
Chapter 8

The Next Day

N wakes up to sound of a single branch breaking causing him to look up to a beautiful looking girl entering the clearing.

"Good morning" N says causing the girl to jump as she did not know that N was awake.

"Good morning, My name is Haku" Haku says causing N to sit up and notice she is the same girl that pretended to be a Oinin. She carried herself the same way and had gave off the exact same pheromones as the Oinin that had help Zabuza.

"Hi, names N Yotsuki" N says causing her to suck in air in shock.

"As in the 'Raijin'!" She says before almost kicking herself however she manages to keep a straight face.

"Hm, I am guessing that I am famous even with the civilian world" N says as he scratches the back of his head, ignoring the look of disbelief on Haku's face that N believed her.

"Yes, everyone has heard of the fastest man alive. So what are you doing here N-sama" Haku says as she sits next to N.

"Call me N. I was training last night to lower my reaction time and I guess I fell asleep. What about you, Haku-chan?" N asks causing her to blush when he said "Haku-chan" but remembers he is the enemy and that she has to come up with an excuse for her being in the woods.

"I'm looking for herbs for my friend who isn't feel well" Haku says causing N to grin to himself.

"So Zabuza's still not feeling great? Well you did put him into a near death state so he wouldn't be up and running for a bit" N says causing Haku to suck in her breath in shock before pulling out a senbon, ready to throw it if he attacked her.

"Don't worry I won't attack you, in fact, I thought we could become allies. I am the son of the Raikage and I can guarantee you and Zabuza spots as ninja of Kumo. No more running from Oinin, no more bad conditions, I can even guarantee that you won't have to join the CRA. You don't have to tell me anything now but tell Zabuza that I am sure that Gato will double cross you.

Ja ne" N explains to Haku who nods in understanding before he leaves in a flash of white light.

Tazuna's Home

"I'M BACK!" N yells as he walks inside of the house to see everyone eating breakfast.

"Good morning Naruto" Kakashi says but flinches when N glares at him. What have they done to you Naruto? Kakashi thinks to themselves, not realizing that the obvious answer was that they helped him find happiness.

"My name is N Yotsuki." N says harshly causing Kakashi to sigh.

"Was those flashes yesterday you?" Darui asks in attempt to change the subject but only starts up Sakura.


"My bad, I was trying to train to get stronger. Hey Sakura, when was the last time that you trained outside of the Academy?" N says causing Sakura to shake in rage as N was right, she hadn't trained since she passed the Academy as Kunoichi of the year.

"Let's go train. N, if you would" Darui says causing N to nod and form a cross shaped seal with his pointer and middle fingers.

"Shiroton- Kage Bunshin no Jutsu" N says causing 5 clones to appear causing a shocked look for the Konoha Nin. Sasuke was red in frustration as this kid his age was one of the strongest ninjas in the world, could create copies of himself to fight for him and was one of the few people who knew where his sister was.

"Okay 1 of you goes with Tazuna to the bridge and you 4 go scout the area." N causing his clones to nod before 4 disappears in flashes of lightning.

"Are those Kage-Bunshin? How many can you make?" Kakashi asks causing N to laugh at how naive Kakashi was.

"I can make about a couple hundred normally but if I make them with white lightning with uses my chakra combined with real lightning, I can make tens of thousands that all explode with an explosion of lightning that is equal to the force of 10 explosive tags." N explains causing everyone except his team who knew this look in pure shock and in Kakashi's face horror. Naruto is an S-ranked shinobi and he can make thousands of clones of himself. Kumo practically has it's own army just in him! I must get him to Konoha!

"In fact Tazuna-san, I can send a couple hundred clones as workers. They don't know what to do but with a little instruction, they can be helpful" N says causing Tazuna to light up like the fourth of july before nodding vigorously.

"Okay then let's go train to fight Zabuza" Kakashi says causing N to laugh a bit to himself.

