

What creatures are those... entities which can't be comprehended by Mortal standards? What do we call those... abhorrence whose mind and power are completely unparalleled to a level that mere words can't explain? What do we call those... eldrich creatures whose mere gaze could bring from unending madness? Come and join this story to know what madness of an Omniverse do we live in. Come and join this story to know what exactly these creatures want! Come and join this story to know what exactly an Outer's power can do. From a Low-Outer to an Outer god.

A_N_V · Fantasy
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80 Chs


Now, Let's start our project eradication.

"Linda, can you explain what this virus is"

[Arox-12: A deadly virus that can generate rapid multiplication of cells which leads to tumors and in rare cases mutation. It takes 2 days to complete its effect but it has a massive contagious rate.

Essential for survival: Water. This virus thrives on water and they are the best mode of transport too.]

"Well, isn't this great? Linda, can this virus help me in eradicating the orcs."



"Now, I have to find where their water source is... Mmm, there it is... wait a minute. How in the hell did I zoom in with my eyes."

[Master! Your ocular power increased previously remember?]

"But you didn't say I could goddamn zoom in like this. This is so cool!"

[Umm Sorry master. But I didn't know it too. Like I said, you have to unlock analysis to find what all abilities come with the ocular increase.]

"Ohh! Yeah! should have known that" "Anyway I should move forward to the water source."


This is actually beautiful. This water stream. The red color water, mutated fishes, and weird-looking lotus flowers. This all may sound a little off but it's genuinely beautiful. Look at those bulb-like things floating around. Cute.

I move towards the bank of the water stream and... Wait, how do you do this? how do you make this skill work? Linda a little help here.

[Master, you don't have to worry! I have integrated the virus into your hold so you just have to pass your necrotic mana to the water stream and it will be done.]

"Ohh! well, that's easy"

I bent down and dipped my hand into the water but before I could pass the necrotic mana, a deadly sharp set of teeth came to greet me from below the water like I was some chew toy.

(Harden)(-500 H)

It grabbed my head with its mouth and pulled me down into the water. I grabbed its belly and

(Death's touch)(-200 H)

+100 E

Well, I guess I would be really in bad shape if I didn't have good reflexes. I grabbed the look-alike of anglerfish which was now floating aimlessly in the water and


[Hiveangler's genetic energy acquired.]

The death of the first seemed to trigger the rest, as all the similar-looking fishes came to attack me.

(Necrotic Burst)(-200 H)

+1500 E

Yepp! that was a good hau- Ohh shittt

[Kraken-High Mortal(Peak)]

From the dark neverending depth of the water. There was a pair of blue crystalline eyes that was quite menacing, to say the least. Squid-like tentacle arms sprang up into action to strangle me or more appropriately, to crush me.

(Necrotic Burst)(Mana Sensitivity)(-1000 H)

I activated the mark to make makeshift thrusters and it did! Black necrotic essence swirled around and essence condensed around my feet, and within seconds I was out of the water flying through but I deactivated it after some time because it burns my hold a lot.

I did the hero landing where you give the whole impact falling on your knees and it actually worked with me not actually breaking any knee bones because you know... Yeah, I repeated the same line so many times so I won't do it now.... I AM JUST MADE UP OF BONES BABY!!!

I didn't get enough time to relax because, at the next second, a large tentacle came out of the water to crush me.

(Ruler of Bone)(Mana Sensitivity)(-1000 H)

I created a sword with black essence swirling around it which made it look sharper, deadlier. I threw it like a javelin(why the hell didn't I create a javelin itself??) with the most strength I could muster. Well, I was not a swordsman, to begin with, and the only plus point I have is my ocular power so I just used that.

I flew like a homing missile, rapidly spinning with necrotic essence(why the hell is it spinning?). What made me actually shocked was not the sudden mana infusion with my marks but the sword, It didn't pierce through to the other side. It was just stuck on its skin.

The tentacle began to writhe in pain. Slamming here and there before returning to the water.

"Phew, that was close" "Wait! I didn't spread the virus"

[Don't worry master! When you did the Necrotic burst. I integrated the virus into it so that it would help you. But I didn't expect the unexcepted visitor to disturb you and not make you spread the virus. Master! I am sorry for not asking your permission first!!]

"Linda.... you are amazing!!! thank you so much for that!! I'll count on you like this. So you could save me like a damsel in distress." I said in a cheeky tone

[M-Master!! Y-You can't say something like that!!] Linda said in her very cute voice.

Mmm, she can do actions without my approval. That... is something to note. I need to be careful with my every move. But rather than that..... She is someone I can count on. Well, I guess she grew on me huh? But better be safe than sorry. I have to keep my guard on her.


Hey guys. Tomorrow I am going somewhere. So I can't give you all another chapter. Sorry! But keep commenting and supporting me though.

Bye bye