

What creatures are those... entities which can't be comprehended by Mortal standards? What do we call those... abhorrence whose mind and power are completely unparalleled to a level that mere words can't explain? What do we call those... eldrich creatures whose mere gaze could bring from unending madness? Come and join this story to know what madness of an Omniverse do we live in. Come and join this story to know what exactly these creatures want! Come and join this story to know what exactly an Outer's power can do. From a Low-Outer to an Outer god.

A_N_V · Fantasy
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80 Chs



Purge the world "Athena" from outsiders.

Outside forces Purged(0/3)




Current Location:- Kalaham's outer city

Current Quest:- Kill Kalaham(Demon)

"Hmmm... Kill Kalaham Huh"

"Well she's not being subtle at all"

Guardian: "It's because I don't have the time to"

Whoooaa, She can just appear like that.

[This is her Domain master. She can appear wherever she wants but she can't physically or mentally influence anyone.]

Meaning she can't hurt me Right?

[Yes master]


Mmm, now that I get a look at her she looks like... a female terant.

"You! Outer, listen carefully. I am not the one who likes fancy talk so let me get straight to the point. For you to thoroughly purge the demons. You have to terminate the one who summoned the demon contract. But I am sure that the one who initiated the contract is dead but the demons still haven't left. Find the reason and purge the demons. The first lead will be Witch Aldeia but she is sealed in the inner city. So this will be your current quest."

"What makes you so sure about the contractor being dead"

"Because I saw that bastard dying. He contacted the demons and started preaching about judgment and some bullshit like that. But he died at the hands of the last Resistance Force. Well, it's been a long time after that so..."

Mmm... Resistance Force... seems like the final struggle of the people here.

"Ok I will do what I can"

She just nodded and vanished.


Purge the world "Athena" from outsiders.

Outside forces Purged(0/3)


Current Location:- Kalaham's outer city

Current Quest:- Kill Kalaham(Demon)

Sub-quest:- Find out the reason for how the demons are staying behind without a contract.

Side Quest:- Eradicate the outer denizens of the city and enter the inner city. (0/3)





Ok, let me explain a bit. Every being living in a Realm needs a contract to stay in a particular world. For example, In Abyss there are teleportation portals that help them to travel through worlds. But for the teleportation to activate, there has to be a contractor on the other side so that both can establish their conditions and desires with each other.

It's not just demons. Even I, an Outer have to somehow gain partial permission to act on any World. That's why I need a Guardian. The "Quest" is just how the system puts it to me so that I can cope with the situation faster. In actuality, It's just an Outer contract.

I purge her world from these unwanted pests and she gives me something equally valuable for my hard work. A straightforward transaction. Just the way I like it.

Anyway enough with the boring talk. How about I check the Marks I got after evolution?



Name: No-Named Outer

Rank: No-Rank Outer

Realm: Low Mortal(Psuedo-Mortal)

Skills Tab: None

Marks: (Harden)(Necrotic Burst)(Death's Touch)(Ruler of Bone)

Current Husk: Undead

Evolution Max: Skeleton Lord

Energy: 300

Hold: 1000

Food: None

Functions Unlocked:



Analyze(10,000 E)

Okay, Marks are all self-explanatory. Harden makes my bone as hard as a pseudo-Adamantite metal, Necrotic Burst allows you to spread your necrotic essence to an area with you as its center, Death's Touch is the passing of necrotic essence in your body to another by physical contact, Ruler of Bone is basically Osteokinesis. Well, that's it.


Aaa, I was just coming to you guys. But look at you coming here on your own. I probably can't analyze him right.

[No, Knowing the being's race, Realm and everything is within my parameters.]

Ohh, so, can you help me with that guy?

[Orc: Low mortal(Peak)]

Ohhh, that's just what I need. Thank you, girl.

[No problem Master.] said the system in a prideful voice.

Well, this system is a mystery too. I actually don't know anything about her but my "Instinct" says she is somebody I can trust so...

[Master, the Orc is approaching]

Mmm, It can't read my mind. I actually thought all this in my mind to get a reaction out of her but... Guess I have to confirm it sometime later.

For now, I have to deal with this Orc.

I move forward stealthily but the Orc notices me anyway.


What! how did it notice me?

[Your Necrotic Aura is too hard to not notice master.]

Awww, Damn it. Well, let's check one of my Marks now. The Orc is rushing towards me and when he is 10 feet close to me.

(Necrotic Burst)(-200 Hold)


+100 E

The Orc fell like a puppet with no strings attached to it.

Wait!. That's it? Like there is no punching and kicking action. Well, that was anticlimatic. But I don't think I should have this high-level Mark at this Realm.

[Correct Master, It's only because I fine-tuned your Evolution that you now possess this much power. In each evolution, I bring whatever peak power possible I can bring. So...]

You are really something huh? Well, I guess I will have to pay you by using this power to its full potential right?

Well, let's begin the slaughter.


Sorry. I am sorry for not going into action in this chapter. I had to explain something before going into proper action right? The next chap will be a lot of fun guys.

Till then Bye Bye