
Re:monster with Douluo system

A young man suddenly wakes up in a cave without knowing why. As he is confused about what is going on a sound goes off in his head [Welcome the Douluo system] With that his new begins but not without one blairing problem. He is now a goblin!!! Warning: The story will follow the events of re:monster fairly close. Also while my mc will give anyone free outside his clan a green hat It will not happen to him. Another thing he will not cuck any members of parabellum. Lastly do not own any characters from the orginal story.

Black_knight12 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter 32

My dungeon run presented me with a few things that made everything worth it one of course was training and the other is a really nice pelt. I still am wondering why those adventurers came in when they weren't ready to fight. From what I can tell those girls in their party were absurdly aroused. Fighting in that condition would normally be dangerous but I guess different people like different things. Leaving them alone for now I headed back to the palace while thinking about what to do with the pelt. I eventually decided to use it to make a coat for Bianca since she really likes mine. Once I made it back to the palace Bianca came excitedly running up to me. Apparently she was excited because Lightswordswoman gave birth while I was gone. She was actually pregnant before we left for the capital ,but it took a while for the baby to be ready to be born. Since there was no complications we decided to just let the baby be born naturally. Lightswordswoman who I now call Frey gave birth to a boy. My son much like his sister was a demon blood and has a martial soul as well. Luke was born with the blue lightning tyrant dragon soul. I was already looking forward to seeing how he will be when he grows up. The rest of the day was pretty much me fighting with Bianca to hold little Luke.

The very next day we were once again invited us to yet another party. Rou did try to avoid it by saying we were hired by the princess so it would not be appropriate. To bad tomboy princess already gave her permission for us to go. At the event there was quite the number of noble ladies that kept staring at me. Originally I thought it was because they looked down upon me. It took awhile but I eventually picked up that they just found me interesting. For now I just ignored them while walking around to see everything this party has to offer. Eventually I came across a pair of familiar face among the crowd. If I am remembering correctly they were apart of the party I met in the dungeon. Since I recognized them it only felt right to greet them.

Houjin: Good evening my dear ladies you probably don't remember but we met before in a dungeon.

I followed every etiquette that Rou and I were shown to do when meeting a noble. The two girl had a surprised/excited expression on their faces.

Sarah: Yes, it is a pleasure to have the opportunity to met you yet again. My name is Sarah and this is my future sister-in-law Elizabeth.

Being introduced Elizabeth gave me a bow while her face was as red as a tomato. I then spent the rest of the party talking with them until it was time to go. Before we parted they invited me to visit them some time. After the party was over I decided to take a moment to spend time with Luke. The next couple of days we dealt with a number of spies most of which came from other nations. Another thing that was going on is that the capital was preparing for a tournaments that will be held in a few days. As a matter of fact Rou and I were both asked to participate in opening events. Rou would be fighting against three other opponents while I will be facing anyone who challenges me. Basically I will fight until I either lose or run out of challengers as for why. It was apparently something that Rou recommended as a means for me to show off for our group. Standing in the area I was face off against a group of about 10 combat slaves from some noble. Each of the slaves had bodies packed with muscle while they each had different weapons. Their current arrangement was that they had half acting as vanguards while the other half were spilt. Two of them in the middle were wielding spear and the rest stood in the back. Facing them I decided to only use my clear sky hammer as well as my hammer-halbird in both of my hands. Finally someone signaled the start of our match. Without any hesitation the vanguards came charging at me from three different directions. The first to arrive was the groups of two that came from my left and right. I simply intercepted their attacks by rising my two weapons. Their attacks had a decent amount weight as they moved my hands a quarter of an inch. Still when compared to some like my brother or Minokichi their attacks were some what lacking. Regardless I plan on fighting them without holding anything back. At least within the restrictions I placed for myself and if that sounds hypocritical then jut know I don't care. Using my right foot I kicked the last vanguard coming toward me in the stomach. I immediately followed up my attack by sending the other two vanguards flying. Right as I did an arrow fly at my face from the back of their formation.

Unfortunately for them even without my spirit eyes just my senses alone covered the whole arena. Actually even my brother admitted that he couldn't do that without a skill. By the time I looked at them again they already resumed their previous formation. Their team work was impressive enough that I had to fight more defensively than normal. However it was still within manageable levels as I deflected nearly every attack. Finally after a while of fighting I decided to end it. Seconds later I was standing alone in the arena surrounded by discarded body parts. Silence filled the air as everyone looked at what remained of my opponents. In truth I did not intend to kill them but for some reason I was having trouble holding back. I looked over to Rou hoping for help but he just face palm himself. With no other choice I opened my mouth to speak.

Houjin: Is there anyone else that wishes to face me.

My words seemed to have pissed someone off because out of no where I heard someone yell, "who the hell would fight you after that". Since no one else stepped forward I could only leave slightly embarrassed.

Current status:[Name: Houjin

True Name: Benimaru

Race: Kijin(True Species)

Age:119 days

Level: 5

Soul power: 63

Realm: Soul King

Martial Soul:equiped- Spirit eyes-Eye of Destiny/Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon/Clear Sky Hammer

Unequiped- Ice Jade Empress Scorpion/Sky supporting turtle

Rings: SE-1,000,000,000(sealed)/1,000/15,000/10,000/35,000/15,000=100,000

IE-500,000(sealed)/800,000(sealed)/800,000 (sealed)/800,000(sealed)/800,000(sealed)/100,000

BLTD:Same as IE

Soul bone: Torso/Left Arm/External Bone/Skull Bone

Skills: Spirit eyes-Spirit detection/Spirit Resonance/Spirit Interference/Spirit Shock/Imitation/ Mass enfeeblement/Spiritual Confusion

Ice Jade Empress Scorpion: Ice empress's pincers/Ice empress's armor/ Snowy Dance of Ultimate Ice/Snow Empress's palm/Snow Empress's Sword

Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon: Lightning Fury/Thunderclap/Lightning Flash/Lightning pain

Clear Sky Hammer:

Smithing(lvl 10)/Inscription(lvl 6)

Soul points:7,000

Equipment: Life Guardian]