
Chapter 10

Academy, Day of the First Phase of the Chunin Exams

The Kumo teams appear by shunshin in front of Konoha academy and walk through the entrance to see a battle between Sasuke and a boy in horrid looking green jumpsuit and orange leg warmers. It was obvious that the boy in green was at least Jonin level in taijutsu and Sasuke was getting pummeled however a ninja tortoise stopped the match when it appeared Sasuke would receive any real damage. Team 13, 12 and 14 then walked past a group of genin being blocked entry to a room that has a Genjutsu so that it appeared to be room 301 by 2 chunin under henge. The chunin then move to stop them but N flashes them a wink causing them to nod and go back to their work however this all stops when they hear Sasuke Uchiha.

"Take down the genjutsu!" Sasuke yells causing the Kumo team and the Chunin to facepalm. This idiot! N says before turning to Karui who nods and flashes 3 handsigns.

"Genjutsu- Kioku sōshitsu (Genjutsu- Memory Loss)" Karui says as she puts the Genjutsu over the weak genin causing them to stop before returning in their attempts to get into the fake room.

"You idiot! The less people in the room, the less people to compete with!" N scolds but Sasuke performs his signature arrogant smirk.

"I'm an Uchiha, I can defeat them all!" Sasuke says causing N to shake his head in disappointment before walking away to the real room 301. Usagi-chan, you would be disappointed, He thinks to himself before not looking back. His team walks into the room to see teams from all over the continent as they all blast KI at the group. The 3 teams look at each other before blasting back with 3 times the amount of KI causing most of the weak willed ones to pass out and others to pray that they would not have to fight those teams. They find 3 rows next to Gaara's team and they slide in just in time to see the Rookie 9 walk in and begin making a lot of noise. Well a few of them while a few were taking in everything and everyone. Sai, Shino and Shikamaru despite not showing it were taking in everyone and figuring out the danger levels of everyone. That is when a silver haired genin with jonin level reserves walked up to them and began talking to them causing the Kumo team to put chakra into their ears to hear what he was saying. I don't like him. He smells like snakes, N thinks to himself as he listens.

"My name is Kabuto Yakushi and I have taken this exam 7 times" Kabuto says causing the rookie 9 to have shocked looks except for Shikamaru like N, is squinting his eyes at Kabuto.

"Wow, you must suck" Kiba says causing N to want to facepalm. That idiot. Someone doesn't just fail a test 7 times, N thinks to himself.

"I have data on all of the genin here so let me know who you want information on" Kabuto says causing Sasuke to think for a moment before nodding.

"Tell me about Rock Lee, Sabaku no Gaara and N Yotsuki-Namikaze" Sasuke asks hoping to get an advantage.

"You know their names, that's no fun. Let's start with Sabaku no Gaara, son of the Kazekage. His is team is composed of his brother Sabaku no Kankuro and his sister Sabaku no Temari and their jonin sensei Baki. His skills are all unknown. He completed 10 D-Ranks, 15 C-Ranks and… 1 B-Rank. There is a note that says he returned from all missions without a scratch." Kabuto says causing some of the genin to shake in fear.

"Rock Lee, the apprentice to Maito Gai and 2 year genin. He was born with deformed chakra coils and as such cannot perform Ninjutsu or Genjutsu however his Taijutsu is Jonin level which makes up for it.. He has 65 D-ranked missions and 32 C-ranked missions" Kabuto reads from a card before pulling out one more card.

"N Yotsuki-Namikaze, child of Minato Namikaze, the Yondaime Hokage and Kushina Uzumaki, The Aka no Shi along with the adopted child by blood ceremony of the Sandaime Raikage, Z the Fumetsu (Immortal). He is an S-ranked Ninja and member of the Akatsuki along with fastest man alive and holder of 2 bloodlines. He is at master level in Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Taijutsu, and Kenjutsu as the master of the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu, one of the most deadly Kenjutsu styles ever created. He is no skill in genjutsu however when in a team with Usagi Uchiha, his girlfriend, they create the "Unstoppable Team". He has done 0 D-Ranks, 10 C-Ranks, 22 B-Ranks, 15 A-Ranks and 5 S-Ranks and has also participated in a battle against Iwa and the Tsuchikage in which he wounded the kage" Kabuto says causing the room to go silent while all of the genin were thinking the same thing, That guy is a monster! How is he a genin! For a second, no one moves until a kunai flies through the air at N's head who just catches it with 2 fingers. A boy with shaggy blonde hair and a Iwa headband jumps out and begins flashing through hand seals at a low-genin pace.

