
Chapter 9

Hokage's Office

"YOU RAN INTO WHO!" Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Shinobi no Kami yells as he floods the room with Killer Intent aimed towards one man, Sharingan no Kakashi. Kakashi was sweating as he looks over to his leader before he steels his nerves and pulls out his bingo book.

"In Team 7's C turned A-ranked mission, we encountered Zabuza Momochi, the Kirigakure no Kijin, Darui no Kuroi Kaminari and...the Raijin, N Yotsuki-Namikaze or as we may know him Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze" Kakashi Hatake informs and as soon as he says it, he never felt more scared in his life as when Hiruzen Sarutobi set his glare upon him.

"You are telling me that Kumo has the only surviving heir of our late Hokage and our missing Jinchuriki. Not only that but Naruto is also an S-ranked ninja, Member of the Akatsuki, has 2 bloodlines along with extremely durable skin and is the Fastest Man Alive. The council must be informed" the Sandaime Hokage says to Kakashi before writing a quick note and sending that by messenger hawk to the council members.

"Come" Hiruzen says before walking out the door towards the council hall while thinking to himself, Don't worry Naruto, I'll bring you back to where you belong.

Raikage's Office

"It is that time of the year, Team 12, Team 13, Team 14. You will represent Kumo in the Chunin exams" Z says as talks to the 8 genin in front of him. Team 12 or Omoi, Karui and Kei all had looks of shock on their faces as they did not expect for them to be nominated. Team 13 or Samui, Yugito and N all had varying reactions with N and Yugito having similar looks of shock to Team 12 while Samui and Team 14 which includes Konan and Yuki all having an expressionless look on their faces.

"You are the best that Kumo has to offer and I can think of none better than you to represent us and Kimimaro, travel with them as well for extra security. That is all dismissed" Z instructs causing everyone to bow and leave except for N.

"N, I have a A-ranked mission for you. You are to break into the Namikaze-Uzumaki compound and take anything of importance so that you can place it in the new compound here. Understand?" Z instructs causing N to nod, understanding at the seriousness in his voice

"Hai, Raikage-sama" N says causing Z to nod and wave his hand in a dismissing motion.

"Dismissed" Z says causing N to nod and leave in a flash.

At Konoha, A Week Later

Izumo and Kotetsu, the Eternal Guardians of Konoha were sitting at their posts and they were for lack of a better word, bored. They had checked in only a few teams but otherwise the day had been boring. At least until a group of ninja started walking the road. 4 had on Akatsuki cloak which immediately put them on guard but when they grew near and they saw at least 4 S-ranked ninja, they raised the alarm, telling the ANBU to be on guard. A dark skinned man with shaggy white hair walked up to them.

"Darui, Elite Jounin of Kumo wishing to register 3 teams for the chunin exams on behalf of Kumogakure no Sato" Darui says to the guards who write them down and was about to wave them through but is stopped when 5 ANBU shunshin in front of them.

"Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, You are to come with us to meet with the Hokage or we will use force" The lead ANBU says causing N's team to get ready for battle but N raises his hand to stop them.

"I will meet you at the hotel in an hour. Let us go" N says to his team before looking toward ANBU who grabs his arm and sends them away to Hokage Tower.

Hokage Tower

N appears in the large office that looked very much like his father's just more cramped and with more red than blue and yellow. In the chair was an elderly man with long gray hair and many wrinkles that showed his age. He gave N the look of an elderly grandfather but N could see that he was analyzing N before he opens his mouth.

"Naruto, it is good to have you home" The Sandaime hokage says causing N to scowl.

"Hokage-dono, my name is N Yotsuki-Namikaze" N says respectfully but he was pissed that the hokage was trying to force something onto him. He respected his biological family's name for him but N was the name he was given as a child and that is the name he kept. Hiruzen Sarutobi sighs and looks at the boy...no warrior in front of him. He then sighed. I am sorry Minato, I have lost your child to Kumo.

"Hokage-dono, I must ask, Why am I here?" N says with a blank look on his face as to not let out any emotions.

"Because I want you to come home, Nar...N" Hiruzen says with sadness in his voice as looks at the young man in front of him.

"Hokage-dono, all due respect but you only want me to come home so that you feel better about yourself and the fact that I know many village secrets of Kumo. Also I am sure that Kakashi told you that I am the Raijin, the S-Ranked Ninja and one of the leaders of the Akatsuki. Hokage-dono, respectively you do want me, you want my skills and resources. Is that all?"

"No...that is all" The Shinobi no Kami says causing N to bow and stand up before looking the Sandaime in the eyes causing him to shiver. Hiruzen looks into the golden haired boy and for a second sees Minato in those cerulean blue eyes.

"Good Day Hokage-dono" N says before flashing away causing Hiruzen once more to sigh that he had lost the next flash to Kumo however deep in his heart despite not wanting to believe it, he knew that N was happy in Kumo and should stay there despite what the Council believed.

