

What creatures are those... entities which can't be comprehended by Mortal standards? What do we call those... abhorrence whose mind and power are completely unparalleled to a level that mere words can't explain? What do we call those... eldrich creatures whose mere gaze could bring from unending madness? Come and join this story to know what madness of an Omniverse do we live in. Come and join this story to know what exactly these creatures want! Come and join this story to know what exactly an Outer's power can do. From a Low-Outer to an Outer god.

A_N_V · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs


Black and red smoke began to condense and after 2 second

Imperial Undead Minos-{Mortal Realm(Early)}

"Ha... good" I crackled a menacing laugh on my black skeletal skull. Now, what should I name you?

"You are a strong guy, right?" To that, it simply lowered its head to show submission.

"Mmm... Then how about..."

"Bane" It looked up at me with renewed vigor like it would crush anything in this world for me.

"Bane, The Vengeful Mutant"(Outer's have a weird naming sense)

[The name "Bane, the Vengeful Mutant" has been assigned]


With that 24 minotaurs with black and red bodies rose up.

"Mmmm... Only 24?'

[Yep, that's the most you can do now.]

[Undead possible to rise:0]

"Ohh, I don't think so. I can make them evolve right?



"Then how will they raise their realm?"

[By killing or a more appropriate term would be by eating life.]

"Then," I started to crackle maniacally. "Combine my skeleton Lord with any of the minotaur here.

[Combination requires 10,000 E]

[Do you wish to proceed?]



-10,000 E

[Combination initiating...]

[Combination at 50%]

[Combination at 100%]

[Combination successful:- You have created Abyssal Minos]

[Abyssal Minos is being influenced by the Hemegony of Undeath.]

"Good, Now what is my upper limit now."

[Due to the Hegemony of Undeath. All undead shall be yours. Even if they don't directly belong to you]

[Undead possible to rise: 25]


25 more minotaurs rose. With this, I had the apex predators of the outer city as my minions.


Side Quest:- Eradicate the outer denizens of the city and enter the inner city. (2/3)


"Now, These guys are left. Well, let's see how they fair against us. Heh"

I started moving towards the exit of the cave but Bane came ahead and gave me some kind of red glowing horn. What the hell is this? I took it into my hands and


[Cadmus's Horn(Infant Wyvern's Horn):- Part of a greater artifact.

Spell Models: Fire Barrier, Fire Ball]

[Analyzing spell models: 0%/100%]



[Spell Model detected: Fire Barrier]

[Analyzing Spell Model: Fire Barrier]




[Spell Model: Fire Barrier is not integrable with host's mana nature.]

[Changing the spell model to suit the host's mana nature.]

[Skill: Necrotic Barrier is being integrated with Necrokinesis.]

[Necrokinesis:- 3.10%]

[Analyzing Spell Model: Fire Ball]




[Spell Model: Fire Ball is not integrable with the host's mana nature.]

[Changing the spell model to suit the host's mana nature.]

[Skill: Necro Ball has been integrated with Necrokinesis.]

[Necrokinesis:- 6.57%]

"Hey, Bane why didn't you use this against me? Ohh it wouldn't have any effect against me." Yep, that was one of the main reasons why Skeleton Lords were respected in the Lower Realm of Undeath. No normal type of flame spells would have any effect on me in my Skeleton Lord form and flame spells are the most common in any worlds.


+ 20,000 E

"How much energy do I have right now?"

[Energy: 128,880]

"Mmm... Quite the amount huh?"

"Well, Let's move bois"


Mmmmm... What should I call this? Slaughter? Massacre? I seriously don't know.

+ 328,880

Sigh, What I see in front of me is just gore and blood. Warriors, both men, and women. Infants with missing eyes, legs, and hands. Elderly with holes in their stomachs because of punches going through.

Bane is kneeling with the other minotaurs drenched in blood. Well, all is well that ends well.

"Bane, did you bring it?" I asked in a hoarse voice.

It lowered its head and brought up its arm to give me a blue tooth. Sigh, how in the hell does combining an eye, horn and a blue-colored tooth going to bring out a key?

[It doesn't, Master. It's what's inside all this which makes the key.]


[With a craft like this, I know that this is done by some expert who is proficient in Soul crafting. This means the barrier present is tied to someone's soul, specifically speaking, tied to these artifacts which contain a part of a soul of a specific someone.]

"Well, then you should put 1 and 1 together and you will get the culprit."

[W-Wait, did you already figure out who the culprit is?]


[H-How?? Wait, that's not the important question. Who is the culprit?]

"Well, I can't be absolutely sure about it but I think it's Witch Alde-

"Don't go there, Outer" Said the Guardian, popping out of nowhere. "She is my friend. She helped me in my direst times. If she wanted to destroy the world. She would have done so way back."

"Mmmm... But then, where did these come from?" I said pointing at the blue tooth.

"That came from Witch Aldeia"



[Necrokinesis:- Necro ball](-10 H)

I shot the necro ball at her because she was pissing me off. She dodged it and made a face that said "What was that for?"

"Are you seriously dumb?" I asked while seriously believing that she will be not dumb as I think. "Don't you have brains? Wait, do you really have one?" I asked, now purely filled with curiosity.

"You! I have enough mental capacity to surpass humans at least." She said defiantly. Like those insects were something great at mental capacity. They were only good at doing some pathetic squirming and squabblin- Why the hell am I dissing myself for?

No, the more important question is... When did I start to think that humans were Insects?

Tch... seems like being an Outer makes me keep my guard down. Making me think that 20 quadrillion ants living on earth suddenly turning carnivorous won't be a disaster at all.

I need to keep my guard up. At all times. No matter how small a threat is. I need to thoroughly squash it so that it won't come and stab me in the back me when I move forward.

Sigh, I still have a lot to learn.


If there is some mistake. Point it out, Pretty please(Puppy eyes)

I think I will be releasing another chap today. So, wait for it.

Till then Bye bye