"Die like your bastard of a father!" The boy yells and was about to launch a jutsu when there is a large puff of smoke and out steps a large man and many chunin. The man was tall and imposing with a long black trench coat and a bandana around his head but his most notable feature is the 2 large scars going across his face.

"Listen you maggots! I will have no fighting unless I or another examiner says so! I am Ibiki Morino, the first exam proctor!" Ibiki yells while blasting everyone with KI, making all the weak genin quiver in their boots.

"You all have 10 points. Every time someone catches you cheating, you lose 2 points. You may leave at any time but if you leave, your whole team is disqualified! When you receive the test, you may begin!" Ibiki yells causing everyone to once again shiver and get started. When N gets the test, he is perplexed as these questions are either Jonin-level or require battlefield experience. N then begins to think, why would they give you 5 chances to cheat...unless they want you to cheat! I could answer these but lets play it there way. He closes his eyes and focuses on one of disguised chunin. He activates his bioelectricity sensing ability and feels the electricity in the chunin's body leaping through his synapses. N then focuses and repeats the same electrical currents, causing his hand to start moving and writing the answers by itself. N then pulls out his Sakabato and Kokuryu a little out of their sheaths and angle it so his team can read his answers. As N writes, people begin to leave under the pressure. This continues until N hears a bell sound.

"Okay Maggots! If you are here now, you can take the final question however if you take the question and you get it wrong, you may never take the chunin exams and will be a genin forever!" Ibiki says causing a large gasp and for Temari to stand up.

"That's not fair! There are people here who have taken the exams many times!" Temari yells causing Ibiki to receive a sadistic smirk.

"Well they never had me as a practitioner!" Ibiki yells and slowly many people begin to leave until there are only 78 people left.

"Now for the final question, You all...pass." Ibiki says with that same grin however in the room there is outroar.

"WHAT!" was the roar that came out of Kiba's mouth.

"Chunins must make difficult decisions that could cost the mission or cause it to suceed. If you cannot understand this then you are not meant to be a chunin" Ibiki says before a ball slams into the window and explodes causing a banner that says, "The Sexy and Single, Anko Mitarashi!" To attach itself to the window before a woman jumped in. She is wearing a tan overcoat with a purple in-seam, which has a pocket on both sides, and complete with a rather revealing fitted mesh body suit that stretches from her neck down to her thighs causing many boys to get blushes and the girls to be green in envy at the women's…assets. She wears a dark orange mini-skirt, as well as a forehead protector, a small pendant that looks like a snake fang on a thick cord rather than a chain to prevent it from being easily torn off in combat, a wrist watch, and pale grey shin guards.

"Anko, you're early…again" Ibiki says causing Anko to get a sheepish look on her face.

"Hey Gakis! I am Anko Mitarashi, second exam proctor. You are to meet me at Training Ground 44 in 10 minutes or you are disqualified. Dismissed!" Anko announces before shunshin away causing almost everyone to rush and get there but not the Kumo team. N pulls out a map and finds the location before showing it to his team who all nod in understanding before they all shunshin away except for N who flashes, missing the look of approvement from Ibiki.

"They didn't rush out and risk the chance of getting lost in an enemy village. Interesting" Ibiki says to himself before collecting the tests until he gets to N's. On there is a chibi N giving the nice guy pose and has 2 notes. First said "Don't trust Kabuto Yakushi, check him out" and the second says, "don't give 5 chances to fail, it's too obvious". Ibiki reads this and gives a chuckle before deciding to heed the Akatsuki member's advice and tells a nearby chunin to check out Kabuto Yakushi.

Forest of Death

"Ok Gakis! You will receive 1 scroll, either Heaven or Hell and you have 5 days to find the opposite type of scroll and get to the tower. Do NOT open the scroll or you will be immediately disqualified. Good luck" Anko says before everyone goes up to one of the chunin who has two rolls of scrolls.

