

What creatures are those... entities which can't be comprehended by Mortal standards? What do we call those... abhorrence whose mind and power are completely unparalleled to a level that mere words can't explain? What do we call those... eldrich creatures whose mere gaze could bring from unending madness? Come and join this story to know what madness of an Omniverse do we live in. Come and join this story to know what exactly these creatures want! Come and join this story to know what exactly an Outer's power can do. From a Low-Outer to an Outer god.

A_N_V · Fantasy
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80 Chs


(Death's Touch)(-200 Hold)

+100 E

I touched the Orc before moving back, then the 2nd Orc who was on the right side of the now dead Orc tried to punch me. I dodged it and before the Orc could retract the arm, I caught the arm and put it in between my armpit.

"You know, you really are dumb"

(Death's Touch)(-200 Hold)

+100 E

The said Orc collapsed down. But the 3rd Orc managed to hit me because I took too much time being cool. I was sent flying and regained my balance after rolling a couple of times.

Now in a half kneeling position, I stood up and

(Ruler of Bone)(-50 H)

I created a dagger using my bones, aimed at the running Orc and threw it with the maximum strength I had. Unknown to me, there was a slight fluttering in my eyes, and my "iris" color changed from blue to purple. The dagger flew through the air and it got hit in the middle of the Orcs' head.

+200 E

That... is not normal. I never was any good at marksmanship. Like what do you expect from a fatty? I wasn't good at anything. The only thing I was good at was stuffing myself with some food.

"System, Is there anything wrong with me?"

[Master, you need to unlock analyze for me to actively scan your body. But for now, I can only say that your Ocular power has sharply risen.]

Well, that's good. Now, how much energy do I have?

[Energy:- 1,000]

I killed a couple of Orcs, that's where the extra energy came from. Now system, can you show me your functions once more?

[Y-yes Master]

System Functions Unlocked:



'Umm... System... why did you stutter just now.'

[I-It's nothing.]

'Now that doesn't sound convincing at all. Come on. you can say anything to me you know that, right?'

[It's just that you don't command me to do anything even though you have full capability of doing just that. I was just surprised by the fact that you requested me to show my functions rather than commanding me to do so.]

'Mmm... that's not actually true. I kind of commanded you to show me my status.'


'Yeah, that was a lame excuse. I just don't want things to be awkward between us and I seriously don't want you to backstab me when I least expect it.'

[Master, You will be suspicious of me no matter what I do. So let's just move forward and deal with things that we can do for now. I'll show my loyalty when the time comes.]

'Mmm... I'll wait for that time. Till then don't kill me Ok?'

[W-Wait that's it?]

'Well I can't do anything about this situation, can I? So I will just trust you for what it's worth. Now enough with the betraying talk.'

I moved to examine the now-dead Orc body. 'I really wish this is how it works.' I thought as I moved my hand and touched the Orc's Body.


I instinctively felt that I was taking something from this Orc or a more appropriate term would be "absorbing" something. Well, it doesn't actually matter to me so... Meh.

[Orc's genetic energy has been Acquired]

Ok, now system, can you turn me into an Orc?

[Transforming the current husk-Skeleton Lord into an Orc]


Everything is good, right? No abnormalities? No tumor growing on any part of my body right?

[No Master]

Good! Very good!! "Now Evolve me up to the last evolution"

Orc << Orc General{Low Mortal(Middle)} << Orc Commander{Low Mortal(Late)} << Orc Cheif{Low Mortal(Peak)}(Mark Acquired: Mana Sensitivity) << Orc Lord{Low Mortal(Psuedo-Mortal)}

[Energy:-450 E]

I grunted, this is uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. This feeling is like "A ballon which is about to burst". Yep, what the hell is ha-

[Genetic Damage detected. Master should I cha-]

Yes!! Please Yes!!!

[Transforming from Orc Lord to Skeleton Lord.]

"Phew" Well, I didn't like that. Sigh, what was that?

[Master... I am sor-]

'What was that? It hurt so bad man! Well, Try to keep an eye out for things like these ok?'


'Mmm... Now, What the hell was that?'

[Master, you know about demon spawns right?]

Demon Spawns-Info Dump Time.

Ok, do you guys know that liches can be created using frost demon's blood. But then comes a question. Aren't liches creatures of the undead? Aren't Undead and Demonic energy 2 different energies? The answer to the question is Yes- Undead and Demonic energies are different energies from different Realms.

But the catch is that a lich lord(a more appropriate term would be death lord) from the realm of the undead signed a Realm contract with a Frost Demon King. A contract that binds even the 2 Realms.

The contract was to change the blood of frost demons into something when consumed by the other party, will turn into a lower lich. Multiple contracts are there in and across the Omniverse and one of them is Orcs.

See, till here it's ok! but the problem comes when they reach their limit. These pawns, when they reach their limit. They will be taxing their vitality for their power. Unless they have enough blood of their progenitors to offset the bloodline limit.

They can correct their genetic damage if they have enough blood from their progenitors. But if not... they'll just have to die. Cruel? Yeah but that is life. You live, you die then you get reborn(with no memories attached).


Well, that is it. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. another chapter coming

Till then bye bye