
Re:monster with Douluo system

A young man suddenly wakes up in a cave without knowing why. As he is confused about what is going on a sound goes off in his head [Welcome the Douluo system] With that his new begins but not without one blairing problem. He is now a goblin!!! Warning: The story will follow the events of re:monster fairly close. Also while my mc will give anyone free outside his clan a green hat It will not happen to him. Another thing he will not cuck any members of parabellum. Lastly do not own any characters from the orginal story.

Black_knight12 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 31:In the future

Our lunch with her Majesty the first queen was not anything like I was looking forward to actually it was a let down. The food was good as was the service but the first Queen did not act like a fanatic. Apparently every rumor about her was full of shit which kind of blows. I mean it was boring that she behaved like the perfect lady and even made hard for me to get turned on. There is something to be said about a beautiful woman that has a slightly twisted personality and some unexpected kinks. The luch soon ended without a single thing happening. On our way back to the place we were staying I randomly decided to open my spirit eyes. What I saw almost made me pitch a tent. The first Queen was holding the fort I was using and licking it with a slutty expression. Seeing that I changed my mind and decided that I will cuck the king of the country. As if to say it approved of my choice a quest came in from the system.

[Quest: Sleep with the first Queen of the Sternbild(Reward: 5,000 SP/????]

Since I got the green light from the system my thoughts went to how I will make my desire come true. Our next few days were generally peaceful that is if you don't include the assassination attempts. Of course we easily handled them but they were set up to explode if captured so we got nothing out of them. After that I used my knowledge about formations to set up some defenses. A few days later I decided to go out and try a dungeon run since Rou went out to do one too. The dungeon I was exploring is an age of the gods dungeon meaning that they were built by Gods. As for how difficult they were it was normally based on which God built it. I was currently walking through one called "Beast's Den". Inside was a paved corridor with just enough light to see around me. In my opinion it did not look very much like a beast nest but I decided to leave it alone for now. Walking through I encountered a few weak monsters that I cleared out. In terms of difficulty it was absurdly easy for me. My run went by faster than I thought because within a few minutes I arrived at the boss room. In the rest area before entering there was a group of adventures discussing something so I went ahead. Once inside I stood face to face with a massive wolf. This boss is wolf king Lobo one of three possible bosses that can appear. The others are deer king Genoa who can control plants and Fox king Karama who can use lightning. In Lobo's case he uses wind as a means to attack. Out of the three Lobo is known for being the hardest due to how fast it normally is. Getting ready I pulled out my bladed Warhammer also well as my clear sky hammer. I could feel that both weapons would slow my down but I didn't care. This is supposed to help with training my strength.

(Third Pov)

Outside in the rest area the adventurers that Houjin walked by were talking about how they will deal with the boss. They came here today only because there was a drop one of the members really wanted. It is a high quality material called wolf king's pelt that only Lobo could drop. The party consisted of five people three men and two women. Grant was led the group consisting of his sister, fiancee and bodyguards.. He was a noble that came from the kingdom of Sternbelt so he can get the pelt as a gift for Sarah his fiancee. His plan was to wait to see if he can buy the pelt off an adventurer that got it. When they saw a lone demi human go to face Lobo. Their first thought was he is probably a rookie that doesn't know how hard it is to fight Lobo.

Elizabeth: Brother perhaps we should go in there to help. If we save his life he may even be willing to give us the pelt as a thank you.

Grant knew that the real reason his sister wanted to help was because of her kindness but the idea had its appeal. Besides if they needed to they could just run away. Making up his mind Grant had his group go inside of the boss room. What happened next was shocking to say the least. Inside there was blood ever but what really drew their attention was Lobo laying on the ground with all of its limbs broken. The culprit was sitting on the ground not too far waiting for something. Before long Lobo recovered from it's injuries and the first thing it did was try to run. Sadly it was too slow so the red devil caught up to it striking it with a hammer. A horrifying cracking sound filled the air as Lobo's pained whimpers followed. As if it's suffering was not enough for him to leave it alone the red devil waited again.

Grant with his group could only watch this on a loop for the next hour. It continued until finally Lobo didn't heal or even move anymore. Seeing everything that happening the groups reactions were split into one of two. The first was fear towards him and other was a strange sense of excitement. The men of the group all had that feeling of fear. While the women were excited with a hint of arousal. Both young ladies never experienced something like this before but were definitely enjoying it. Seeing him head their way Grant and his bodyguards were frozen in place. Once he was close enough to see his face the girls eyes turned into hearts. Calling him handsome was a understatement. His masculine jaw line, pearce red eyes and confident smile all came together creating perfection. As he walked the devil took a brief look at their group and said apologetically.

Houjin: Sorry I guess you got tried of wanting your turn so you came to tell me to hurry up.

Finally after what felt like an eternity the red devil was gone. Grant looked over to his sister and fiancee to see how they were but what he saw hurt his pride. Both women were trembling with lustful expression and wet spots between their crotches.

Current status:[Name: Houjin

True Name: Benimaru

Race: Kijin(True Species)

Age:119 days

Level: 5

Soul power: 63

Realm: Soul King

Martial Soul:equiped- Spirit eyes-Eye of Destiny/Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon/Clear Sky Hammer

Unequiped- Ice Jade Empress Scorpion/Sky supporting turtle

Rings: SE-1,000,000,000(sealed)/1,000/15,000/10,000/35,000/15,000=100,000

IE-500,000(sealed)/800,000(sealed)/800,000 (sealed)/800,000(sealed)/800,000(sealed)/100,000

BLTD:Same as IE

Soul bone: Torso/Left Arm/External Bone/Skull Bone

Skills: Spirit eyes-Spirit detection/Spirit Resonance/Spirit Interference/Spirit Shock/Imitation/ Mass enfeeblement/Spiritual Confusion

Ice Jade Empress Scorpion: Ice empress's pincers/Ice empress's armor/ Snowy Dance of Ultimate Ice/Snow Empress's palm/Snow Empress's Sword

Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon: Lightning Fury/Thunderclap/Lightning Flash/Lightning pain

Clear Sky Hammer:

Smithing(lvl 10)/Inscription(lvl 6)

Soul points:7,000

Equipment: Life Guardian]