
Re: Hulk

New Synopsis. An innocent young man was invited to the dark side of the world in exchange for having freedom to do his hobby, which was watching anime. Time passed and he grew up as a world renowned Assassin and Killer. Only to be feared by his own organization who planned to erase him from the world using a nuke. As a glowing orb of light, he met an entity who played him and sent him to the Naruto world for almost a thousand lifetimes. Secretly harvesting anything he can get his hands on, the now named Endou, wandered the Elemental Nations and took any techniques he can get his hands on. Fast forward, Endou was then sent to the MCU world on his 1000th reincarnation but 1001st lifetime. Find out what will happen to him if the entity is unable to interfere with his life anymore. Disclaimer: I don not own MCU, Naruto, Naruto Shippuden and Marvel components. This in the end is just a fanfiction! Thank you!

Human_Sinner · Movies
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Ironman and Hawkeye Vs Deidara

[AN: Was busy the whole week. Our school head needed help so I am only able to write just now.]

Outskirts of New York

Abandoned building

Banner's Home

"Welcome back, Natasha. How can I help you?" After disappearing from the rooftop, he appeared inside his house and opened the front door where Natasha is.

"We need your help with something urgent. Name your price." She immediately said without beating around the bush.

"Sounds like you 'badly' need my help huh." Natasha didn't bother replying and just stared at him.

"Alright, I want all information SHIELD has. And when I say all of it, I mean all of it."

"Give me a second." Bruce shrugged his shoulders and sat down on his couch.

Not a moment later Natasha came back. 3/4 of the information of SHIELD since you don't work directly under SHIELD some informa-"

"All of it or leave." Bruce immediately cut her off leaving no option.

"Sigh, you have yourself a deal Dr. Banner. Please follow me."

"Sure, not like I'm in a hurry." Bruce then followed her to a Car as she drove off as fast as she could.






New York City

Barton was not doing okay. He was having a blast of a mission. Just watching Dr. Selvig do experiment on the Tesseract. So far, nothing bad or anything catastrophic happened.

Then Coulson pulled him out, says it's an emergency.

Upon arriving at the meet up point, he was surprised with the teams holding very advanced weaponry.

This was the first batch of weapons developed using the Tesseract. After Thor visited them 6 months ago, Director Fury secretly ordered the 'Phase 2' plan.

As someone of higher rank in SHIELD, he was privy to the information. Still, what could possibly earn SHIELD's attention that they would be bringing these weapons?

"Barton, your box is over there. We need you fully geared, if possible, even over geared. That's how severe the situation currently is.

"I need information about what were up against." Barton said with a very serious attitude.

"Then suit up immediately, I will brief all of you in 5 minutes." Coulson replied to which he nodded and left fast as he could.

5 minutes later

Coulson gathered up everyone and began Briefing.

"We have two unidentified individuals, possibly alien, slaughtering the civilians of New York City as we speak. And that includes the Police responding to the call. Questions later." Coulson immediately shut down the agent who raised his hands.

"Our focus is not to engage the enemy but to evacuate the civilians. Only when left with no choice, that's when you are allowed to engage them." After this an agent raised his hands.

"If we're not going to engage the enemy, how are we going to evacuate the civilians without confrontation?"

"Ironman and Hulk were called in with Hawkeye here and Black Widow as a backup. So you only need to focus on evacuating as many people as you can. Although all of you are geared with phase 2 weapons, they're still the first batch and mostly prototype. It's not like you can hit them with it anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"They're fast enough to dodge bullets." Coulson ended the briefing as they were near the location of the massacre.

The Quinjet they were all in landed not far from where the explosions were. It was accompanied by the screams of the victims as a very arrogant voice was laughing.





"I really like this new world. Everyone's so weak, I can do anything I want. And what I want is to try all of my Arts, which is . . . A blast!!!! Ahahahaha!!!" Deidara laughed like crazy upon detonating more of his bombs that was targeting the panicked civilians.

Their numbers are quickly diminishing with Deidara's grasshopers that were too fast for any civilians to outrun. Even Kakashi himself had to put effort upon evading this skill when he and Naruto were chasing Deidara.

In a distance not far from him, Sasori was still inside Hiruko and was utilizing the puppe's metallic tail to either decapitate or or plunge it to the civilians. Sometimes he would also throw some poisoned Senbon from Hiruko's mouth.

Soon a flying ship came near his location. Although he can sense them, he didn't bother getting away. In fact, he was smiling as if he just found another toy which he very much likes.

Why? because none of them posses enough chakra to be considered as shinobi. But he was disappointed to see that they didn't immediately come to him.

They instead helped the civilians evacuate as far away as possible. Seeing this, Deidara wanted nothing more than to play with them.

But before he could some kind of object he doesn't know was coming to his direction. Although he doesn't know what they were, based on the situation alone he deduced it to be some kind of weapon.

It was the size of a Kunai but there was some kind of fire jutsu pushing it accurately towards him. Trusting his instinct, Deidara jumped away just in time. But if you were to ask someone else from this world, they would say he luckily dodge it in the nick of time.