Hokage Monument

N stands on top of his father's head as stares over the village, it was so serene and beautiful however his moment was ruined when he sense the bioelectricity of 2 ANBU teams, one sent by the Hokage and the other sent by Danzo which causes him to smirk.

"Try to keep up" N says before disappearing in a flash, eager to finish his mission.

Namikaze-Uzumaki Compound

N appears right outside of the compound to find in fact, there was no compound only a Torii. There has to be a seal here somewhere, N says as he places his hand on the Torii and begins to search for the seal.

"It's on the left side, right below eye level" Kurama informs causing N to nod as he knew that his mother was Kurama's last jinchuriki so it would sense for him to know how to enter the compound. And just where Kurama said it would be is the blood seal to enter the compound. N pulls out a kunai from his holster and charges it with Shiroton chakra as a normal blade would not be able to scratch his skin. He then slices a large cut across his palm and places it onto the seal causing it to glow blue. The seal then floats off of the Torii and in between its 2 columns before expanding to cover the entire opening.

"Walk through the seal" Kurama instructs causing N to facepalm. My father was a genius in Jikukan Jutsu so why wouldn't he put the compound somewhere where enemies and fangirls couldn't get our family! N thinks to himself before walking through the seal to find himself in the place where his family had spent their lives. The compound was medium sized and had a large training field outside.

"I thought that the Hokage would have a larger compound" N ponders, after all the leader of the village should have a expensive home.

"Your family never lived very lavishly but still, this compound holds many valuables of the family. Go to the library, that's where all the jutsu and the vault is" Kurama says causing N to walk through the hallways before walking into the library. The library appears small from the outside but inside it was at least 25 feet high and had many bookshelves broken up by subject and the jutsu split by affinity. But besides the shelves, there was a seal that was at least 10 feet in diameter on the wall opposite the books. N could only look at the shelves with awe and could almost not resist the urge to sit down and read through everything.

"We don't have time. Just grab everything and seal it away. This is the largest collection of jutsu in Konoha but no could get in after your family died so this could cripple Konoha in the future. Hurry up then you can go into the vault." Kurama says causing N to nod and pull out a scroll from an arm seal. He opens it up to see 2 seals, one that has the Kanji for "Knowledge" and the other "History". N then places his palm on the seal that says "Knowledge" and pushes chakra into it.

"Fuin (Seal)" He says and all of the scrolls and books fly off of the shelves and enter the seal.

N gives a satisfied sigh before turning toward the vault on the wall.

"It only responds to the chakra of a Uzumaki and your father so just push chakra into the seal" Kurama explains causing N to nod in understanding before he places his hand on the wall and pushes chakra into it. The seal slows unravels itself in a clockwise formation before the vault opens. Inside the vault is split up into 7 sections, one for each nature transformation, one for Fuinjutsu and one for artifacts. N then opens the scroll and sucks in all of the S-Ranked elemental jutsu and fuinjutsu before he walks down the artifact section. There are dozens of scrolls but N does not even look at most of them except for a small one that says "Raiyumi (Lightning Long Bow)" which he slips into his pocket. He continues to walk to the end before he sees 2 large scrolls on a pedestal.

"Take those scrolls and let's go. We've been here for too long" Kurama says causing N to nod in agreement before grabbing the scrolls and sealing everything away. N puts the large scroll on his lower back (A/N: Think Jiraiya and the Toad Summoning Scroll) before he then concentrates on the address of the hotel and he's gone in a flash.

In The Kumo Hotel

N appears right in the living room to see everyone gathered around a table and Darui talking however this stops when N flashs in.

"How was the mission?" Darui asks causing N to smirk and pull out the large scroll from behind his back.

"Good, I found some stuff that we could use in the exams" N says before he unseals the Katon, Fuuton, Doton and Raiton techniques.

"Here" N says before handing a scroll about Raiton- Hiraishin to Samui, 2 scrolls on Raiton lightning flow to Omoi and Karui, a scroll about Doton- Domu (Earth Release- Earth Spear) and a scroll about Fuuton- Daitoppa (Wind Release- Great Breakthrough) to Konan.

"We can practice in the Kumo Training Grounds. Here put this seal to block other teams, ANBU and the Hokage from getting in or spying" N says causing everyone to nod and shunshin away (Yuki just wants to practice to get her Shinra Tensei delay to blow 8 seconds). N begins to walk out the door when he hear's Kimimaro.

"Where are you going?" Kimimaro asks as he turns away from planning with Darui.

"The Training ground for maybe an hour then I'm getting ramen" N says before showing them the Raiyumi scroll causing them to nod before he flashes away.

