

What creatures are those... entities which can't be comprehended by Mortal standards? What do we call those... abhorrence whose mind and power are completely unparalleled to a level that mere words can't explain? What do we call those... eldrich creatures whose mere gaze could bring from unending madness? Come and join this story to know what madness of an Omniverse do we live in. Come and join this story to know what exactly these creatures want! Come and join this story to know what exactly an Outer's power can do. From a Low-Outer to an Outer god.

A_N_V · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs


Now, with the definition of what demon spawns are. We can move forward.

(Ruler of Bone)(-500 H)

I tried my skill on the dead Orcs. The Orc's skin tore and skeletons began to emerge. They aren't something I can actually count on but... Meh!

"Ok, bois! Follow me"

I and my 3 cute skele's started our journey to the inner city.


You know, I now wonder. Am I completely an outer? Don't I have anything left from my former self? Don't I have empathy? If not, then who am I, am I just a husk of my previous self, or am I a new person altogether with just memories of someone who was "me"?


I heard an Orc roar that shook me out of my existential crisis.

"Bois! you know what to do right?"

They took off without saying anything. Well, they can't say anything and the orcs are a little farther away so it doesn't matter.

Now coming back to the point. It doesn't actually matter. See, I am not someone who doesn't value life. Even though all will enter the cycle of reincarnation. That doesn't mean it's ok to not value life. Life is something to be valued. Life is something to be treasured. Life is a fundamental that no one has the right to take or destroy.

All those protags that are in the group of villains... all those lives wasted like garbage. This is not even about being vanilla. "I will kill all those who will stand in my way". That is something to be admired. Something to be followed. It shows the resolution. It shows a greater cause. But wasting life. Killing someone just because. That is something only fools do and those fools will have to face the wrath of Life.

[Life has taken notice of you]

But Death is something unavoidable too. Just like the Orcs who are facing me. They will have to die for they are facing me. A High One. They all will have to die just because they stand in the way of an Outer. If you think they are just mere monsters. You are sorely mistaken. I can feel the desperation written in their eyes when I separate the head of an Orc. I can feel the regret in their eyes.

They are just like humans. Albeit a little dumb. Death is for everyone. My fellow beings. It cannot be stopped. It cannot be rushed. It can only be embraced.

[Death has taken notice of you]

I was suddenly taken out of my reverie.

[Master! you are soo cool!]

"Huh?" "System! What happened to me?"

[You were gaining enlightenment! Master. You are too much of a genius Master! You were able to attract the 2 Recibellums when you are just Psuedo-Mortal. I can't wait to see what you will do when you reach higher Realms.]

Mmm... Enlightenment huh? Well, all is well that end's well, I guess. Wait! Where are my skele's. I look around and see that my skele's way in front of me and within a few minutes they are about to face 5 Orcs.

"Wait! Wait bois! wait for you Master bois!"

I don't know why. It may be because they don't have a brain or it may be because I am out of range to give them a clear command but they don't stop.


I ran. I ran as fast as I can and WHOOAAA! This is really fast. As I ran black mist began to float. This is... This is just like that game. The second son or something. I played the game and it definitely feels like it.

[Negetive Master! the aesthetic may look like it but the technicality is way different. This is due to your new mark Mana Sensitivity. The mana acknowledges your need and gives you what that need is. In this case, it is speed.]

"This new skill is awesome" I exclaimed

[It is a mark Master. Not a skill.]

"Yeah Yeah who cares," I said lazily. Like who the hell cares when I am traveling at... wait how much speed is it?


Hey! hey! hey! hey! that is so ducking awesome. I can beat goddamn cheetah's top speed. This is so co-

[A cheetah's top speed is 130 km/h Master!] she said in a cute voice.

"Aww, come on! Let me have my moment here!" It's already frustrating because she shattered my dream into species and it's extra frustrating because she is just saying with no ill-Intent too.

"System, I should name you soon!" "Not naming you doesn't feel right. Calling you System even makes me a little bit awkward too"

[Ohh! Can I name myself!]

"Mmm... go ahead." I thought I would be the protag who gives weird names to everyone but dreams stay as dreams... even for an Outer huh?

[Linda! Call me Linda! The Primordian named me that and I don't want to change my name. But if you want to change it, you can Master!]

Mmm... Primordian. She has a previous Master... or a Holder? I can't actually tell.

"Linda Huh? Nice name. This primordian guy. Was he a good guy or a bad guy?"

[A very good guy master. He saved many lives and our lives too when everyone considered that we were dangerous to live freely.]

So him tracking me down and hunting me for the retrieval of System or other life-threatening situations involving System is close to nil. Good.

"So this Primordian guy. Is he still alive?"

[No Master. He is dead] She said in a sad tone.

"How is he dead" this is the main question I want to know.

[Betrayal Master. His friends and bonds betrayed him.]

Duck, shit duuuccckkkk Why the hell is this happening to me. Ok, calm down. Deduct the possibilities of how this can come and bite me in the back. Ok.

1. This primordian guy's soul can be in this System. Waiting for me to fatten myself and possess me when the time is right.

If this is the case then I am a little bit relaxed. I am an Outer. A race known for its mental fortitude and mysteriousness. If he tries to possess me. No matter how strong he is. He will be in an all-new stage he is not familiar with. At that time I can even devour his soul to strengthen myself. Sigh. I seriously changed huh? Making even this situation for my betterment.

2. The guy's who killed the primordian guys are searching for the systems. This will be a headache to deal with if they find me. Well, I'll have to deal with that when the time comes. No use wracking my head in this problem.

3. The system is using me as some kind of cata-

Duck. I am turning paranoid. I should keep my guard up just in case. But I shouldn't treat the syst- Linda like she is some evil villainess. That will just create more problems. I should treat her with care. But also with caution in the back of my mind.

[Master! Master!!!! you are going way too faasssttttt] she yelled with her cute voice.

"Ahh, shit Lindaaaaa." I close my eyes(Well, I at least try to) and try to slow down. Mana immediately listens to my plea and slows me down.

"Phew" that was some crazy speed. How much was it, Linda?


Damn! but I can't control that level of speed. Patience man Patience. Everything will work out at its own pace.

Now that I reached their side. I try to outrun them and it works. Damn this is totally like captain America outrunning Wakanda's soldiers. Ok, Playtime's over.

Now, I can clearly see the orcs. "Is there any danger syst- Linda"

[The one at the forefront is at Psuedo-Mortal]

Ok, I and my soldiers ran at the Orcs, and when the adequate distance was there in between me and the Orc at the front. I jumped and my jump was totally off target but Mana sensitivity came to the rescue. I could totally control where I was going. This ability is so damn cool.

I made my jump on target again and I used mana to speed up my fall. When I was close I grabbed the Orc's face and


+300 E

Dust rose from the ground because of the impact and became the perfect smokescreen for me. Well, the strongest guy is gone. Now, for the weaker ones. From the smokescreen, my hand come out as the hands of despair and caught the face of the Orc on my left side.

(Death's Touch)(-200 Hold)

+100 E

I move forward only to be greeted by two axes trying to cut me into two. But I jumped and

(Necrotic burst)(-200 Hold)

+400 E

Only one left and

+100 E

My skele's! you did a wonderful job. Now, my skele's joined the battle and killed the Orc in no time. They are painted red with the blood of the Orc they killed and there are even bits of flesh in their skeletons. Come on skele's keep your manners up.

(Ruler of Bone)(-750 H)

The dead Orc's flesh tore and new skeletons began to emerge.

This is going to be a long journey.


Appreciate any comments and support you show here and that is it

So bye bye