Ironman appeared in front of Deidara who looking at him fully on guard. Just then the missile which was shot earlier exploded which surprised Deidara a bit, alright, he was genuinely surprised.

This man in front of him just created an explosion without any chakra. Although explosions were normal in the Naruto world, they were normally done using explosion tags

"I don't know who you are or where you came from, but you don't get to do what you just did and not deserve to be punished." Deidara's hands were on his waist, to be accurate, they were inside the bag on both the side of his waist.

His hands, like in the original works of Kishimoto had mouths which intake the special clay he created. But the hands doesn't swallow it, they simply made it so Deidara could easily shape the clays into anything he can imagine.

"Are you saying that you will punish me for what I did?" Deidara asked to stall for a bit of time as his jutsu was almost done.

"Yep, now good bye." Ironman immediate waved his hands towards Deidara and fired his repulsor.

Deidara, being an S class Shinobi, dodge with great speed than what Tony anticipated. A giant white bird made of clay appeared and swept Deidara upwards, just a few distance from Ironman.

"Neat tricks, let see how you handle this." Ironman said as his auto locking mechanisms targeted Deidara.

Guided shots fired from within Ironman 's armor, 5 in total and headed straight to Deidara's vitals.

It this was a normal human or even super soldier with the serum, then he might have a chance to be able to successfully hit the enemy.

Unfortunately, Deidara was not. And dodging such an attack was as easy as breathing normally for him. Not even Gaara's sand was able to catch him without relying to tricks and distractions.

Ironman was starting to get annoyed. And fired his repulsors once more while Deidara continuously dodged every shot. But that wasn't all he did.

He shortened the distance between him and Ironman. As soon as he was within the planned range for his attack he threw clays towards Ironman who flew away to dodge.

But the clays turned to moving birds in a puff of smoke and started chasing him. Jarvis quickly advised Tony.

[Sir, according to the surveillance earlier. Those things he threw explodes but the ones chasing you are a bit larger than the ones in the recordings.]

"No, shit Jarvis. Deploy the anti-ballistics." Tony ordered. Why he has such things in his armor? It was because of his confrontation with the air force!

[Deploying] Jarvis' voice sounded.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

By some miracle, the birds recognize the anti-ballistics missiles as the target and exploded upon contact.


The sound of an arrow swiftly flying through the air was heard. Deidara having keen senses as a shinobi of course heard and saw it coming.

The arrow was rushing to him on the left side where he was unguarded. But with a foothold in the air he was able to dodge it. Yet four arrows were now coming closer to him on the exact area he jumped.

Preparing his body to dodge the arrows, Deidara used his mechanical eye to better capture the arrows.

Unfortunately for him, they weren't ordinary arrows. A net formed and connected the four arrows with him as the target in the center.

At the last second, Deidara threw another clay that immediately became a bird, dodging the incoming net trap.

But as he just got out of the entrapment, he didn't expect ironman to be waiting for him. With everything he got, Ironman fired both his repulsors at Deidara who received it as point blank range.

No matter how fast, Deidara can't dodge it.

The clay bird was destroyed while Deidara received fatal injuries as he plummett down to the grounds of New York City.

"Haaa.... haaaa... haaaa.. " Deidara was breathing heavily. Not because he was tired, he was simply too injured to even breath normally. Ironman went all out after being pissed for so long.

Ironman landed in front of Deidara. The Akatsuki member looked up tl Tony.

"You have a very peculiar armor. No one in the Elemental Nations were able to build the art you did."

"Of course they can't build what I had built. Even here ln Earth, only I am capable of building it." Tony's ego was really easy to poke, he didn't see Deidara grabbing something from his pockets.

Luckily Hawkeye was looking. So he told Ironman to the comms.

[Ironman, he's stalling. You might want to put your guard up. I can see him getting something from his side pockets]

Hearing him, Ironman also looked and indeed, the shinobi was taking a clay from his pockets.

"Let me show you what a real art is..." Deidara said as he opened his chest with the same mouth as the ones on the palm of his hands.

Normally, in the Naruto world, the enemy wouldn't stop him just like how Sasuke didn't stop him or was not able to stop him from giving the clay to his chest.

Deidara's smirk was gone as soon as it appeared. For when he was looking at Ironman, the dude was already pointing his repulsor at him.

The sound of it ready to fire was heard and Ironman said.

"I appreciate Art only when I'm the one building it."


Deidara's head was blasted by Ironman.

[Good job, now we need to go and back up the big guy who was sent dealing with the second one.] Hawkeye's voice was heard through the comms.

"Right, there two of them." Ironman said as he pointed his arms at Deidara's corpse. He was already in the air when sent a missile.


[What was that?]

"Just a piece of trash, I already took care of it."

[I need a lift btw]

Soon Ironman was speeding up at the other enemy's location where he saw a lot of figures in the skies. All dressed in red robes.

"What the fuck are those?" Hawkeye asked while clinging to Ironman.

"Whatever they are, they're going to go to the trashcan too." Tony said, still pissed at the genocide that happened.

End of Chapter 5

What a hectic week. And another program is coming beside the Summer camp already being held. Why do many people still wants to teach? This isn't included in the curriculum!!!

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