
Randomness of one shots

Ships Reader X character Oc X character Character X character Random person X Random person Requests are always open This book is in watty's 2017

_hazel_lee_4903 · Others
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I know

A/n: hey there amigos, this is a Diablo X reader, so if you don't like it don't read it! Plan and simple. (I don't own Diablo or you. Diablo is DC comics and you are your own person and I don't own the video or pic. either) hope you have fun reading this😜


Chato Santana aka El Diablo was the one everyone thought to not mess with. But that wasn't the case, in fact he was a gentleman, but no one knew that, til you showed up.

You were known as Angel of Fire, yes you looked like an angel but you did acted like one {not until you meet Diablo, but we'll get to that later}. You were the most bad ass chica in El Paso, til the 2 bugs got you (me and my hermano), but that was 2 years ago and you were put in Arkham Asylum. That didn't last long, you see your the devils daughter, when something doesn't go your way you burn it or at least try to. When you got to Belle Reve you were put in this metal tube with someone inside of it. "Don't I get my own cell?" You asked one of the guards. "Nope, sorry chica you don't." (I don't remember his name) the guard said. "Oh ok." You said because you knew that if you acted ugly here you would be punished. He opened the door and threw you in, it would have hurt if somebody didn't catch you. "People are rude here." "Sí they are." A male voice said. You looked up and saw a man with tattoos all over him. I might as well be nice, from the looks of it I'm gonna be here awhile. You thought. "My name is Angel of Fire, yours?" "Names El Diablo but I thank your going to be here awhile so what's your real name?" El Diablo said in a thick Spanish accent. "(Y/n) ... (y/n) (L/n). What your real name chico." "Chato Santana" he said. I know that last name from some where ..... but ... from where? Then it hit you, "Where you a gang leader?" "Sí yo era. (Yes I was)" "Hace ya que.(makes since)"

!#!#&%¿~~~big skip time~~~~~~ω¤§€¥

3 months since you've been thrown into the tube, but you and Diablo both thought it was for the good. "Hey amigos put the burritos down. Y'all got a visitor, come on fire devils." The guard said. "Is your name Angel of Fire?" A black woman asked. "Sí it is." "And is yours El Diablo?" She asked. "Yea it is" Diablo said. He was holding you tight around the waist. He does that when someone comes to the door. She held up a tablet with a video of El Diablo setting the yard on fire. That's when they tried to separate you and him about a month and a half. "Is that you." She asked. "No that ain't me, that guy you see, he's died." Chato said. "Let me try." A country male voice said. "The names flag...Rick flag and we want y'all on a task force called task force X, are y'all up for that." "Dose it mean we get out of this tube for good?" You asked. "Maybe not for good but we can put y'all in a real cell." He said. "I'm up for it." You said. "I'm going wherever she's going." Diablo said. "All right." Flag said and walked away.

#!#!%&~~~~2 months later~~~~ #!#!%

We were striped to a wheelchair and pushed somewhere. "Where are we going?" You asked one of the guards. "Somewhere." He said. When you got to these doctor looking people and they injected you with something. "Owwie that hurt. I'll make you pay for that, you know the devil's my father right?" You asked and the girl said "Next." How rude. You thought. Then you saw Harley Quinn your bestie. "HARLEY!"  You yell and the guards untied you and the rest of the people that were here. "OMD (Y/N)!! IS THAT REALLY YOU." "SÍ." You run up to her and hugged the shot out of her. 'Gasp' "Sweetheart where's your wings? Oh my devil did they cut them off?" She asked. "No I'm just not in my hell form." You said. She sighed in relief. "Hell form?" The sweet voice of El Diablo said. "Yea make like devil form but....Yea." You said. He looked shocked. "Hey Angel of Fire switch forms. Now." Flag said and sat down. "Fine." You said. At that time everyone sat down and you were the only one standing. Fire was around you and you heard you dad in the background. Then it was gone and your wings, tail, and horns showed. All the guys were in awe but Harley just smiled and clapped. "You always look cute in your hell form sweetheart." "Thanks harls." You said and sat between her and Diablo, your crush. "Damn mamá you look hot." Diablo whispered into your ear. Now that was the only time you shivered.

#!#!%~~~~~~~~ skip time brought you

by bluepulse ~~~~~~~~#!#!%

You were fighting enchantresses brother, now he might be big but he's no match to you or El Diablo. The brother kicked Diablo hard and that my amigo made you mad. "Oh that's it you don't mess him!" Yelled and got his attention. You went full on Angel of Fire on him and El Diablo went all skeletonize, but he still looked hot. Diablo push you away hard and you went but the the form you were in, he drove him into the corner were the bomb was. "Blow it!" He yelled. NO NO NO DIABLO YOU DO NOT DO THIS TO ME! You yelled in your mind. Before the bomb went off you grabbed him and flew away. "Nnnooo!" Enchantress yelled. Before long Enchantress, your aunt, was died and Juan was back. Juan and flag hugged and you all walked away til Waller walked to y'all and held up her phone at could y'all well maybe them but not you. "What do you want from us! We killed the witch! Like you asked!" Harley yelled. Waller put her phone down and sighed. "Your right. You all are out of Belle Reve but I'm putting you all in the some house together got it?" You all nodded and had happy faces on. The next day y'all got the house and was moved in. "Hey (y/n)......thanks for saving me." Diablo said. "Your welcome." Then out if the blue he kissed you. Of course you kissed back. "(Y/n) would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Sí!" You said happily. And y'all kissed again.

A/n: 1,115 word I thank that was my longest one shot I've ever done. Hoped you enjoyed, love ya my little angels. Bye