
I just really really like you (Edric x reader)

Idea: the reader loves getting into mischief with the Blight twins. After so many years with the twins the reader begins to develop feelings for one Edric Blight.———————————————————

'Come on guys leave Amity alone' (Y/N) says stepping in between the two Blight twins and then continuing to stand next to Amity 'It's not her fault that she's the living embodiment of a gay panic' as soon as those words left (Y/N)'s mouth she ran out the door in fear of being crushed by an abomination made by the youngest blight. The twins left right after (Y/N).


'You can't catch me, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah' Edric taunts as Emira, Amity and (Y/N) chase him through Bones Burrow.

'Get your ass back here you little witch' Amity screams at her brother as she summons an abomination.

'Yeah, you'd better get back here and apologise or so help me Titan' Emira adds as she continues to run after Edric.

'You know we're going to catch you so PLEASE just stop running' (Y/N) yells struggling to keep up with the twins.

'You three chasing after me just adds to my point that all girls are insane' he replies as he winks at (Y/N). Edric's comment made the the Blight girls furious while (Y/N) just stoped running and smiled at Edrics antics. ———————————————————

'There you are Edric' (Y/N) says as she poked her head through a bush and saw Edric moping by the cliff side. 'Cheer up Ed, that girl's an idiot for missing tonight' (Y/N) continues, taking a seat next to Edric. 'Trust me she doesn't know what she's missing'

'Thanks (N/N), that means a lot coming from you' Edric says turning to look at (Y/N).

As Edric looks into (Y/N)'s eyes he can't help but become lost in them and (Y/N) is the same as she looks at Edric. As cliche as it sounds; time seemed to stop for both of them as they slowly lean in closer until...

'Edric, (Y/N), where you at?' It was Emira. 'Umm... am I interrupting something?' Emira says, the smirk never leaving her face.

'WHAT!?' (Y/N) and Edric shrieked both red in the face.

'Hahahahahaha' Emira cracks up laughing as she takes a picture. 'Me being able to hold this above your heads more than makes up for tonight's failure'. She then left continuing to laugh as she did.

Once Emira's laughing was no longer able to be heard Edric and (Y/N) went back to sitting side by side.

'Soooo....' Edric started

'Ireallyreallylikeyouandihaveforawhileandiknowthatyouprobablydontfeelthesamebutwe'vebeenfriendsforeverandiwanttobemorethanfriends, please don't hate me'. How (Y/N) managed to say that in one breath was a miracle.

'My brain can barely understand a normal conversation so most of that made no sense' Edric states clearly confused 'but whatever it is' Edric moved his hand to (Y/N)'s face tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. 'Nothing could EVER make me hate you (Y/N)'

'I said, that....' (Y/N) takes one more deep breath and then says what's been in her mind for so long. 'I said that I really, really like you Edric, as in like'. (Y/N) begins to tear up as she looks at the ground.

Edric leans in and whispers in (Y/N)'s ear 'I know'.


Edric locks his lips onto (Y/N)'s. everything stoped, the only thing that was important was the kiss that these two were sharing. After a minute the two finally broke apart. As the two were looking at each other (Y/N) started to cry slightly.

'Wow, hey hey, did I do something wrong?' Edric asks generally worried that he had hurt her in some way.

'No, no, not at all It's just' (Y/N) smiles and wipes away her tears. 'I just don't remember the last time I was this happy' she says as she pulls Edric into a tight hug, burying her head into the crook of his neck.

Edric hugged back just as tight and had a giant grin on his face. 'Well I promise to do my best to make you happy as much as I can'

'Really?' (Y/N) asked as she pulled away

'Really' Edric replied

The two then went back to looking at the view this time a lot closer than 'just friends'