"About that...I kinda offered Zabuza and Haku asylum in Kumo" N says while scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"WHAT!" Everyone including Tazuna and Tsunami shout out in unison causing N to slip into "Lecture mode".

"THEY ARE THE ENEMY! THEY MUST DIE!" Sakura yells causing N to sigh and change his song before looking at Sakura with a bored look on his face.

"And I bet that you are the one who is going to take down a High A-ranked shinobi and his B-ranked apprentice. You will never survive in the Shinobi world with that mindset. The enemy of my enemy is my friend besides they would be great additions to Kumo's forces. Zabuza is an A-ranked shinobi and wielder of one of the 7 swords of Kiri while Haku is a wielder of Hyoton and as Head of two clans in Kumo as such I have the authority to offer nin asylum as long as the Raikage allows so" N says in a tone appropriate to his status as member of the council.

"I forgot you could do that. So now what?" Yugito says as she sometimes forgets that N is a S-Ranked ninja and member of the Kumo Shinobi Council.

"We should still train. I believe that Gato is going to backstab which means we have to take down Gato and who ever he hires to attack us. Kakashi, I'm guessing that your team hasn't mastered the tree-climbing exercise so they should work on that while our team should practice Elemental manipulation" N says causing everyone to nod except for Sasuke who is upset once more. He must be strong because of his teacher! Kakashi-sensei is useless and has only now taught us this but they have already been taught this by their sensei! His sensei should be honored to teach an uchiha!

"Let's go before this gets dull" Darui says before his team disappears in a shunshin to their favorite clearing.

A Week Later

A week has passed since N had told his team about Zabuza and Haku and much had happened. Zabuza through Haku had told him that they agreed but that they would spar on the bridge to trick Gato so everyone trained to get stronger. Samui was finally able to correctly preform the Raiton: Rairyu no Jutsu but could only do it 2 times before becoming fatigued. Yugito could perform the technique that Matatabi showed her, the Oniton- Goka no Ken (A/N: Think Chidori but instead of lightning, imagine Blue Fire) but needed 5 seconds of concentration to control the flames, causing her enemies an opening to attack her. N could now easily perform Tenso- Ni no dan (Heavenly Transfer- Second Step) after updating his "Heaven" seal matrix on his arm however he could only perform the first 5 movements of the Tenso- San no dan (Heavenly Transfer- Third Step) before he has to stop. Darui had been trusted with the secrets of the Raiton no Yoroi along with the Kuroi Kaminari when he was training with his sensei, Z but had never thought to combine them. He had to slow down the current of his Raiton no Yoroi until it became the consistency of Kuroi Kaminari and suddenly Darui was covered in black lightning. It worked just like how he speculated before with how he moved slower than "Bosu's" but when N punched him when it was on, N was instantly paralyzed for 10 seconds. Not to mention the increase of defense as he was able to slow down N's "Le no Sen Supin" enough to block it without injury. Kakashi's team however did not leap as far as Darui's team. Sakura and Ino were able to easily do the Tree climbing exercise however could not do it more than 4 times before almost passing out due to Chakra exhaustion while it took Sasuke 5 days to figure it out as he refused to ask for help. Sasuke had tried spying on N's team however N quickly sensed his Bioelectricity and had informed his team. Yugito perform Katon: Karyudan which Sasuke copied the handsigns for and attempted before being knocked out instantly from the heavy chakra cost. N grabbed him and had raised the volume on his music with his chakra so he couldn't hear anything before bringing back Sasuke. The screams of the fangirls and the pink haired one in particular deafened everyone within 50 feet. It took Kakashi to use Doton: Shinju Zanshu no Jutsu (Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique) on both of them so that they wouldn't attack N. Kakashi wasn't concerned about N's safety but Sakura's and Ino's if N got pissed off at them. But despite that the week had been productive and if they were to actually battle Zabuza and Haku, they would be ready.

Tazuna's Kitchen

N walks into the kitchen to see everyone there already and a clone of him with 2 mercenaries tied together on the floor.

