

What creatures are those... entities which can't be comprehended by Mortal standards? What do we call those... abhorrence whose mind and power are completely unparalleled to a level that mere words can't explain? What do we call those... eldrich creatures whose mere gaze could bring from unending madness? Come and join this story to know what madness of an Omniverse do we live in. Come and join this story to know what exactly these creatures want! Come and join this story to know what exactly an Outer's power can do. From a Low-Outer to an Outer god.

A_N_V · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs



A 10 feet gargantuan human cow with ducking gold fur was bulldozing his way by breaking my bone spikes and within seconds it was in front of me. I got 1 second to see what the duck was this thing.

{Imperial Minos-Mortal(Early)}

It scooped me and threw me into the midst of all the royals and generals. I was trying to regain balance from the fall but before I could do it 14 Royals and Generals came to squeeze me from all sides. They were actually hugging me from all sides.

You wanna play close. Let's play close.

[Master!!! you have to escape from the encirclement. The royals have a lot of vitality and they can withstand death's touch and necrotic burst for 1 minute. By that time, they will crush you before you could kill them.]

"WHAT!!!!" I said with absolute shock, then they started squeezing harder

"UUUURRRRGGGHHHHH LLLLLIIIIINNDDDDAAAA!!!!!" I screamed in pain. Cracks started appearing in my skeleton body.

[M-Master! W-Wait Master. You have to hold on Master. You absolutely can't leave me behind!!!!!] Linda said and when she reached the end, she was even wailing... Anyone could say what was happening to her when you could hear her wailing. She was clearly breaking.

"Hey, Linda... Have some faith in me" I said without an inch of pain and agony shown in the previous scream.

(Death's Touch)(Necrotic Burst)(Mana Sensitivity)[Necrotic Wail][Energy Collection][Death bullet](-1,000 H)(10,000 E)

A black upper hemisphere began to surround me and my minotaur gang. Black phantasmal skeleton heads were swirling outside the hemisphere. Death condensed around us. Death swirled around us. Death took the life that it came here to take.

+ 70,000 E


The hemisphere disappeared and there was no minotaur gang. There were not even the ashes of the dead.

[Death has formed a connection towards you. You can now eat Death.]

I smirked "So you are even willing to cry for me huh? I actually didn't think you would cry for me."


"Hey, how much energy do I have left?"


"Hello, Linda That imperial guy seriously doesn't like me and I am going to die if you don't show me my energy"

[You planned all this didn't you?] she said in a solemn tone

"What do you mean I planned all this?"

[You let that Imperial hit you because you knew the Imperial guy would throw you amid the minotaurs and then you let the minotaurs surround you when you could escape easily. You didn't activate harden because you needed to create a life-threatening situation so that I would believe that you were dying.... You did all this to test my affection towards you. To test my loyalty towards you. To see how I would react when you are on the brink of death.]

"Whooaa, Whoooaa, Whooaaa, Your reading way much into this"

[Please... Just, please. You heard how miserable I was when I was crying right? You now know how much loyalty I have towards you right? Even if I knew your plan all along, You know I can't do anything to you when you are alive right? So I'm asking you... Did you plan all of this?]


"I'm sorry Linda," I said genuinely and with all honesty I have.


"Linda I'm rea-"

[Hold: 80]


"Sigh Well, I really deserve this"


I winced at that. Well, that's the least she could do.


I winced again at that. Imperial guy!!! where the hell are you when you are needed?


I breathed a breath of relief. Ok... "Linda can you change the energy I have into Hold, please!!" I said in a pleading voice.

[&%$# OFF]

Well, I got my reply.


I and the Imperial guy began to walk toward each other. When we were close to 3 feet. We stopped. We looked at each other. In his eyes there were... Pain, Immense pain, and regret. I am really sorry buddy but I can't help it. This was supposed to happen. All is for the balance of the Omniverse. Fate didn't allow you and your kind to live. Balance didn't want you to exist. I am just a piece who was fulfill-

I frowned at that. I was a piece of fate? I am an agent of Balance? I am a mere piece who could die any time when fate wills? What kind of High One am I if I let Balance dictate me? What kind of Outer would be I if I let anyone dictate me?

[Fate glares at you]

[Destiny smiles at you]

[Balance bares its fangs against you]

[Chaos smirks at you]

A fist of vengeance came to hit me. I dodged it. I condensed mana into my fist and did a superman punch. Blood flowed from its mouth. I saw a kick coming but I failed to react in time. I was sent flying.

After crashing into a wall, I came out waving my hands to get rid of dust.

"Ha," I let a laugh out. This life. This new life is fun. I dodged the incoming kick and did a spear takedown. I pressed my body against his and put myself in a ground-and-pound position.


"Ari... you have a good brain going for you. I won't say you have to help everyone but... Protect the ones that you hold close to your heart. Ok" An old lady's sweet voice came into my memory

"Hey, Grandma!"

"Mmm... What is it?"

"You said to protect the one close to your heart right?"


"So when I grow up. I can drop you at the old age home, right?"

"You little shit, come here" Yeah, not so sweet now, is it? Heh


I punched. I punched and I punched and I punched again. After that, the Imperial guy punched back. There were visible cracks on my skeleton body but I stood up. There was a fire in my eyes that even I didn't know.

It was not an increase in ocular prowess. But a flame lit inside my heart that was visible in my eyes. A flame to rule as a true Overload. To control everything as a puppeteer. To make everyone kneel as a true King.

There was again a jab from the Imperial guy. I dodged and held the arm and then did a flying arm bar. After 2 minutes I broke his arm.

I again stood up and did the ground and pound position and punched him. I punched him. I punched him hard and after god knows how many punches I did. A message came.

+ 10,000



I'll tell you what an Omniversal genius means. Don't worry about that and that's it for today.

Bye bye