
Chapter 7

Tazuna's House

They had walked to Tazuna's home and had been greeted by Tazuna's beautiful daughter and grandson. They had sat down and eaten in silence until Kakashi had woke up a couple hours later and asked to them to all go into the woods and into a large clearing.

'Okay since we are working together in this mission, I think we should get to know each other. My name is Kakashi Hatake or Sharingan no Kakashi, A-Rank Jounin of Konohagakure no Sato." Kakashi says with a bit of arrogance in his voice before gesturing to his pink haired fangirls.

"Sakura Haruno, Genin of Konohagakure no Sato" Sakura says without looking at the Kumo nin, not that they care.

"Ino Yamanaka, Heiress of the Yamanaka Clan and Genin of Konohagakure no Sato" Ino says with a similar look to her pink haired banshee of a rival.

"Sasuke Uchiha, Last of the Almighty Uchiha Clan and Genin of Konohagakure no Sato" Sasuke says with arrogance overflowing and looking at them like they should care.

"Darui of the Black lightning, Sensei of Team 13 and S-Ranked Elite Jounin of Kumogakure no Sato" Darui says as he checks his Cleaver blade for chips or dents.

"Samui Hito, B-Ranked Genin of Kumogakure no Sato" Samui says with her usual cool look on her face.

"Yugito Nii, B-Ranked Genin of Kumogakure no Sato" Yugito says as she checks her nails.

"N Yotsuki Namikaze-Uzumaki, S-Ranked Genin of Kumogakure no Sato" N says as he cleans his katana and Sakabato with powdered limestone.

"THERE IS NO MORE NAMIKAZES AFTER OUR YONDAIME HOKAGE AND IF THERE WAS, WHY WOULD HE BE IN KUMO! YOU JUST WANT TO IMPRESS ME SO I'LL GO OUT WITH YOU!" Sakura screams at such a pitch that nearby birds explode and N and Yugito to roll on the floor in pain from their enhanced hearing.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" Kurama yells inside of N's head.

"Morning Kurama. Let me guess, the Banshee woke you up?" N says to his partner causing in to grunt in agreement.

"First of all, I do not want to go out with you. I have my girls and they love me for me, not because I am the heir to dozen different legacies" N says as he places his arms around Yugito and Samui causing them to blush and for Kakashi to start giggling pervertedly behind his ever present Icha Icha Book.

"I am the son of the Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze and the Aka no Shi, Kushina Uzumaki. I was asked to be adopted by the family of the Raikage and I was which is why I have lived happily in Kumo which I doubt I would have in Konoha" N explains before sending a look towards Kakashi who sighs as it would most likely be true considering that Konoha hated their jinchuriki more than any other village.

"Why wouldn't you have a good life in Konoha? You are practically royalty!" Ino asks the question his team had been wondering.

"Do you Know what a Jinchuriki is?" N asks which they shake their heads in response.

"A Jinchuriki or "Power of Human Sacrifice" is someone who has a Bijuu sealed within them. My father never killed the Kyuubi as you cannot kill a Bijuu and instead sealed him within me. Most Bijuus hate being sealed but some Jinchuriki manage to become friends and partners with their Bijuu and become exponentially stronger as a team. But the point is that Jinchuriki are hated everywhere except for Kumo due to the fact that several members of the Raikage's family are Jinchuriki including myself and the fact that we have done great service to our village. So in Kumo, I would find happiness unlike Konoha" N explains causing everyone to become silent as they take it all in.

"YOU SHOULD GIVE YOUR BIJUU TO SASUKE! HE DESERVES IT MORE THAN YOU!" Sakura yells causing EVERYONE to give her the "are you mentally retarded look" even Kurama.

"How about we do some spars so we know where we are all at skillswise. How about for the first match, Samui versus Sakura" Kakashi says in an attempt to break the silence. Samui and Sakura walk up to a circle in the clearing. Darui makes sure both members are ready and waves his hand in the "Hajime" motion. Sakura rushes forward and tries for a sloppy left jab Samui stays in her place and only moves her head to the side and then punches Sakura in the stomach, causing Sakura to slump forward and pass out. Kakashi grabs her and pulls her to the side with a sigh on how weak she was.

"Winner Samui. Next Yugito versus Ino" Kakashi says causing the 2 blondes to go into the


"Hajime" Darui says before jumping out of the way. Ino attempts to use her Clan's mind jutsu but Yugito moves out of the way of the blast and rushes to Ino's right. Yugito although only having 2 feet between the 2 of them, uses her extreme flexibility and does an almost vertical side kick to Ino's face knocking her out as well. Once again, Kakashi grabs his student in shame and wakes her and her pink counterpart with smelling salts.

