
Real Kingdom Online: I’m an NPC in a Game?

After seeing a 'Chosen One' save her little village in person when she was young, Videl dreams of becoming a sword mage just like her. She makes it a point to join the 'Chosen Ones' Familia in order to potentially become friends with her. If the 'Chosen One' gives her crest to join her Familia, they would definitely become friends right? However, things don't go as planned as she ends up receiving a crest from some random little girl she saved on her way to Pendragon city to join the 'Chosen ones' Familia. And you can only have one crest at a time. Not only that, something crazy happens that may make it even harder for her to join her idol's Familia. Jenny Baker loves playing the deep dive VR game Real Kingdom Online and is basically the most popular player. So she leaves the more populated area of the game to play by herself. Setting up her Familia in a city called Pendragon City, she enjoys her time playing only with NPCs. However, doing so ends up causing something huge to happen in the real life world. Luna is a Goddess sent by the world of the gods to find out why no-one can leave the world of the gods as she is the only one that can.

AgedZebra · Fantasy
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13 Chs

I Saved A Little Girl


Just as she was about to exit the small forest and see the city of Pendragon once again, Videl heard a low growling causing her trained survival instincts to kick in. Stopping on the spot she quickly drew her sword and got into a fighting stance before taking a quick look at her surroundings.

It didn't take her long to see where the growling was coming from as just right of the path was a small mini sized building that maybe looked like a shrine. She had initially not seen it till just now because of tall bushes lining the path. Standing in front of the small shrine was a big wolf that had scar marks all over its face that was currently growling at the shrine. And, to Videl's disbelief, she could see a small girl hiding inside the small shrine.

After staring at the situation for a good half a minute Videl finally decided to act.

"Hey you, Woofie! What do you think you're doing?" Videl yelled as she drew her sword, excited that she would be able to help someone just like her Idol usually does for the first time.

Woofie looked up at the loud voice in distain only to see an adventurer holding a sword causing it to freeze. You see, Woofie was a smart wolf. The second he saw the sword it reminded him of all the adventurers that have attacked him before and gave him the scars on his face. He had not won a single one of those fights. Not wanting to risk getting another scar Woofie immediately took off running.

"Hey! Wait! Where are you going?" Videl cried as she watched her dream of heroically saving a girl from a big bad wolf evaporate into thin air. Technically, she had already saved the young girl, but Videl's expectations on how it was done were truly crushed. Where was the fun if her enemies just ran away?

Still sulking, Videl went up to the little shrine to check on the little girl.

"Hello little one, I'm Videl. Are you ok?"

The little girl had long messy silver hair spilling around where she was sitting. If she was standing, it would probably reach the back of her knees. She wore what looked like an all-black Gothic Lolita dress with a simple design and a black veil. Videls first thought when getting a good look at her was that she was super cute.


Videl waved her hand in front of the girls face when she didn't respond to see if she could see her.

The little girl at this point was still lost in thought about what had just happened. She had not expected to be saved, let alone in such a weird way as the creature that suddenly attacked her running away the second some weak looking girl came by.

"Hey, can you hear me? What's your name?"

Videl who was getting annoyed at the girl believing she was ignoring her even though she had been saved noticed that the girl was finally reacting. First the girl used her hands to point at herself and then at Videl before putting her fingers in front of her as if she was holding something. She then moved her hands towards Videl.

"Huh? What are you doin? What does that mean?" Videl said not understanding why the little girl didn't just talk.

After going through the same routine multiple times, it was the little girls turn to start getting annoyed. These hand movements were the best she could come up with to communicate that she wanted to know if Videl wanted a gift for saving her.

"I still don't get it… do you need something?" Videl took a wild guess grasping at straws.

The little girl then thought of something brilliant and became super proud of herself.

Videl noticed this as it looked as if an imaginary light bulb had appeared above the little girl's head. It was at this moment that the little girl suddenly reached out for Videl's hand and kissed the top of it. The little girl had decided that weather or not Videl wants the gift she will just give it to her anyways.

"Wait what are y- "

Before Videl could finish her panicked question, she sudden felt a warmth go through her body that continued to pulse and get stronger. Surprisingly, the hand that the little girl was kissing was starting to glow brighter and brighter as well.

It was at this moment that Videl realized what was happening. She was receiving the mark of a Familia.

"Oh no, stop!" she cried out trying to pull her hand away from the little girl but it was too late.

Videl looked down at the top of her right hand wishing this wasn't real, however, there was no denying the existence of the crest that was shaped like a crescent moon on her hand. She was now a part of a Familia and there was nothing she could do about it.

"NOooo! Why?!?! How could you do this? All I ever wanted was to join Tiana Tatsuya Familia. I was almost to the city where I could do so and you do this to me?!?!" Videl, lost in her grief, began yelling at the little girl.

Expecting the possibility of such a reaction, the little girl wasn't phased by the sudden outburst and calmly watch Videl as she went crazy.

Half an hour later, Videl slumped to the ground crying about the unjustness of the world. When she finally calmed down, she saw something floating in front of her. Surprised, she tried to get up and move away only for it to move with her. Now taking the time to clearly look she saw that there were small symbols in squares and text floating around near the bottom and top of her vision and they would follow where ever she looked.

"What is this?"

Along the bottom of her vision in different squares, there were worlds like 'menu' and 'stats', as well as, 'skills'. But, after roller coasting through different emotions at a fast pace, from being depressed to being surprised to being confused, Videl was now feeling another new emotion, Excitement. Seeing the words that were located in the square at the bottom-right of her vision Videl couldn't help it. She was now seeing one of the last few words her beloved idle, Tiana Tatsuya, had said before she disappeared into thin air. The words she was seeing were the words 'log out'.

Without even thinking she said them out loud as if finding something positive in this nightmare situation.

"Log out!"

It was at this point that the little girl freaked out. Videl wasn't ready yet for logging out. Yet she had just gave the command to do so. Knowing what she had to do, the little girl acted fast.

As everything around Videl started to go black she started panicking again only to see the little girl seemingly evaporate into a million tiny silver orbs that then flew at a high speed into the crest on her hand. As this had distracted her, she fell asleep peacefully.

Somewhere in another world, on a bed in a room of a high-rise apartment building, there was a deep dive VR headset resting against a pillow. All of a sudden, the VR head set stared glowing when something started growing out of the head set. First there were red lines forming that slowly turned into bones which then formed into a skeleton. After that, muscles and organs started forming. Finally, skin and hair also appeared leaving behind a sleeping naked girl that was now wearing a VR headset. On top of her right hand was a crest of a crescent moon.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

AgedZebracreators' thoughts