

What creatures are those... entities which can't be comprehended by Mortal standards? What do we call those... abhorrence whose mind and power are completely unparalleled to a level that mere words can't explain? What do we call those... eldrich creatures whose mere gaze could bring from unending madness? Come and join this story to know what madness of an Omniverse do we live in. Come and join this story to know what exactly these creatures want! Come and join this story to know what exactly an Outer's power can do. From a Low-Outer to an Outer god.

A_N_V · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs


(In Vengra from)



[Analyzing the barrier]




[Barrier has been analyzed]

[Do you wish to override the barrier]


"Linda, make a small hole in the barrier just enough for me to enter."

[Yes! Master!]

I was going to enter the inner city to purge these demon shits. The reason why I didn't ask Linda to deactivate the whole barrier is that I don't want the attention of all the demons in the inner city. At least, not till I meet the witch.

[Master! Done!]

The barrier which was a red hemisphere, only a small part of it opened. Just enough for me to squeeze through. Right now, I don't have the death orbs activated because it's way too eye-catching. Already my white fur sticks out like a sore thumb. I don't want to catch attention and in a fight, an element of surprise is always a welcome.

I walked forward inspecting my surroundings. Red sky, Demon crafted buildings, Bats large as tigers flying around far. Truly an apocalypse.

"Linda, did anyone see my trespass on the barrier?"

[Nope! except the witch]

"Well, she is on our side. So, here won't be any problem." I said as I looked around the buildings. There was this eerie silence. Like someone was breathing down my neck.

"Linda, Sc-"

[Done, Master!] I smiled at that. She is really dependable.

[Flamealisk- Low-Mortal(Peak)][Flamealisk- Low-Mortal(Peak)][Flamealisk- Low-Mortal(Peak)][Flamealisk- Low-Mortal(Peak)][Flamealisk- Low-Mortal(Peak)][Flamealisk- Low-Mortal(Peak)][Flamealisk- Low-Mortal(Peak)][Flamealisk- Low-Mortal(Peak)]....

"Well, Shit"


[Aura Coating](Blue Aura)

Before I could even look. A firestorm began to engulf the whole area. I was really glad that this Aura was there in my arsenal. Where all the fire was melting everything, my blue aura was protecting me from the fire.

"Linda, Analyze the area."

[Analyzing the area...]

[Analyzation completed.]

[1000 flamalisk demons.]

[Flamalisk:- One of the flame demons in the upper Realms of Abyss. Weak body but makes up for it by ganging up. Proficient in flame magic.]

"Well, I can see that," I said, noticing that the flames are dying down.



I grinned monstrously. This is going to get good.

[Aren't you going to use the undead.]

"Nope, that's gonna make it way easier"

[Says the guy who said he didn't want attention in the beginning.]

"That's different. I need this city to know... know that their reaper has entered." I said, my eyes turning cold.


After the fire died down, Flamealisk's began to emerge. They are basically magma, with rocks acting as their scales. They are somewhat four-legged. They were swarming at me. Screeching, barking like dogs.

Well, guess I'll have to get serious.

[Aura Coating](Black Aura)

"Mmm... this," I clenched my hand "is awesome." I looked at my hand which was now coated with a black aura. I began to charge it until I got an appropriate distance between me and the demons and when I got that. I punched with full force.

It was like the world itself slowed down for a moment. I could see demons slowly running. Everything was quiet for a moment. But then...


The black aura burst forth covering all the demons in front of my punch like a bulldozer.

+ 5,000 E


"Heh" I chuckled seeing what I just did and how minimal reward I got.

[Aura Coating](Red Aura)

I jumped a super jump and then I mixed the red aura with the black aura an-

[H-How d-did y-you-]


+ 120 E


Landing in the midst of the swarm made their fury ignite to an all-new level. They were now more aggressive like a poked hornet's nest.

[Necrokinesis(Necrotic Burst)](+1.23)

+ 2,500 E


"Well, this is no fun"

[You can't take your word back. You said you were going to fight alone. Heh]

"But they are incredibly weak!!"

[No excuses!!]

"Sigh. Fine"

(Germinating Seeds)(- 400 H)

I threw a couple of seeds all around me. They were coming hard at me, not even thinking they could even stand a chance at me. When they were at the right distance.