"We found these guys today right outside of here waiting for us to leave so they could kidnap Tsunami and Inari. I guess that means today Zabuza is "attacking" today" N's clones says causing N to nod in understanding.

"You can dispel, thanks." N says before turning back to the samurai.

"They are too low on the food chain to know anything besides they are murderers and rapists" N says causing Samui to pull out her Tanto and stab them both in the jugular, careful to make sure there was no blood. The Konoha nin look in shock, Kakashi that someone so young could kill with ease and precision and the genin, well they were freaking out. Sasuke was shaking in life that this girl could kill without caring but he, an uchiha hadn't had his first kill. Sakura and Ino were horrified as they had never seen anyone die before and this voluptuous girl killed without any emotion.

"Your genin haven't had their first kill? In the academy, all students are given a bird in their second to last year and they care for it for a month before they are told to kill it or they would be dropped from the ninja program. Almost all the Academy Students did this with only the spineless ones that fail. We do this so that there is no deadly hesitation in battle" Darui says causing Kakashi to nod as that is a good procedure.

"Let's go! Zabuza and Haku may be there already!" N yells before jumping out of the window,

causing everyone to sigh before following him.

At the Bridge

The bridge was silent and covered in a blanket of mist so thick that no one could see more than five feet in front of him. N forms a Tora (Tiger) handsign and takes in a deep breath.

"Fuuton: Daitoppa (WInd Release: Great Breakthrough)" N says before blowing a large gust of wind that blows away the mist to show Zabuza and Haku in the middle of the field.

"Told you that wouldn't hold them" Haku says to Zabuza who sighs and places a hand on his Kubikiribocho.

"Whatever. Just give us the Bridge builder and you guys could walk away." He says with a serious tone.

"Never!" Kakashi says causing everyone to tense and grab onto their weapons before Zabuza makes the first move.

"Haku, get them" Zabuza says causing Haku to nod. In a second, she is halfway across the field however N met her at the middle, feet coated in white lightning. Senbon versus Sakabato, they were at a stalemate but N charged a lightning current through his sword allowing it to easily slice the senbon. Haku curses before jumping back. She takes a breath before holding a hand out and the air around her gets colder as Hyoton chakra gathers in her hand.

"Mai, Sode no Shirayuki (Dance, Sleeved White Snow)" Haku says and in her hand forms a beautiful white Katana. The tsuba was a hollow snowflake-like circle, and a white ribbon forms from the pommel. Everyone looks at the blade in shock which she swirls through the air with the grace of a dancer. (A/N: Ok, so some of you may be mad at me but this is not a Zanpakuto. It is a sword made out of Hyoton Chakra that just happened to be formed to look like Sode no Shirayuki. Coincidence. All of the dances that Rukia uses Haku will use but they are Hyoton techniques that she uses)

"Do you think that I grew up with Zabuza and never learned Kenjutsu? Let's see if the Mai no Aisu Megami can hold out against Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu" She says before shunshining forward and slicing upwards. N dodges the upwards slice before going for a horizontal slash causing her to jump back to avoid being bisected.

"Doryusen (Earth Dragon Flash)" N says before stabbing his Sakabato into the ground causing a few large rocks to fly up into the air which he kicks at Haku who turns her sword in a circle.

"Some no Mai, Tsukishiro (First Dance, White Moon)" Haku says as the rocks hit her circle and immediately freeze. N smirks before skating forward to meet Haku in the middle. They cross swords and they are for a second at a standstill.

"Looks like you are a disadvantage" Haku and N say in unison as they both begin doing 1 handed hand seals with left hands.

"Sensatsu Saisho (Thousand Flying Water Needles)" Haku says causing a thousand water needles to come out of the water air and shoot at N almost unavoidable speed.

"Shiroton: Raiton no Yoroi" N says causing a white lightning cloak to surround him and when the senbon hit him, they automatically evaporate. There is a collective gasp from the Konoha Nin and N hear them begin to whisper.

