
Real Kingdom Online: I’m an NPC in a Game?

After seeing a 'Chosen One' save her little village in person when she was young, Videl dreams of becoming a sword mage just like her. She makes it a point to join the 'Chosen Ones' Familia in order to potentially become friends with her. If the 'Chosen One' gives her crest to join her Familia, they would definitely become friends right? However, things don't go as planned as she ends up receiving a crest from some random little girl she saved on her way to Pendragon city to join the 'Chosen ones' Familia. And you can only have one crest at a time. Not only that, something crazy happens that may make it even harder for her to join her idol's Familia. Jenny Baker loves playing the deep dive VR game Real Kingdom Online and is basically the most popular player. So she leaves the more populated area of the game to play by herself. Setting up her Familia in a city called Pendragon City, she enjoys her time playing only with NPCs. However, doing so ends up causing something huge to happen in the real life world. Luna is a Goddess sent by the world of the gods to find out why no-one can leave the world of the gods as she is the only one that can.

AgedZebra · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Explanation

"Please tell me I'm dreaming." Jenny appeared to calmly say as she pinched herself on the cheek.

Feeling the pain and still seeing the little girl with long silver hair sitting in front of her, Jenny felt she was going crazy.

"Please calm down," Jenny heard the little girls voice in her head once again. "At least listen to what I have to say, please."

"But what's happening right now is just too unbelievable." She replied.

"I know, it's a little unbelievable for me too I assure you. To think the things that I overheard in my travels were indeed true." The voice in Jenny's head replied.

"Ummm, I can hear two voices… can either of you two get this thing off of me?" Videl timidly asked trying not to jump into the wrong spot of their conversation.

This question that seemed to come out of nowhere and reminded Jenny of the naked girls existence brought Jenny out of her surprised stupor. She then proceeded to help the girl remove the E-merseU headset.

"Whoa, where am I?" Videl said surprised by the items she could now see in her surroundings.

She looked in awe at the items such as the desktop computer, laptop, hair dryer, electric fan, lights, and many other electronics that could be seen in the room. She didn't know what these things were but she was extremely curious about them, forgetting all about the fact that she was naked or the fact that she could hear the voice of the young girl she saved in her head now. Instead, she went up to each device and examined them closely.

Meanwhile, Jenny and the young girl continued their conversation.

"So, you said you would explain. Can you tell me why there is a naked girl in my room that was wearing my E-senseU headset? And how you seemingly appeared out of the crest on her hand?" Jenny asked completely ignoring what the naked girl was doing.

"Well, if it is to make any sense I should probably start from the beginning. This will probably take awhile to explain so bear with me," The voice in her head replied. "I am Luna and I am a Moon Goddess. I was sent to the mortal realm to investigate something. You see, about seven years ago something truly unfathomable happened in the world of the gods. Back then the gods had been giving the mortals of their choosing crests in order to improve their standing in the mortal world. These mortals were supposed to head back to the mortal world and spread their god's name to improve said god or goddess's power."

"However, on one fateful day seven years ago, all of the 'Chosen Ones' that had been selected and given crests mysteriously disappeared. Shortly after the gods realized they could not travel to the mortal world to try and find them nor could they even leave the world of the gods for any other world. Later, the 'Chosen Ones' began to reappear but with different looking bodies and features. The gods also realized they could non longer interact with their crest holders and where left trapped in their world with no way of finding out what had happened."

"Wait, but you said you were a goddess, how did you leave?" Jenny asked confused about this point.

"Well, you see, I happened to be the one and only god that has been born after that event happened. Which apparently made me immune to whatever is preventing the gods from leaving the world of gods. Therefore, they sent me on a mission to find out what had happened." Luna responded.

"So that means your less than 7 years of age?" Jenny couldn't help but ask.

"Well, yes, but that is not important," Luna replied. "Continuing where I left off, I made a trip to the mortal world and started investigating. Basically, all I was able to do was eavesdrop on different mortals in order to get information and to my surprise it was easier than expected. There were plenty of mortals that would call themselves 'players' that would openly talk about things in places that anyone could hear them. From these 'players' I learned of the term 'log out', which from what I gleamed from the many different things I heard about it, means that these players leave for a different world. I also realized that everyone that called themselves a 'player' also happened to be a 'chosen one'"

"Oh shit…" Jenny was finally putting the dots together.

'This doesn't have something to do with my uncle, does it?' she thought.

"Huh? What was that?" Luna asked confused by the interruption.

"Oh… uhhh… it's… it's nothing please continue." Jenny said trying to hide her thoughts.

"Well… Okay," Luna said with a hint of suspicion but continued her story none the less. "Anyways, after learning of these things I came up with a plan. In order to find out if this other world existed, I decided to look for and pick my own 'Chosen One' and try to see if they had this 'log out' ability as well. If they did, I could travel there with them by hitching a ride inside their crest."

"Which brings us to this girl here. Wait... what is she doing?" Luna asked as she looked over at Videl who had rapped the blanket around herself. She had somehow turned on the fan and was making weird noises as the fan blew air into her mouth at its highest speed.

"Not sure…" was Jenny's response.

"Unbelievable…" Luna said as she facepalmed. "This is supposed to be the one I picked as my 'Chosen one', I believe she said her name was Videl."

Hearing her name in the conversation that she had indeed been listening to the entirety of, even though it looked like her mind had been elsewhere, Videl realized this girl named Luna was talking about her.

"Wait, so you didn't add me to your Familia but instead made me a 'Chosen One'?" She asked now having an interest in their discussion. "

"Take a look at your crest. What color is it? You should know the difference in color based on if you're a 'Chosen One' or just a member of their Familia, right? A 'Chosen Ones' crest glows a light blue color while for members of their Familia, their crest glows a purplish color."

Videl looking down at her crest had her mind blown. She knew what crests were but had no idea they had different colors. And now she realized something. After she had woken up, she remembered that she could just leave little girls Familia and still be able to achieve her dream of joining Tiana Tatsuyas Familia and had calmed down. Hence, she was playing around with the interesting items in the room.

"S-so you're saying that I can't leave in order to join Tiana Tatsuya's Familia?" Videl was trying her hardest to keep herself from crying.

'What? She wanted to join my Familia?' Jenny thought with a bit of a surprised expression on her face.

"Unfortunately, you're stuck with my crest. Had I known how incompetent you are I would have picked someone else, but now I guess I have to deal with you as well."

"Whaaaaaa," Videl couldn't hold it back any longer and stared wailing.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down. Hey, as a 'Chosen one' you should be able to go ask this Tiana Tatsuya if she wants to start a Kingdom with you. In that way you can still be with her."

Jenny was unsure if she would actually say yes if this girl came and asked her in game but she wanted to stop her from crying so…

"Enough with the distraction let me finish my story. If you really want to know why Videl here is naked, well, it's because after I gave her the crest to make her my 'Chosen One' she pretty much immediately used the 'log out' command before I was ready. And when we arrived here, she did not have a body yet, therefore, I had to use my power to create one for her. However, in my rush to get in the crest before she traveled here, I had to use quite a bit of my power so I only had enough to create her body and well… not her cloths.