Vines emerged from the ground, and they all caught a couple of demons, strangling them, and crushing them with their vines. I sent a command over the vines. "Hold them until I say otherwise"

+ 5,000 E


"Surprises aren't over yet"

[Necrokinesis(Ruler of Bone)](+1.50%)

Hundreds of bone swords began floating around the sky.

"Not over yet!!!"

I converted some of my mana into curse magic and added it to the swords.

[Necrokinesis(Necrotic Burst)](+ 10%)

Now, the white bone sword had black mana swirling around. I stretched my hand and raised 2 fingers. The sword aligned themselves down. I pointed the raised fingers down.

"Rain down."

The swords fell down one by one, killing what they pierced. But that was not the surprising part. With each sword falling ground. The demons near its vicinity died too.

[W-What. H-how?]

I combined the necrotic burst with each of the swords. So, it could set the skill off in the pre-determined time. Unlike how we were having a peaceful talk. Our surroundings were far from it. I set each sword to fall at a pre-determined time to not have them overlap the area of the Necrotic burst.

Overlapping the area would be a waste of my hold. So, I just maximized my effect by creativity and it was really showing its effect. All of them are nearly dead.

+ 36,550 E


Good, now it's time to move.

[Master! the genetics.]

"What! these creatures? Aren't they really weak? What am I going to get out of them."

[Master! Every creature has its own strong point. If you want to reach the peak of creation. You have to collect every genetic so I can always create the best of the best for you.]

"Sigh, Fine"

I bent down and stretched my hand on a random corpse. "Absorb"

[Flamealisk genetics Acquired.]

"Come on, you know what to do"

[Transforming Host- Vengra into Flamalisk]

[Baby Flamalisk << Teen Flamalisk << Adult Flamalisk << Elder Flamalisk]

(- 1,100 E)

[Flame Affinity has risen to the maximum stage.]

[Transforming Host- Elder Flamalisk to Vengra.]

"Well, good I gues-"


Huh? What was that?


Realm:{Mortal Realm(Middle)}

Guardian of the inner city

A war demon focused on defense]

"KAHAHAHAHAHAA... When I heard an uninvited guest was coming into our domain. I didn't anticipate a chimera being the one to enter." Varox guy said

Did he... Just call me... A chimera... Anger started to swell up on me but I controlled it. I have to make sure that he doesn't head out of here. I should make sure that even his ashes won't remain in this mortal world(That was my anger talking).

I couldn't have made it possible, but because I got the flamalisk genetics... "Thank you, Linda"

[W-What did I do?]

"You'll see"

I put my both hands in a Kamehameha pose but what I was going to do was far from it. The 1000 corpses of Flamalisk started to tremble. The Varox guy started to sense something was wrong so he started speeding up against me but it was too late

Corpses all around me started having black mist. I started to focus hard and

[Necrokinesis(Corpse Telekinesis)](+10%)

All the corpses started floating around Varox and started to stick onto Varox's body. They started piling up and gradually Varox's body started levitating.

"This is getting hard," I exclaimed at the hardness of all his. Exceptionally when I want to lift all of these bodies. The corpses started to stick to the already piled-up body. They started forming a ball. A large ball when all they all got piled up.

When they were all getting piled up. My two hands, which were parallel to each other got apart like the corpse ball in the sky was in between my hands.

"Now, let's end this."

[Necrokinisis(Corpse Nova)](+10%)

The corpse ball started lighting up and after some moments it was literally being a little sun. Then the shock wave started to travel across the inner demon city alerting everyone that their end had come. Cause an Outer had descended onto their world.


At the tallest tower of the inner demon city.

There, we could see a gigantic bat-like creature sleeping soundly without a care in the world. But suddenly, far away in the sky, there was a little sun that spawned out of nowhere and it seemed like the shock wave of the little sun seemed to disturb the giant bat which made it wake up.


It opened its eyes in annoyance and called the most trusted Guardian.

"Master Kalaham"

It was a demon blue in color with a muscular build. Its spine protruded like shrapnel to the backs of the demon. It was bending its knee to the bat-like creature to show its loyalty.

"Make sure to tighten down the defenses and kill him. Send Aron to the witch's tower to surprise the creature. Let's see what this world's guardian has to offer."


A moment of silence for Ascor who was a Varox demon.