"What technique is that? It's so powerful!" Ino asks causing Kakashi to look at her.

"That is the Raiton no Yoroi, an S-ranked jutsu almost SS-ranked that is without a doubt one of the most powerful Jutsus in existence. It makes it so that Genjutsu is useless and Taijutsu and Ninjutsu becomes weaker against it. Only the Raikage's family know the technique and it makes some of the fastest in the Nations" Kakashi says to his Genin while in deep thought. They must be trying to bribe him with power so that he will stay with them. If I get him to join Konoha, then Konoha will have another incredibly strong jutsu!

"This is getting no where. Hyoton- Makyo Hyosho (Ice Release- Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals)" Haku says causing 21 (A/N: Hehe, Tweny Juan) mirrors to surround N, Twelve remain at ground level, eight float above the first twelve and angled towards the ground, and the final mirror is above the rest and facing the ground.

"No one ever, N-kun has ever escaped this Jutsu. In here, I move close to the speed of light. It ends here" Haku says as she appears in all of the mirrors at once. Sasuke runs into the ring and stands there with an arrogant smirk on his face

"Sasuke! what are you doing here!" N yells as he stares into Haku's eyes, waiting for a opening.

"It will take a uchiha to defeat her" Sasuke says before forming a bunch of hand seals and taking a deep breath.

"Katon- Gokakyu no Jutsu!" He says before shooting a fireball maybe 3 feet in diameter at a mirror, almost hitting N causing N to sweatdrop.

"I'm not pissed that you hit me but that Usagi-chan shoots larger fireballs in her sleep" N says causing Haku to sweat drop before throwing dozens of senbons at Sasuke from all directions at a speed that Sasuke wouldn't even be able to blink in time. However N was not the fastest man in the world for nothing. He moved so fast that there was after images of him and caught all of the senbon with one hand before Sasuke could move. N then sighs and drops all of the senbon causing a pinging noise as they hit the ground. Sasuke looks at N to see everything much clearer before looking in a puddle to see his eyes are crimson.

"I HAVE THE SHARINGAN! YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME!" Sasuke yells before jumping at a mirror only for a single senbon to come from behind him and strike him in the back of his neck, paralyzing him front the waist down. N sighs before turning off his Raiton no Yoroi and drawing his sakabato, charging it with Raiton Chakra giving it an extended blade and white hue.

"It's been funny Haku-chan, but it is time for me to end our dance" N says before placing his Sakabato into its sheath and getting into a battojutsu stance. There is the signature white flash of the Tenso and 20 N's appear.

"Oku no Ryushosen! (Many Dragon Flight Flash!)" N yells as all of the images of him cuts upwards simultaneously and destroy 20 of the 21 mirrors leaving 1 more with Haku standing in it before it melts and she walks out.

"What speed…was those clones?" Zabuza asks while inside he is glad he joined Kumo as he would hate to be against N.

"No, that is the Tenso- Ni no dan. The second step of one of the only SS-Ranked jutsu in the nations. It involves it's users to be in multiple places at once by teleporting between them all at the speed of light" Samui explains what N had told her when he had first thought of it.

"Incredible… So that is the power of a S-Ranked Ninja" Zabuza says but it is echoed by a voice behind him. Everyone turns around to see Gato in all his midget glory and several hundred mercenaries.

"I gave you one job Zabu-chan and you failed. You could have killed the Bridge builder before the Raijin or Darui of the Kuroi Kaminari got here. I guess that the Kirigakure no Kijin is just a baby demon. Kill them and keep the girls, they could be…fun" Gato says with a lecherous grin causing Zabuza and N to become riled up.

"Ready kid?" Zabuza says as he pulls out Kubikiribocho.