"Lastly Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha" Kakashi says and Sasuke jumps into the ring however N does not move.

"My name is N Yotsuki, that is the name I was given as a child and that is the name I go by" N says darkly to Kakashi who just sighs. What have they done to you Naruto? He thinks to himself.

"N Yotsuki versus Sasuke Uchiha" Kakashi says causing N to come into the circle.

"Hajime" Darui says and once again jumps back, although a little further this time as he knew the damage N could cause. Sasuke jumps back and begins to flash through hand seals at a quick speed...for a genin.

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!" Sasuke yells and sends a 5 foot diameter sphere of fire at N who looks at it unimpressed. N draws his Sakabato and does a vertical swing creating a gust of wind that when it hit the fireball, caused it to dispersed.

"I am dating your sister and that is one of her favorite techniques so don't you think I know how to stop it? Besides you cannot even hold a candle to her" N says as he puts away his Sakabato.

"WHERE IS SHE!" Sasuke yells as he runs forward with a kunai in blind rage as he tries to kill N. N just waits until the blade is less than a foot away and side steps, sending Sasuke off balance while charging his right index finger with Shiroton chakra.

"You will never get your revenge on her when I am around. You are weak and insignificant compared to us because your hatred is not strong enough" N says before striking a pressure point on Sasuke, knocking him out instantly. N turns around and walks away toward his team, ignoring the screams of hate from the fangirls.

"What was that about?" Yugito asks causing N to look at her blankly before shifting back to his normal look.

"I was just doing a favor for Usagi who asked for me to tell him that." N explains causing Darui to nod as he knew about Usagi's plan.

"Let's go train" N says as they leave just as Sasuke begins to wake up.

Next Day

N had avoided all of Team 7 despite Sasuke's attempts to fight him and Kakashi trying to get him to come to Konoha but today, N would have to see them as Kakashi asked for group training. Both Teams met in the same clearing as before and the tension was high. Sasuke hated N and his fangirls were glaring at N because "Sasuke-kun" was. Yugito and Samui were glaring right back as if to dare them to attack N. N however could care less and was ready a level 10 Fuinjutsu book, the level of his biological parents.

"Okay, So we will be doing tree climbing" Kakashi says causing the Team from Kumo to sweatdrop, even Darui.

"You took them on a A-Ranked mission and you have never done tree climbing" Darui asks in disappointment causing Kakashi to scratch the back of his head.

"We have mostly been doing teamwork exercises" Kakashi says while looking at his team to see Ino and Sakura fighting over something, most likely Sasuke before stopping and glaring at each other. Sakura is the first to snap out and take in what her sensei had said.

"But Sensei, We can already climb trees" Sakura asks causing N to smirk as Yugito had said the exact same thing and Oshieru had said what N would bet his ramen Kakashi would say.

"But can you do it without your hands?" Kakashi says causing N's smirk to go into full blown grin. Kakashi places one foot over the other and begins to walk vertically up the tree. The Konoha genin had huge looks of shock on their face but then noticed that the Kumo genin were not impressed.

"My team has already done this and Water walking as they teach it in the final year of the academy. We'll go practice some elemental ninjutsu over there" Darui says before his team walks off but not before seeing the look of hate Sasuke sent at them.

Nearby Clearing

Team 13 stops in a clearing right off of a nearby lake surrounded by trees when Darui stops in front of them.

"Okay so Samui, I am going to show you a B-Ranked jutsu." Darui says causing the usually stoic Samui to smile. Darui then flashes through 17 hand seals before ending on Tori (Bird).

"Raiton: Rairyu no Jutsu! (Lightning Release: Lightning Dragon)" Darui yells and a dragon erupts from the ground and hits a tree, causing it to shatter from the force and for the firewood leftover to spark with electricity. Samui now has a full grown grin and after memorizing the hand seals, walking to the other side of the clearing to practice.

"Okay, Yugito. I don't know any Katon Jutsus that you don't know so I am sure that Matatabi has some training for your Goka (Hellfire) Jutsu" Darui says causing Yugito to blank out for a second as she talks to her partner before nodding and walking away. N was about to talk to Darui when Kurama asks him to enter the Mindscape.

