

What creatures are those... entities which can't be comprehended by Mortal standards? What do we call those... abhorrence whose mind and power are completely unparalleled to a level that mere words can't explain? What do we call those... eldrich creatures whose mere gaze could bring from unending madness? Come and join this story to know what madness of an Omniverse do we live in. Come and join this story to know what exactly these creatures want! Come and join this story to know what exactly an Outer's power can do. From a Low-Outer to an Outer god.

A_N_V · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs


"Hey Outer!" yelled the Guardian making me come out of my thought process. "So, coming back to the topic. She was most probably threatened to do this crafting. Sigh, everything went down to hell after the demon summoning. Tsk" Said the Guardian in an annoyed tone.

"Well, I don't have time for your monologue," I stretched my hand and opened my palms. "Give me the rewards," I said

"Tsk" She 'tsked' in annoyance. Because of all the deliberation and past-focused conversation, she believed she could make me forget about the rewards.

Each quest completion will give you rewards and rewards will be of many types. Energy, artifacts, etc, and now

"So, what do you want, "Guardian said uninterestedly.

"I want you to hold my hand," I said, still stretching my hands towards her.

"W-What, come on, you can't ask me that as a reward. That's just," She said, clearly, her body and eyes were telling me something else.

"Shut up and put your hands here," I said, Slightly annoyed.

"Humph" She just harrumphed and put her hands on top of mine.


"Prioritize on getting the treant Genetics"

[Analyzing the guardian]

[Prioritizing on acquiring the genetics.]

[Acquisition successful]

[Do you wish to acquire Treant genetics?]


"Y-YOU" The Guardian stared at me like I was some alien. Well, technically I am... Let's not mind the details, shall we?

"This will be my reward. Whether you like it or not." I said leaving no room for negotiation.

"I-I, B-But, Sigh" She sighed and gave me a nod.



[Absorption on the genetics initiated.]

[Terant: Genetics Acquired.]

"Ok, our deal is closed... for now," I said, looking at her eyes. Her body was disappearing like it was losing sustenance to maintain in the physical realm.

"Yeah! Yeah! whatever." and with that, she was gone.

"Linda, change me into a Terant."

[Transforming Host- Calamity of Minos into Terant.]

I was now a tree human basically. Vines intertwined themselves to form a humanoid body. A basic humanoid body.

"Linda, the evolution."

[Evolution available: Baby Terant << Teen Terant(Energy Required: 200){Low-Mortal(Early►►Middle)}]


[Baby Terant << Teen Terant(- 200 E)]

[Evolution available: Teen Terant << Adult Terant(Energy Required: 400)(Mark: Colony-Mind){Low-Mortal(Middle►►Peak)}]


[Teen Terant << Adult Terant(- 400 E)(Mark: Colony-Mind)]

[Evolution available: Adult Treant << Elder Terant(Energy Required: 800)(Mark: Life Pulse, Germinating Seeds){Low-Mortal(Peak)►►Mortal Realm(Early)]


[Adult Terant << Elder Terant(- 800 E)(Mark Acquired: Life Pulse, Germinating Seeds)]

Heh, Aren't I strong? From Baby, the adult size of humans to Elder Terant, my body got bigger and stronger with more vines intertwining with themselves to form a kind of armor.

This feels... strong! Well, Back into calamity I go!

[Transformation of Host- Elder Terant into Calamity of Minos]

"Mmm... What are these spores on my hand?"

[I modified your body to make the mark work.]

"What mark needs spores in ha... Show the info on my marks."


This Mark allows you to connect with your subordinates irrespective of where they are.

(Life Pulse)(Active)

Sends an omnidirectional wave with you as it's center and detects any life forms, whether physical or spiritual

(Germinating Seeds)(Active)

Condition: Needs a physical form.

Let's you control the seeds which are built in the body of the host. The growth rate of these seeds is very high so you could use the vines to entrap, strangle or crush your enemies.

"Well, isn't this a good addition? Next, bois get into my domain."

