

What creatures are those... entities which can't be comprehended by Mortal standards? What do we call those... abhorrence whose mind and power are completely unparalleled to a level that mere words can't explain? What do we call those... eldrich creatures whose mere gaze could bring from unending madness? Come and join this story to know what madness of an Omniverse do we live in. Come and join this story to know what exactly these creatures want! Come and join this story to know what exactly an Outer's power can do. From a Low-Outer to an Outer god.

A_N_V · Fantasy
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80 Chs


Well, this is going to be a problem.

What lies in front of me is the first denizens of the outer city.

The Orc Camp.

But this is not the problem. The problem lies in their goddamn numbers. They are 150-strong. I thought all the strong guys pulled back their forces. So why are the Orcs 150 strong? and isn't it weird to just have your forces at 150? shouldn't it be like 156 or 153? Isn't this a weird coincidence?

Well, it doesn't matter. I have to find a way to neutralize their numbers without fighting. I thought mana sensitivity could help me overcome the numbers by creating spells like lighting storm or firestorm but Linda said that my proficiency with the mark isn't up to that level. Right now, it can only help me with primitive actions like increased strength and speed, etc.

But I have a solution and that solution may come any minute now... and there you are my skele's. I commanded my skele's to hunt for some goblins and Orcs after I saw that I could not defeat the Orc camp on my own and I can't revive random Orc scouts because I don't have enough Hold.

So I thought, why not opt for biological warfare, for that I need a biological warfare agent. So that made me come to my current situation. Goblin and Orcs. Goblin's progenitor is Demon Arviod(A demon of greed) and the Orc's progenitor is Demon Borosis(A demon of pride). I was thinking... what if I made these 2 dormant demon bloodlines combine? It will most probably form a virus.

This is not my knowledge though. Linda said this to me. She is pretty knowledgeable in everything. Wait, you might be wondering from the beginning how I know all this stuff about the Omniverse, etc right from the start. Well, that's because of the cosmic will. With every High One born by the will of the cosmos. They will have some inherent knowledge about the Omniverse and other shenanigans.

Coming back to the topic, the number of skeletons I have right now is 10. Which is really a minuscule number. So, that's why I commanded my cute skele's to hunt some goblins and Orcs for me. Now that they have done that.

I move towards their bodies where the skeletons dumped their bodies.


I absorbed the bodies one by one, both the goblins and Orcs. Ok, now let's start.

"Linda, do goblins give me something? Like a mark or a skill?"

[No, Master but you should evolve it into the last form just in case. It would help you in the future]

"OK then, Linda can you turn me into a goblin"

I never thought I would say that. Sigh.

[Transforming the current husk-Skeleton Lord into a Goblin]

"Aaa shit... just don't say anything and evolve me into the last form."

[...but it will hurt master.]

"Don't ducking care about anything. Just change me fast otherwise I'll lose my mind to my libido.

[Y-Yes Master]

Goblin << Goblin General{Low Mortal(middle)} << Goblin Commander{Low Mortal(Late)} << Goblin Duke{Low Mortal(Late)} << Goblin Lord{Low Mortal(Peak)} << Goblin King{Low Mortal(Peak)}(Here the "king" is greater than the "Lord" because of Mortal hierarchy) << Goblin Imperial{Low Mortal(Psuedo-Mortal)}

"Ahhh SHIT Here comes the pain. Lin-"

[Transforming the current husk-Goblin Imperial into Skeleton Lord]

"Phew, What was even the use of that seriously!!"

[Your Hold increased Master]

"Ohh well then it's Ok, I guess"

"Now, for the second part"

(Ruler of Bone)(-50 H)

I created a couple of buckets so that I could contain the blood.

"Ok bois! Help me with this"

I said to my skele's and they got to work. They started to take the bodies and drained the bodies of their blood by cutting, By making the bodies hang upside down, etc. Well, this is what they say. Every one of you is unique.


After the whole process of extracting blood and placing them in the buckets. I dipped my hands inside the blood.


All the blood I touched got emptied.

"Syst- Linda did you get the blood?"

[Yes master!]

"Then combine the blood of the two"

[Combining Orc blood and Goblin blood.]

[The dormant bloodline is interacting with the process.]

[Virus: Arox-12 has been generated]

[Skill: Plague Generation has been acquired]

"Well, this turned out to be really good"


Sorry for not uploading and yeah hope you love the chapter. Every love and support you guys show warms my heart. So keep supporting.

and bye bye