcing the girl out of the game and getting her to explain what she's doing using her E-merseU headset naked on her bed only to find the girl was now sitting up and trying to scratch her head through the headset she was still wearing.

"What's going on, why is everything black and why is it cold?" Videl said quite confused about the current situation. "What's this on my head?"

"Hey, Pervert! Take my E-merseU off and explain what you're doing in my apartment! And why are you naked for that matter!" Jenny yelled as she grabbed a blanket form the closet and covered the girl's body.

Just as she was about to force the E-merseU off of the girl herself, she froze when she saw a certain something glowing on the girl's right hand. Seeing the crest was one thing but the fact that it was glowing was a whole other ball game. Sure, you could say it was a form of cosplay and was painted or tattooed on but that would not explain why it was currently glowing just like crests do in the game. Seeing the glowing aqua colored crest in the shape of a crescent moon, Jenny stopped all thoughts of immediately calling the police and were instead replaced with thoughts of how this was happening.

"Am I having a dream or something?" Jenny asked to no one in particular.

To her surprise, she heard a voice in her head reply to her that sounded like a little girl.

"Wait, I can explain! And no, this isn't a dream. It is indeed really happening. Just give me a second to manifest myself. *sigh* I wish she had given me more time to prepare before logging off…"

Jenny was unable to believe what the voice had just said about this being real when thousands of small silver orbs began pouring out of the crest on the girl's hand before forming into a little girl with really long and messy silver hair.

"How do I take this off?"

Meanwhile, Videl was still trying to figure out how to remove whatever was on her head.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

AgedZebracreators' thoughts