An Hour Later

N was walking through Konoha with his Akatsuki cloak up to block his face and hair from everyone. The hour had been productive as N could perform the Raiyumi easily. The jutsu created a longbow almost as tall as him out of lightning and created an arrow made out of lightning as well. The jutsu was C-ranked but had the potential to be A-ranked when N used Shiroton chakra as an arrow easily punch through 3 wooden dummies. Right now N was walking into a small little ramen bar and sits down at a stool when a teenage girl maybe 4 years older than him comes out. (A/N: I'm too lazy to describe Ayame but you know how she looks like)

"Hi I'm Ayame Ichi-YONDAIME-SAMA" Ayame yells as she points at N who just raises an eyebrow.

"I'm afraid you've got me mixed up with my father. My name is N Yotsuki-Namikaze, I'm here for the Chunin Exams" N says causing an older man to poke his head out of the kitchen and look at him.

"Hey Gaki, the name's Teuchi Ichiraku. What do you want?" Teuchi asks causing N to smile at the man's enthusiasm.

"Can I get a miso ramen?" N asks causing Ayame to nod and go back into the kitchen while Teuchi mans the bar.

"So how does the last living relative of the Yondaime end up in Kumo and the Son of the Raikage" Teuchi asks causing N to nod as he was expecting the question.

"I was adopted as a baby and the Sandaime Raikage adopted me." N says before looking around the small bar before he hears Ayame come out.

"Here you go!" Ayame says as she places the completed bowl of ramen and N immediately knows it is better than the ramen in Kumo.

"Itadakimasu!" N says as he breaks his chopsticks before diving in. He takes one bite before almost crying before jumping off his stool and going in front of Ayame. He gets on one knee and pulls out a diamond ring from god knows where and looks the brown haired girl in the eye.

"Ayame Ichiraku, will you marry me?" N confesses causing the ramen mistress to turn beet red and was about to respond when they hear a cough behind them causing them to turn. Standing there is Teuchi, cleaver in hand and demonic visage behind him causing N to back up.

"Marry...you? DIE!" Teuchi yells as he throws the cleaver causing N to flash 2 feet to his right to avoid the flying knife. Teuchi however just pulls out 10 other knives and gets ready to throw.

"Thank you for the ramen! Gotta go!" N yells as he slaps the money on the table and flashing away causing Ayame to sigh.

"See Tou-san, this is why I can't find a boyfriend" Ayame says as she gets back to her work.

Down the Street

"Whew" N breaths in relief as he walks away from the scene of an attempted murder. He walks into an intersection to see a guy in a footie pajamas, makeup and cat ears holding a 8 year old kid by his shirt with his rather hot sister, Ino and Sakura standing by. N charges Shiroton chakra into his hand to form his Raiyumi and shoots an arrow right near the guy's face causing him to flinch and move backwards. N then flashes right in that opening and grabs the kid and pulls him away. He puts the kid down before holding his Sakabato to the guy's neck. The blonde hair girl looks at N in awe as all she had saw was a few flashes and the kid was gone and Kankuro was at sword point while Ino and Sakura were glaring at the blonde haired boy.

"Kinda low holding a threatening an 8 year old and you guys, isn't Konoha suppose to be all about friendship and family?" N says before looking at the tree.

"You can come down now" N says prompting Sasuke to jump down and walk next to his teammates but N just shakes his head.

"I meant you" N says causing a red haired boy to jump down from the branch above Sasuke. He was shorter than N and had pale blue-green eyes along with a black rings around his eyes. He is wearing a black full body suit with t-shirt-like sleeves, ¾-length legs, and an open neck. With this, he wore a white cloth over his right shoulder and the left side of his hips, and a wide leather band system over the left shoulder and right side of his hips. With this leather band, he carried around his 2 medium sized gourd with that looked to be made of sand and the other made of what appeared to be silver. He also wrapped his black forehead protector over the band.

"Kankuro, you are a disgrace to our village. Come before I kill you" The red haired boy says, radiating KI at Jonin levels causing everyone but N to shiver.

"What is your name?" The boy asks N however Sasuke didn't get the memo.

"Sasuke Uchiha" Sasuke exclaims with an arrogant smirk but the boy shakes his and points a finger at N.

"You" The boy says causing his siblings to shiver in fear as they knew the last time the boy was interested in someone.

"N Yotsuki-Namikaze, you?" N says before asking causing the boy his name. N looks the kid in the eye and holds up nine fingers causing the boy to widen his eyes in surprise.

"Sabaku no Gaara (Gaara of the Desert)" Gaara says with one finger up before disappearing in a Suna Shunshin (Sand Shunshin) with his siblings closely following. Team 7 quickly walks up to N with kunai out but N is just standing there smiling.

"Why are you here?" Ino asks causing N to flash her a grin.

"Didn't the scarecrow tell you? The Chunin Exams are coming up. Ja Ne" N says before disappearing in a flash.