All the Undead Minotaur came into my heart. "Status"


Name: No-Named Outer

Rank: No-Rank Outer

Realm: Mortal Realm(Early)

Title: The Hegemony of Undeath(The Anarch)

Undead Minos Legion: 50

Undead possible to rise:0

Skills Tab: [Plague Generation][Energy Collection][All Seeing][Aura Coating][Necrokinesis:- 6.57%]

Marks: (Mana Sensitivity)(Colony-Mind)(Life Pulse)(Germinating Seeds)(Minor Regeneration)(Strengthen)(Aura Manipulation)(Harden)(Shock Absorption)

Ocular Prowess: Eyes of Dread(Stage IV)➤➤(Stage IV)(Energy Required: 15,000 E)[Skill: Weilder of the Death Orbs]

Current Husk: Undead

Evolution Available: Calamity of Minos << Abomination of Minos(Energy Required: 10,000)(Pure Death Mana Manipulation)⥣

Energy: 327,280

Hold: 7,500

Food: [Death:- 2.32%][Fate:- 0.00%]

Functions Unlocked:




Duplication(1,000,000 E)

"Evolve my Ocular Prowess"

Ocular Prowess: Eyes of Dread(Stage III)➤➤(Stage IV)[Skill: Weilder of the Death Orbs](-15,000 E)

"Whoooaaa, this, is sooo cool" I exclaimed as I really got 2 black death balls or more appropriately 2 death Orbs parallel to my two horns. I made it move around my body, made a shield out of one orb, made a sword, and then made it explode.

I can say that these orbs are really stable and hard which makes them good for defense and when made them unstable. They really pack a punch.

Ocular Prowess: Eyes of Dread(Stage IV)(Max)

"Mmmm... Evolve me into Abomination of Minos"

[Calamity of Minos << Abomination of Minos(- 10,000 E)(Pure Death Mana Manipulation)⥣]

Mmmm... As I guessed, an Increase in pure death mana increases the number of orbs I can wield(which is 4 right now) and my bones became stronger. Mmm... I think my height increased too.

[Evolution available: Abomination of Minos << Abberation of Minos(Energy Needed: 30,000)(Pure Death Mana Manipulation)⥣


[Abomination of Minos << Abberation of Minos(- 30,000 E)(Pure Death Mana Manipulation)⥣]

Now I am a pure black minos skeleton. Pretty savage huh? I can now control 6 death orbs. Good!

[Evolution Max: Abberation of Minos]

"Change me into Vengra"

[Transforming the host- Abberation of Minos into Vengra.]

Mmm... Holy shit. This much raw strength. This is... so good! I have 2 horns, White fur, Normal humanoid head but with fangs. My face is also covered with fur. This is so good!!!

[How do you feel master!!! It's my first creation!!!!]

"This is way too good, Linda. I can feel the power flowing through me... That's a line that is used way too much. Anyway, Show me the evolution."

[Evolution available: Vengra(Stage I) << Vengra(Stage II)(Energy Required: 10,000)(Power Increase)(Aura Increase)]


[Vengra(Stage I) << Vengra(Stage II)(-10,000 E)]

[Evolution available: Vengra(Stage II) << Vengra(Stage III)(Energy Required: 30,000)(Power Increase)(Aura Increase)]


[Vengra(Stage II) << Vengra(Stage III)(- 30,000 E)]

"Wait, I think I am missing something... Wait!! Where is my realm increase?

[Don't, worry master! You can even defeat Mortal Realm(Peak) guys easily. The problem behind no increase in the realm was that there was only qualitative change in some sectors. You didn't have any change as a whole, but you don't have to worry, We can just gather high-grade genetics and combine them so that master can increase in realm.]

"Mmm... Well, whatever"


Ok guys I may cause several mistakes in this chap because I am literally posting this at 1:00 AM. So, please go easy on me and I want you guys to see the images of the evolutions but the link I am posting is not coming through so if you have any way to solve this situation. You can say it in the comments.

Bye bye