
Randomness of one shots

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_hazel_lee_4903 · Others
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11 Chs

Race to Love

Hi I'm name is Jack Frost. I'm a Viking. I live on an island full of Dragon's and Vikings. The island's name is Berk. You still have to be crazy to live there. But we're Vikings and that's what Vikings are, crazy. But hiccup was more crazier, he wanted to train a dragon and ride it! Now that was crazy. I found my dragon the same way hiccup found toothless. I'm dragons name is Frostless, she's a Night Fury. (I thank that's have you spell it.)

Frostless is more winter dragon the fire dragon, if you know what I mean. Now that I'm done with mine and hiccup's past. I'm gonna tell you what me and the gang is doing right now. "Jack, where's toothless and Frostless?" My (soon to be) Hiccup said. "Frostless said that she and toothless where going for a fly and be right back." I said. "BUT THAT'S BE 3 HOURS AGO. OUR LEADER IS NO GOOD WITHOUT HIS DRAGON!!" Astrid yelled at me. "WELL I'M SORRY THAT MY DRAGON TOOK HIS TO DO THOR KNOWS WHAT! AND WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS ANGRY AT ME?!?!" I yelled back. Everyone just looking around at each other. They know we hate each other, so why are they so surprised. She just gave me a look and walked off like nothing ever happened. I went out of the academy. "FROSTLESS GET YOUR TAIL BACK HERE NOW!!"I yelled after my and hiccups dragon. "TOOTHLESS! FROSTLESS! Where the heck are they." I said. I heard a 'Rraaahhh' then I saw Frostless and Toothless. "Thank the gods your OK." I said in a worried voice. "Toothless there ya are." Hiccup came running to his dragon. "Hey ... um ... Jack are ya and Astrid OK?" "No she says if I tell you the reason she'll kill me." I said not in fear but in hate. "She really said that?" He asked kinda mad. "Yep." I said. He stood up and turned around yelling "Astrid!" and grad my hand. He started to walk to the academy dragging me with him. "Astrid!! Get your a$$ over here!!!" He yelled. Everyone in Berk probably heard that. The gang just stood there and was shocked that he actually said a bad word. "Yes my love~." She said in a sweet tone.

§§«»§~time skip after the fight~§«»§§

Hiccup's P.O.V

"WE'RE DONE!" I yelled and walked off but I forgot I still was holding Jacks hand. "SO YOU'RE LEAVING ME FOR SOME GAY GUY!?!" I stopped walking and never turned around and said "NO I'M LEAVING YOU FOR A LOVING PERSON THAT ACTUALLY CARES!!" and started walking again.

When we reached the forest Jack fell on his knees and starts to cry. I quickly sat down in front of him and sat him in my lap. "I-is e-everyt-thing you s-said back t-there t-true?" He asked. "Yes." I said and then I felt a pair of lips on mine. I quickly kissed back.

§§«»§~2 years later~§«»§§

The gang was all at the edge.

(Hiccup+Jack-Astrid=The gang.)

We're all racing our dragons. We all lived on the edge and was happy. We all raced for love.

The end

A/n: hoped you enjoyed


Hiccup + Jack

Ruffiny + Fishlegs

Tuffnut + Heather

Snotlout + Luna (my oc)

Then there's just Dager...