"I gotta go for a second Darui-nii, be back in a little bit" N says causing his big brother figure to nod in understanding before walking to help Samui and Yugito. N sits down indian style and enters his chamber. N enters his mindscape and finds himself standing inside of the cave in a middle of a forest that his partner called home. N walks up to the huge fox and jumps on his head before scratching behind his ear.

"So what's up Kurama?" N asks as he sits down on his partner's head.

"I was going through your genetic code to see what kind of damage I have done to you when you tried to use my chakra last month and I found something interesting. It appears that I have passed one of my abilities to you, an ability that has never been passed to any of my jinchuriki before. Every Bijuu when our father created us received a few abilities that the Juubi had like how Shukaku has the power over Suna (Sand). I recieved the ability to sense negative emotions and the ability to control golden flames. And when you used my chakra, you accidently received a Katon affinity and the ability to use my gold flames. All of my jinchuriki who can control my chakra can use it but no one before you has tried. (A/N: Think the flames from Nine Tailed Chakra Mode and Kurama mode)" Kurama explains causing N to nod as he takes in everything.

"So how are they different from normal flames" N asks causing Kurama to smirk as he knew N would freak out when he told him.

"You know Amaterasu? The supposedly highest form of fire release? Well it's not. The Kagutsuchi and Kinton jutsus can burn through all known substances including Amaterasu." Kurama explains causing N to jump off his head and run around yelling "YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!".

"THANKS KURAMA GOTTA GO PRACTICE!" N yells with a wave and exits the mindscape.

"Ok, I'll try it!" N says before giving Kurama a scratch behind the ear and leaving the Mindscape. Darui sees N open his eyes and walks over to him.

"So what did Kurama say?" Darui asks causing N to look him in the eye before looking at his teammates.

"Kurama gave me an ability to try but when I try a jutsu, it will at least to be A-Ranked so I want you guys to take cover." N says causing Darui to nod in understanding. Last time N had tried a A-Ranked jutsu he had created, Kumo was missing a training ground. N watches his team shunshin away, causing him to use his Bioelectricity ability to feel that the rest of his team was over 300 feet away and Team 7 was 400 feet away so they should be okay.

"I remember a powerful B-Ranked Katon jutsu that original user made S-ranked and you could as well" Kurama says and tells N the hand seals. N faces the clearing and breaths before flashing 2 hand seals. Tora, Uma (Tiger, Horse), N says in his head before taking a deep breath.

"Kinton- Goka Mekkayaku! (Gold Release- Great Fire Annihilation!)" N yells and spews out a huge tidal wave of golden flames at the trees. The flames were at least 75 feet high and at least 500 feet across and when they touched the trees, caused them to erupt into flames and burn to ashes in seconds.

"Sensei!" N yells causing Darui to jump out, both of them flashing through hand seals.

"Suiton- Dai Bakushi Shoha! (Water Release- Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave!)" They yell in unison and spew out enormous amounts of water that sweep over the area. The water knocks over the trees but does not quench the flames causing N to remember that they couldn't be quenched normally. N then stands in front of everyone and holds out of his palm toward the flames.

"Kuenchi (Quench)" N says while performing a crushing motion with his hand. The golden flames instantly respond to their master's wishes and disappear causing N to turn around and look at everyone.

"I'll be Raikage one day, Darui-nii" N says before falling forward but not before Samui appears in a shunshin and catches N before he hits the ground.

"What power…" Ino says causing N's team to nod. Sasuke was once again glaring at N in true hatred. In his head he was thinking, He is some no name from Kumo while I am a ELITE UCHIHA and I do not have that power! I NEED THAT POWER!

"He could be without a doubt the strongest Ninja to ever live" Darui says causing Kakashi to nod but inside he was thinking. He is so strong not to mention the fact he is the Heir to the Uzumaki and Namikaze clan. If I get him back to Konoha, Konoha would have 2 new bloodlines, the Kyuubi and the last of 2 strong clans. I must convince him that Kumo is evil and Konoha is his true home.

"We should take him home to rest. With the Kyuubi, he should be up and running in about 45 minutes" Yugito says causing his team to nod and disappear in shunshin.

"Let's continue training. Zabuza will be back in about a week" Kakashi says causing his team to sigh and continue their training until they could climb the tree repeatedly.

That Night

Both teams had finished training after N had woke up from the chakra exhaustion. Each person had had limited success. Samui could not do the Rairyu technique perfectly as she could could only get a dragon about 10 feet tall unlike the usual 20. Yugito could perform her Oniton- Goka no Ken (Demon Release- Blade of Hellfire) with concentration however once she had it activated, she could keep it up for 10 minutes at most.