"Shall we dance?" N says before pulling out Kokuryu in his right arm and having a Tonbogiri in his left. Suddenly N disappears in a flash and there is a scream as a Tonbogiri is punched through a thugs' stomach and Kokuryu decapitates 2 other thugs' heads. That was the cue for Zabuza, Kakashi and Darui to jump in. Zabuza begins to massacre the knives for hire in front of him, limbs flying and organs falling while he is showered in blood. Kakashi uncovers the Sharingan and begins to dance around his opponents, predicting their movements before stabbing them in vital areas with his tanto and Chidori. Darui flashes through a few hand seals before a Kuroi Kaminari Raiton no Yoroi appears around him. He pulls out his Cleaver sword, slicing his enemies in half with ease and blocking all strikes with his ultimate defense. The number of thugs begin to decrease until one thing happens that changes it all.

The genin were surrounding Tazuna just incase any thugs got past the fighters before Sasuke runs into the battle.

"Sasuke-kun! Wait don't go! You could get hurt!" Ino yells causing Sasuke to look at her with his signature arrogant smirk.

"I am an Uchiha! These thugs won't hurt me!" The Almighty Uchiha yells before running into the battle however is quickly surrounded by thugs. He throws a kunai at a thug expecting him to dodge as ninjas always do however this wannabe samurai was no ninja and the kunai strikes him right in the forehead, killing him instantly. Sasuke hesitates as he had never killed before and that split moment hesitation gives one of the thugs time to lunge with his katana. Sasuke looks at katana as it comes towards him then the girls before smirking. He uses a Kawarimi with Haku, causing her to be impaled through the shoulder. Haku's scream resonates through the battle and suddenly 2 auras of chakra ignite, one more powerful while the other filled with more rage. Zabuza appears in a shunshin and picks up Haku and checks her wound to find it non fatal. N appears next and grabs Sasuke by the throat and lifts him up, the battleground silent as he talks.

"You are worse than scum. There are many reasons why I should hate your village but I know my father and mother were from there so I respect it but if you are the type of genin coming out of Konoha then my father has died in vain. The world would be better if The Kyuubi had snuffed out the will of fire all together then for it to be in such a sorry state that it is now" N lectures before dropping the last uchiha unceremoniously before glaring back at the battle. Darui, Kakashi and Zabuza get the message and exit leaving N against the remaining 400 thugs.

"You ready Kurama?" N says to his partner in his head.

"Let's dance" Kurama says N to gain a blood red slit for eyes.

"Hijutsu- Tenso- San no Dan!" N yells before he is simply not there. Suddenly there is the thud of 400 bodies falling. Some decapitated, others bisected, some ripped apart, all dead, all simultaneously. Gato falls to his knees as he looks in fear as his army was destroyed in an instant before N stands in front of him. In that moment he looked exactly as his title proclaimed him to be, a god.

"For too long you have plagued this land, Gato and for this you shall die." N says as he pulls out Kokuryu.

"No longer dirty this world with your presence" N says as he cleanly decapitates Gato in one movement. It was at that moment that N received a new title, Bishamon, the God of War and Judgement. N gestures and Inari followed by a hundred villagers or so come out, armed with miscellaneous weapons. N picks up Gatos' head and seals it away before handing that to Tazuna.

"Most if not all of Gatos' safes are going to be retina protected so that should be be able to get back what Nami no Kuni deserves" N says causing Tazuna to nod before N walks over to Inari who is crying.

"Hey don't cry Otouto. Heroes don't cry." N says causing Inari to look at N with red eyes.

"But I'm not the hero, you're the Nami no Kuni no Eiyu!" Inari exclaims causing a loud cheer to erupt from the crowd causing N to sigh as he knew that would also be going in the bingo book.

"Inari, you are more of a hero than any of us are. You rallied these people, you show them that there is hope and it is because of you that this country has turned around. You are the true Nami no Kuni no Eiyu" N says to Inari before turning to the crowd.

"It's been a long day, let's go home" N says causing the crowd to cheer once more before walking back to their homes, all with content looks on their faces. N takes takes a step forward before falling face first but Darui was fast enough to catch him.

