

What creatures are those... entities which can't be comprehended by Mortal standards? What do we call those... abhorrence whose mind and power are completely unparalleled to a level that mere words can't explain? What do we call those... eldrich creatures whose mere gaze could bring from unending madness? Come and join this story to know what madness of an Omniverse do we live in. Come and join this story to know what exactly these creatures want! Come and join this story to know what exactly an Outer's power can do. From a Low-Outer to an Outer god.

A_N_V · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs


I started jogging into the cave and then started increasing my pace and after 10 seconds inside the cave. I found 2 minotaurs.



The two mowed and came at me and my response was

[Death Bullet][Death Bullet][Death Bullet][Death Bullet](-400 H){This skill looks like a Black phantasmal skull being shot out}

+ 2,500 E

Spamming the shit out of everything.


I moved fast, bent down, stretched my hands, and touched the two bodies


[Genetic Purity: 100%/100%]

"Sys- Linda what do I do now? should I evolve and hope for the best? Or should I move like this?"

[Master, I think you should move like this. If someone interrupts the evolution it could lead to very bad results. I think you could defeat them all Master.]

Well, there is no argument if you say otherwise, My queen. I guess I have no choice then.

[M-Master! Shut up with your shamelessness.]

[Master, 3 Minotaurs approaching]




Two Minotaurs came into view charging at me while the last one was spectating. The last one had red fur which means

{Minos General(Psuedo-Mortal)}

Well, guess I have to be serious this time around.


I predicted where they will punch and avoided it. Before they could retract their arms I grabbed their neck. Seeing this, the general also started sprinting but it was too late.

(Death's Touch)⥣(- 400 H)

+ 2,550

I threw the 2 aside and went for the general and when we were a mere 1 feet apart

(Necrotic Burst)(Mana Sensitivity)(-100 H)

Rather than spreading the necrotic mana. I condensed it into my right arm and I punched it right into the cow's face.


+ 3,000 E

5 Minotaur came all of a sudden and this time the generals didn't dilly dally like the previous one. The 2 generals also came with the 3 normal minotaurs.

[Necrotic Wail]{ This will look like a Black ring of smoke emerging out of the body and encompassing the whole area in an omnidirectional way. The aesthetics are similar to AOE buff or debuff moves in games.]

The 5 minotaurs came to a stop. They were pressing their hands on their ears even though there wasn't even 1 decibel of sound. They were even bleeding through their snouts.

(Necrotic Burst)(-200 H)

+ 2,800 E

The 3 normal minotaurs died instantly but it seems like the generals needed some push. I sprinted and punched the general's stomach and shifted to the other general's face. Because the generals were standing side by side it was easy to punch and kick both of them.

I punched the stomach again which made the general move back a little. I held the horn of the other general and did a jumping knee.

+ 3,000 E

I was going to go after the other general who was on the brink of death but I sensed something from my backside. I side-stepped to my right and a punch came where my head previously was.

I grabbed the arm and with my shoulder, I pulled it down and



Then I turned and grabbed the face of the monster and

(Death's Touch)(-100 H)

+ 2,500

Was it because I already injured it that my mark became less costly? Well, I guess I will find out soon. When I looked past the dead general. There were 5 Minos Generals ready to attack me.

(Ruler of Bone)⥣(Mana Sensitivity)⥣(-70 H)

I looked back and threw my dagger at the general that was on the brink of death.

+ 3,000 E


(Ruler of Bone)(Mana sensitivity)(-700 H)

I created daggers of death and plunged them into the nearby general chest.

+ 2,800 E


A punch came to me where I was standing but I quickly threw the dagger at the general's face before he could hit me. I was able to do this because of my quick perception.

+ 3,000 E


I dodged the punch from another general and quickly took my dagger from the dead general's face. A general came from the back to surprise me but

(Necrotic Burst)⥣(-450 H)

+ 9,000


3 generals died with my condensed necrotic burst. But another 10 generals came from the tunnels. Wait, that's not a general. What's that?

{Royal Minos -Mortal(Early)}

That's 9 goddam feet, and what's with that shiny blue fur? I gotta move. I gotta move fast.

(Ruler of Bone)⥣(-100 H)

I created 9 daggers and made them float.... Aren't my marks getting better? I commanded my daggers to embed themselves in the Royal guy and it did just that.


Came the painful cry of the royal guy. Now

(Necrotic Burst)⥣(-500 H)

+ 19,300 E


Okay, now for the rest of them

(Ruler of Bone)⥣(-200 H)

I created 5 daggers, and with a headshot for all of them...

+ 18,000 E


I moved forward and activated [All Seeing]. I moved through tunnels and 10 generals came to view and there were 2 Royals with them. I moved forward.

(Necrotic Burst)⥣[Necrotic Wail](-200 H)

Everyone was taking damage and combined with the wail. It made everyone come to a halt and that was all I needed. I raised my foot and slammed it to the ground.

(Ruler of Bone)(-200 H)

When I slammed my foot, bone spikes began to emerge starting from my foot. Because this was a narrow tunnel. This move was fabulously effective.

+ 23,000 E



Hmmm, I gotta a bad feeling about this.
