

What creatures are those... entities which can't be comprehended by Mortal standards? What do we call those... abhorrence whose mind and power are completely unparalleled to a level that mere words can't explain? What do we call those... eldrich creatures whose mere gaze could bring from unending madness? Come and join this story to know what madness of an Omniverse do we live in. Come and join this story to know what exactly these creatures want! Come and join this story to know what exactly an Outer's power can do. From a Low-Outer to an Outer god.

A_N_V · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs


Sigh, I fell to the ground with a lot of cracks here and there on my body. Then another memory came to me.


"Ari... that guy's so cool right?" A chirpy voice said. {This woman and the previous women are different ok?}

"Who? that guy? I don't think he is a good guy, El. You should search for more, you know."

"Arrrgghhh you always say that," She said in an annoyed tone.

"The hell are you saying, women? this is the first time you have ever asked me this question." Even though I was smiling. Even though I was really smiling, I was struggling inside my heart. Agonizing about the choices I made for an nth time


Ok, that... was a bad memory. Well, the past is the past. Can't do anything about that. Rather than dwelling and agonizing over things that are already gone. I should care about the people who are with me.

I slowly stood up. 'Linda, how can I build you a body?"

[Huh?] Damnit her voice is so ducking cute.

"I want to build you a body"


[What if... I betray you the moment I get one? huh? What if... Aaa yes! What if my plan was exactly this from the start? Huh, what will you do then?]

"Shut up and say how can I build you a body Linda"


[What's the sudden change of mind?]

"I... I want to make it up to you"


[Don't think that this will make me hate you less! ok] she said in an adorable and flustered voice.

"Yeah, Yeah I got it," I said with a small smile.

[But... idiot. How did you do all that? How did you control mana like that? Sure, Mana Sensitivity gives you a bit over the edge but completely manipulate mana just like that? You're seriously a genius Mas-Idiot.]

"Heh You almost called me Master"

[Shut up, You Idiot.]

"Ok, Ok. Now say, How do I create a body for you"

[Well, You can't actually, for me to enter a body, one of the conditions is for the body to be Athoroxzios physique. That itself is very hard to create because of the immense resources it takes. The rest of the conditions are a little bit easy compared to this.]

".... the athoroxy-what?"

[Athoroxzios Physique:- A top-created physique for the greatest of minds. A mind capable of having immense knowledge should be stored in a top fine tuned body and that is what this physique has to offer.

If a mind that is above and beyond mortal stature is to enter a body that does not have the capability of storing the said mind. It will cause adverse effects on both the mind and the body. An absolute sage remedied this problem by creating a physique that is now known by the Omniverse as the Athoroxzios Physique]

"Lemme guess, you are screaming praises for that primordian guy right? Because he created that Physique for your kind?" (It's because she doesn't give me detailed info about anything she considers not worthy)

[Yep] She said in a chirpy tone.

"And lemme make another guess... you are smarter than the primordial guy right?" I was now just making a wild guess.

[Yep, while the respected primordian was at an absolute sage level in terms of minds. I was solely one of my kind who was the best of the best among my peers in the matter of minds and knowledge. When I was born I was at the absolute sage level and no-]

[Congragulations host for finding what the system is. All knowledge and backups are being unlocked. I wish you all the best.

Welcome to the Ultimate Sage System] Said a strong male voice.




"Linda, you are there right?"


"Phew... That was... What was that?"



[You are seriously not going to believe this!!!]

"Well, try me."

[Wait, Before that, there are some notifications that I halted previously because of a certain someone's actions.] I squinted at that. Is there going to be another cussing session? [But I am releasing it now.] Phew, I am saved.

[Your ability to manipulate Death mana has reached its peak.]

[Now you will be able to manipulate pure Death mana.]

[Skill: Necrokinesis(0.00%) has been created]

"Well, isn't that just beautiful?" I said with visible glee.

[Now master, change into a Minotaur, and reach the last level.]

"Ok, change me into a Minotaur"

[Transforming the current husk-Skeleton Lord into a Minotaur.]

Phew, this form is really comfortable even if I am a cow face.

[It has enough blood from the progenitor so that it won't die, even if it reaches the final stage.]

"Well, no pain today I guess."

[Evolution available: Minotaur{Low-Mortal(Early)} << Minos General(Energy Required: 250){Low-Mortal(Early►► Middle)}


[Minotaur{Low-Mortal(Early)} << Minos General(-250){Low-Mortal(Early►► Middle)}]

[Evolution available: Minos General{Low-Mortal(Middle)} << Royal Minos(Energy Required: 500)(Mark: Minor Regeneration){Low-Mortal(Middle►►Late)}]


[Minos General{Low-Mortal(Middle)} << Royal Minos(-500 E)(Mark Acquired: Minor Regeneration){Low-Mortal(Middle►►Late)}]

[Evolution available: Royal Minos{Low-Mortal(Late)} << Imperial Minos(Energy Required: 750){Low-Mortal(Late►►Peak)}]


[Royal Minos{Low-Mortal(Late)} << Imperial Minos(-750 E){Low-Mortal(Late►►Peak)}]

[Evolution available: Imperial Minos << Minos Lord(Energy Required: 1,000)(Mark: Aura Manipulation, Stengthen){Low-Mortal(Psuedo-Mortal)}]


[Imperial Minos << Minos Lord(-1,000 E)(Mark Acquired: Aura Manipulation, Strengthen){Low-Mortal(Psuedo-Mortal)}]

[Now! Open your Status!!! Fast! Hurry it up]


Okay, I want to clear up a doubt. What does everyone do to increase their realm?

They cultivate or a more appropriate term would be that they are integrating their body with energy. What MC is doing is clear cheating as you all know.

The bloodline limit is a critical part of this story and I know you all know what it is. But for those of you who don't, the Bloodline limit is when a creature of a specific bloodline hit Elderhood. Meaning that there is no more growth going for that specific bloodline.

Meaning that they reached their peak. But that doesn't mean that's it. This is where cultivation comes in.