"Don't worry, it's just fatigue. He hasn't master the San no Dan and was only able to do it with the help of the Kyuubi. It's dull that he had to faint though" Darui says causing everyone to nod and walk towards Tazuna's house but not before sweatdropping at Darui's use of "dull".

An hour later

N wakes up in the guest room of Tazuna's house and pulls himself out of bed. He had only slept for half an hour but his chakra reserves were already filled by Kurama and he felt refreshened. As he walks down the stairs, he sees Zabuza and Sasuke arguing and N knew what about and N was very pissed off about it.

"Sasuke Uchiha, you are the lowest level of human being and I am disappointed that Usagi thought that you could be saved" N says before walking out the door however Sasuke grabs his Akatsuki Cloak.

"Where is she?" Sasuke says with his feeble KI (Killer Intent) being pushed at N.

"Let...go...of...my...cloak" N says through gritted teeth. If there was one thing you should know about N was that, never touch the cloak...EVER.

"You will tell me where she is and you will teach me everything you know to help me kill her" Sasuke says while turning on his Sharingan as he attempts to intimidate N. N in his anger loads Raiton chakra in his finger and strikes 3 tenketsu causing Sasuke to stiffen like a board and fall over but you could tell he was awake from the way his eyes were moving.

"You are a pitiful human being that has been pampered all his life and does not except hard work like the rest of your clan. You do not value sacrifice as your "civilian council" babies you at every turn and your "almighty uchiha clan" are just a bunch of copy cats that steal others work as their own. Usagi and the rest of the clan would be disappointed on how pitiful you are" N scolds as he walks away and Sasuke comes out of his paralysis. Sasuke flips through a few 11 hand seals that causes Kakashi who was walking down the stairs to yell for him to stop.

"Chidori!" Sasuke yells as he goes to stab N with his weak lightning however N was ahead of him. N holds his hand out and breathes, calling on his godly affinity and imagining the volts of electricity jumping from Sasuke's hand and into N's palm, leaving Sasuke to give a weak punch to N's chest before N grabs his wrist.

"You are pathetic" N says before snapping Sasuke's wrist with easy and walking out of the door, ignoring Sasuke's screams of pain and Zabuza's sadistic chuckle.

Next Day

The bridge was finally finished with the help of 500 clones of N and it was time to leave Nami no Kuni. At the base of the bridge was where the population of the nation gathered along with Team 13 and Team 7.

"We would like to honor these teams as without them, I, the Great Tazuna would not be able to build this bridge." Guess who said this...

"It was an honor to serve this country" Darui says to the crowd who cheers while N goes down to on one knee to Inari. N takes out a mini scroll from a pouch and activates the seal. In his hand was a Black Katana and a few scrolls which he hands to Inari.

"Hey Otouto. I know you want to help your family one day so I want to give you these. This Katana is really special and it will only cut when you want it to. These scrolls are on basic ninja training like chakra control and some basic techniques. I want you to become strong so one day when I visit you, you will be stronger than me" N says as he rubs the tears from Inari's face.

"You'll visit, Right?" Inari asks causing N to smirk.

"Promise" N says with his fist out which Inari bumps. N stands up and faces his team before he nods.

"Let's go!" N says before the two teams of nin acknowledge each other before walking in the directions of their homes but one silver haired jounin was thinking other things as his team tree jumped at low genin speeds due to Sakura. I'll get you back to your home in Konoha, Naruto, Kakashi thinks to himself.

In Wave

"What should we name the bridge" A random villager asks causing everyone to think.

"How about the Great Tazuna Bridge?" Tazuna says causing Tsunami to pull out a frying pan and hit him on the head causing a huge bump to appear.

"How about The Great Raijin Bridge after the ninja who saved our country in an instant" Inari says causing a loud cheer and from then on, Nami no Kuni was once again the great country it once was.