"Team 13 from Kumo, please take a heaven scroll" The Chunin says so N walks up and "accidentally" grabbed a earth scroll while discreetly applying a small tracking seal.

"NO! A Heaven scroll, baka" The Chunin scolds causing N to give a sheepish look before grabbing the correct scroll and walking away. N watches Karui place a discreet genjutsu over one of the people who has the opposite scroll than her and Konan place a paper bug on another scroll.

"Everyone go to your starting place and when you hear the gong, begin" Anko explains causing everyone to disperse to their locations.

Starting Point

"Ready guys?" N says to Samui and Yugito who nod as he makes sure all of his weapons and his pouch is ready. As soon as they are ready, they hear the loud gong causing N to immediately flash through 3 hand seals before holding out a kunai pumped with Shiroton chakra and slicing his palm.

"Fuinjutsu- Chihaundo (Fuinjutsu- Bloodhound)" N says and the drops of blood flow to the northeast.

"Let's go!" N yells to his group as they go to the northeast for a few minutes until they stop in front of an Kusa group who are standing in a circle. N makes a single hand sign to his group, a clenched fist causing them to nod before they spread out. N focuses before performing a Tora (Tiger) hand seal causing a pillar of golden fire to erupt in the middle of group causing the genin to separate allowing Samui to finish doing her 4 hand seals and for a halo of blue energy to surround her hands.

"Ranton: Reizā Sākasu!" Samui yells causing 9 beams of lightning energy to shoot from her hands and stabs the Kusa genin through their vitals, killing them instantly. N flashes in front of them before grabbing the leader's kunai pouch and pulling out the earth scroll.

"We're good" N says before they hear a scream pierce through the area. N looks at his team and they nod in agreement. Suddenly they are tree hopping as fast as possible toward the site until they reach a large clearing where Team 7 is facing Orochimaru, the Hebi Sennin who notices Team 13's along with Team 14's arrival.

"Ah the Raijin is here. It's a shame N-kun that I can't get you as a vessel because those Shiroton and Kinton bloodlines would be lovely."

"Sorry Hebi-teme but I don't roll that way" N says with a grin causing the Sannin to smirk before looking at Yuki before back at N.

"If I can't get you, I can get the rinnegan user!" Orochimaru hisses before he extends his neck, fangs out, ready to bite Yuki but N wasn't having that. N flashes right in front of him and slices Orochimaru's neck in half. For a second there is silence but out of Orochimaru's mouth crawls a perfect copy of Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru-Ryū no Kawarimi no Jutsu" Orochimaru says before flashing through seals.

"Fuuton- Daitoppa" Orochimaru yells sending a humongous gust of wind at N who performs the Tora then Uma hand seals before taking a big breath.

"Kinton- Goka Mekkayaku! (Gold Release- Great Fire Annihilation!)" N yells and spews out a huge tidal wave of golden flames at the trees. The flames were at least 75 feet high and at least 500 feet across and it was racing toward Orochimaru who smirks.

"Fine, you win today N-kun. Kagero (Mayfly)" Orochimaru says before slipping into the ground right when the Kinton wave was going to wash over where he was, reducing everything it touches to ash.

"Kuenchi (Quench)" N says causing the flames to recced and disappear before he turns around to see a few newcomers. Standing there holding Sakura by her hair was a team from Oto who appeared to be threatening Sasuke who KI then spikes and black flame designs cover his body but not before he is blown back by a gust of wind sent by a boy with pineapple hair.

"You seem to value your arms a lot" N hears Sasuke says as he walks back to the clearing before Sasuke leaps forward and breaks the boys arm causing a large scream to erupt from the boy. N flashs next to Sasuke before he could attack everyone else and slaps on a paralyzing seal on him causing him to fall to the floor. N turns toward the Oto team and flares his Chakra causing the ground around him to crack.

"Leave" N commands causing the Oto team to leave as quickly as they could. N turns back to Sasuke to see him slowly getting up and facing N with a sadistic smirk.

"You will be a good match for my new power then you will tell me where SHE is" Sasuke says before lunging at who just sidesteps and slams a fist into Sasuke's stomach, knocking him out and causing the flame markings to recced.

"I would hurry up and tell the Scarecrow about the cursed seal." N says to Sasuke's team who wipe their tears and nod.