N and Kurama decided that he needs to practice his Katon affinity but not here just in case something goes wrong. So he had worked on his Tenso no Jutsu by having his clones throw kunais randomly and he had to flash to the location, catch them and then throw it somewhere else for him to catch later. If anyone saw his training, they would have been temporarily blinded by the repeated flashes of white light. Everyone was exhausted and Tsunami had called them for dinner. Everyone sat around a table that took up a majority of the medium sized dining room. On one side of the table was Team 7 along with Tsunami and her son, Inari while on the other side of the table was Team 13 and Tazuna himself.

"So I have managed to decrease my reaction time by 0.0003 seconds today but not fast enough to perform the Tenso- San no Dan (Heavenly Transfer- Third Step)" N says to Darui who nods in understanding but raises a question to the Konoha nin and Tazuna's family.

"What is the Tenso- San no Dan? And how fast is your reaction time?" Kakashi asks causing N to smile as that was a point of pride for him.

"My current reaction time is 0.0007 seconds, 1/10 of a millisecond slower than my father who had a reaction time of 0.0006 at his time of death. As for the San no Dan, I can't tell you just incase of battle between Konoha and Kumo but let me just tell you, if I can complete that level of the Tenso, I WILL be the fastest man in history" N explains causing everyone except for Darui to look at him in shock as he was only 13 but he was most likely the fastest man alive and was striving to be the fastest man in history.

"YOU SHOULD TEACH SASUKE-KUN THAT TECHNIQUE!" Sakura says causing everyone to once again hold their ears in pain.

"You must admit, she is quite devoted." Kurama says causing N to mentally nod in agreement.

"First of all, the Tenso no Jutsu is my signature technique and a village secret. I would not enter Konoha and ask for Uchiha clan secrets would I?" N says as he eats his food. Sakura looks like she was about to respond but Sasuke beat her to it.

"Like you could even use the techniques. You don't have the Sharingan" Sasuke says with arrogance and thinks, That should put this dobe in his place.

"Well neither do you" N says causing Sasuke to stand up and was about to attack the young Yotsuki but Kakashi calms him down.

"But even if I taught you the technique, you would die from using it. The users body will be ripped apart if they are not members of the Yotsuki family. We are the fastest ninjas in the elemental nations all though for different reasons" N explains to the Konoha nin causing Sasuke to become upset but it is surprisingly Inari who is the most angry.

"Why do you care about these techniques and stuff so much? You are still going to die against Gato! He's too strong and you guys come here from your comfy little villages without knowing suffering!" Inari yells causing everyone to sigh at his naivety.

"Are you done yet? Now that you have stopped bitching, you should know that we are all shinobi even that pink haired banshee over there and Shinobi know suffering better than anyone. I am what people call a demon and I have persecuted along with Bee-nii and Yugi-chan for the first parts of our lives. Do you know what's like to be glared at like you are not human? To be treated as if no one loves you? I get it, you lost your father figure but if you keep wallowing in your hate and pain then you will go nowhere and your father's sacrifice will be for naught! SO GET OFF YOUR EMO ASS AND WAKE UP!" N begins to rant causing Inari to tear up and run away to his room. N stops for a moment before standing up from his chair.

"Thank you for the food, Tsunami-chan. It was delicious" N says before walking out the door causing Sakura to stand up.

"N-BAKA! COME BACK HERE AND APOLOGIZE!" Sakura screams causing Darui to put a hand on her shoulder causing her to flinch.

"Don't worry about him, he is probably doing something he calls "Destructive Therapy". He should be back soon. I wouldn't get him if I were you or the results wouldn't be pretty. Considering the last person who did that, let's just say his injuries weren't dull" Darui says causing everyone to sigh, ignoring his use of the word "dull".

With N, In a clearing in the woods

"Don't...Know...Suffering" N mumbles to himself, punching a tree everytime he says a word.

"Shiroton- Raiton no Yoroi" N whispers under his breath causing an aura of white lightning to appear around him. He takes a deep breath before uppercutting the tree to his right sending it into the air before charging his arm with white lightning.

"Tonbogiri!" N yells before jumping above the tree causing it to shatter and rain the clearing in a shower of sawdust.

"I have to be faster" N says as he turns off his Raiton no Yoroi before flashing away, ready to lower his reaction time by that 0.0001.