
Just know that I'm here (Anne x Reader)

Idea: Anne is having nightmares about her fight with Sasha and the reader is there to help. Anne and the reader used to be really close friends but started to grow apart because of Sasha. The reader was also transported to Amphibia and landed in Wartwood with Anne.


It was the middle of the night, all of Wartwood was fast asleep well almost all of Wartwood.

'Anne? Are you out here?' (Y/N) whispered as she walked out the front door. (Y/N)'s question was only met with silence and they were about to turn back until they heard sniffing from the roof. 'Anne, are you ok?' They asked as they climbed up to Anne.

'Hey (Y/N)..., I was kinda hoping you wouldn't notice me...' Anne had her knees to her chest and her head hidden in her lap.

'Thinking about 'her' again?' (Y/N) asked worried about Anne.

'Why do you care!' Anne snapped. 'You're just happy that you were right about Sasha being a 'bad influence'. Anne then went back to having her head in her lap. 'You're always right'.

Anne and (Y/N) may have gotten closer during their time in Amphibia but no where near as close as they were before Sasha drove them apart. Because of this it was a real shock for Anne when (Y/N) pulled her in for a tight hug.

At that point Anne completely broke down, (Y/N)'s shirt becoming stained with Anne's tears but they didn't mind. All that mattered was that they were here for Anne. (Y/N) having to hold back tears of their own so that they could stay strong for Anne.

After a few minutes they pulled away from each other, (Y/N) having their hands resting on Anne's shoulders as they looked into each other's eyes.

'I'm sorry for snapping at you (N/N) Anne said breaking eye contact and the silence between the two.

(Y/N) couldn't help but smile, Anne hadn't called them (N/N) in years, not since before Middle school, before Sasha drove them apart and before the fight so long ago. (Before the fire nation attacked)

'I know that we're not as close as we used to be' (Y/N) chucked 'heck we are really far from it but...' (Y/N) used their right hand to grab Anne's chin and tilt Her head back to looking at them. 'Just know that no matter what happened or what happens, I will always be here for you'.

'Promise?' Anne asks hopefully, her eyes tearing up again.

'Promise' (Y/N) confirmed.

It was only now that the two of them noticed how close their faces were. Their noses were almost touching, they could feel each others breath on their lips. (Y/N) then went for it, they moved their hand from Anne's chin to her face cupping it gently as they leaned in that little bit more, closing their eyes and connecting their lips with Anne's. After a few seconds (Y/N) finally realised what they had done.

They. Had. Kissed. Anne.

They. Had. KISSED. Anne.


(Y/N) closed their eyes again and fully leant into the kiss. Fireworks went off in the minds of both of them, their body's filled with warmth, neither of them thinking about anything other than the one in front of them. If it were possible both of them would have happily stayed like that forever but a humans need for oxygen had to ruin their moment.

Anne and (Y/N) pulled away from each other but only slightly, they continued to stare into each other's eyes, foreheads resting against each other.

'Wow' both said in sync. After that both of them smiled, started to giggle and then broke out in an all out laughing fit. After a few minutes of laughing like idiots both Anne and (Y/N) had calmed down and sat next to each other. They were both completely at ease, looking at the stars as Anne's head made its home on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

Looking at the two now it was impossible to tell just how upset Anne was feeling moments before but (Y/N) still hadn't forgotten and they made a mental note to talk to her about it later but right now nothing could ruin this moment.