"Let's go guys" N says causing his team and the rest of the Kumo team to begin tree hopping to the tower which they reach in minutes. They enter the tower to see no one else there yet causing N to grin before they get to the one of the three large podiums causing 1 team to go to each. The wall has some sort of message about Heaven and Earth causing N to think for a second.

"Unroll the scrolls then cross them" N instructs as Yugito places the scrolls in a X-formation causing a large puff of smoke to envelope the area. The genin tense but relax when they see the smoke disappear leaving Darui and Kimimaro standing there.

"Yo. I told you Kimimaro that they would band together" Darui says causing Kimimaro give a very uchiha like "hn" before facing the ground.

"Congratulations. You pass the second exam and since you guys are the first to pass, you get to wait 5 days!" Kimimaro says with a sadistic grin as he knew how much they hated waiting.

"Don't worry, you can stay in the hotel and practice at the Kumo Training Grounds" Darui says before Kimimaro and Darui disappear in a shunshin, their students following until they reach the hotel.

"I'm gonna go check something out at the training ground" N says before flashing away.

Kumo Training Ground

N is sitting crisscrossed on the ground with a large scroll in front of him. The scroll had no markings except for a big seal and a few columns. Let's see what this does, N thinks to himself before pushing chakra into the seal causing a large puff of smoke and N is simply not there anymore.

"Who are you human?" N hears causing him to turn around to see a Siberian Tiger the size of a the Academy (A/N: Think Gamabunta's size). He had a fur coat was such a pristine white that it appeared as if N was staring into the snows of Yuki no Kuni and his claws were the size of Kokuryu. His fangs were easily the size of N's body giving the large tiger a very intimidating look however from the look in his eyes N could tell that he this tiger wouldn't hurt him unless N hurt him.

"My name is N Yotsuki-Namikaze. If I may ask a question, where am I?" N asks as he looks around to find himself in the middle of a forest but with much more life.

"You are at Taigākurō Jungle (Tiger Claw Jungle) and I am Shirokiba (White Fang), the boss summon of The Tiger Clan" Shirokiba explains causing N to nod before looking the large tiger in the eye. Shirokiba's eyes were a bright blue with wisdom beyond N's years however with a sense of Mischievousness. Overall, N decided this is the type of person/tiger to depend on.

"Shirokiba-sama, I would like to become one of your summoners" N says with determination in his eyes. Shirokiba looks N in the eyes to see that N would not misuse his clan's power.

"N-kun, you would be our only summoner however you must take our test" Shirokiba says before taking one claw and stabbing N through his chest causing him to fall to his knees before it goes black. Shirokiba closes his eyes for a moment before pulls his claw out N's chest and waits for N to recover. The stab wound slowly heals itself before N stands up and glares at the giant cat.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR YOU OVERGROWN CAT!" N yells in his frustration causing Shirokiba to give the closest a tiger could get to looking sheepish.

"That is the test of the Tora Clan, we check to see if you have a pure heart by putting you on the brink of death allowing your true emotions to come through. You are the first person ever to survive as such you may summon my clan at anytime and my own son will be your personal summon. PANTHERLILY!" Shirokiba explains before calling his son causing a small animal to walk in, literally WALK in. He is small with a round head with big head and had a small sword on his back, Oh, I mention he was walking on his HIND legs!

"This is your son? He's a walking cat!" N says causing Pantherlily to give a bored look before growing to N's size and drawing his sword which is much larger than him before shifting into the form of an actual panther with white tiger stripes with his sword as his tail before turning back to his reduced form.

"Happy?" Pantherlily says with a little frustration. His father had made him the personal summon of someone and he had heard from his friends that most summoners treated their summons as minions or servants so he was rather skeptical.

"Yeah that was cool! Name's N, nice to meet you partner!" N says as he puts out his hand which Pantherlily looks at for a second before shaking N's hand with his paw. Nice to meet you too...partner.

"Hey Pantherlily, I'm in the middle of a tournament called the Chunin Exams and I'm going back to Konoha to practice, you wanna come?" N asks causing Pantherlily to nod before they both bow to Shirokiba and disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"I think this is the start of a beautiful partnership" Shirokiba says before laying down for a catnap.