
Chapter 6

Meeting Place

"Yo what's up guys!" N says as he flashes to the training ground next to Samui, Yugito and a dark skinned man with white hair. Darui is a fairly tall, dark-skinned man with a slightly bulbous nose, a lazy look in his eyes and shaggy, white hair which covers his left eye. He wears a high-collared, sleeveless uniform with loose fitting pants, bandages on his wrists and the one-strap-over-one-shoulder Flak Jacket of a Kumogakure shinobi. Darui also has the kanji for water and lightning tattooed on his right and left shoulders respectively, denoting his chakra's nature affinities, Water Release and Lightning Release, as well as the fact that he has a kekkei genkai, the Storm Release. The tattoo on his left arm also signifies that he has inherited Z's black lightning. He carries a broad, foldable, cleaver-like sword, strapped to his back, when outside the village. N looks at Darui and holds out his fist which Darui bumps. N smiles but that quickly changed when he sees the pure demonic looks on the girls faces as they begin to walk towards him with weapons in hands.

"Now ladies...there's no need for violence!" N says as he slowly back pedals before flashing away when he see's them lunge at him causing them to fall onto the spot where he was a second ago.

"You left without a trace for almost 2 months and left us with D-ranks!" Yugito yells before she begins to flash through handsigns. N jumps to stop her but Samui was faster and lunges with her tanto which N blocks with his Sakabato but that distraction gave Yugito time to finish.

"Katon: Nezumi Kedama! (Mouse Hairball)" Yugito yells before shooting out a piece of fur that is engulfed in blue flame at N flashes behind Darui, quivering and shaking.

"Darui-nii, HELP ME!" N yells to his teacher who sighs and holds up his hand to stop Samui from flashing through handsigns.

"Stop, Yugito, Samui. This is getting dull" Darui says causing Samui and Yugito to calm down slowly.

"Now that we have stopped trying to kill each other" N says before stopping and sending a glare at the girls causing Samui to draw her tanto causing him to whimper and Darui to whisper, "Whipped" causing N to grumble before looking at the Ranton (Storm Release) user.

"Are we going to get a mission?" N asks causing Darui to think for a moment. I know that they have good teamwork and Yugito and Samui are strong enough for a C-rank. N...I have no idea his power level but it is easily my level, closer to his father and brothers so we should be good, Darui thinks before nodding.

"We can head to Raikage-sama's office for a C-rank" Darui says before getting ready for a shunshin but stops when he sees Yugito hold up her hand.

"Hey N, can you flash us there?" Yugito says causing N to shake his head.

"The stress put on the body would break several bones or rupture organs on a normal person however my family has extreme durability which means when we use the technique, it doesn't even scratch our skin. The only way that anyone besides my family can use it is if they have a special seal however it works once, etc. Yo Darui-nii, why don't you ever try to use a Kuroi Kaminari shunshin or Raiton no Yoroi?" N explains before asking the question to the older brother figure.

"The shunshin would work just like a normal Raiton Shunshin so there is no point but in terms of the Raiton no Yoroi, It would most likely be slower but would have greater defense and damage to the opponent so I may have to try that." Darui says to N causing N to nod before writing a couple notes for later.

"How's your Shiroton coming?" Darui says as they decide not to shunshin and for all of them to walk as to catch up.

"It's great but also sucks! It is by far one of the strongest elemental bloodlines in the nations but since no one has ever had it, I have had to create my own techniques or I have to use Kuroi Kaminari techniques and reverse them as Kuroi Kaminari moves at half the speed of the normal lightning, Shiroton moves at twice the speed. But it is slowly coming together" N says causing his team to think for a moment about how strong his bloodline was and how true he was when he said that the bloodline is one of the strongest in the elemental nations.

"Have you mastered your father's signature move, the Kuropansa (Black Panther)?" Darui asks, knowing N had most likely not learned the High B-ranked jutsu as they round the corner to the Raikage tower.

"You mean the Shirohyo? (White Leopard)" N says with a smirk after watching the shocked look on Darui's face before opening the door of the Raikage tower.

"Let's go see pops" N says as they walk up the stairs and into the Raikage Office. A has his feet on the table with his hands behind his head and a satisfied look on his face while his father had 3 piles of paperwork on his desk and a hateful look on his face directed toward his eldest son.

"Raikage-sama, Bosu (A/N: In canon, Darui called A "Bosu" which is Boss if you couldn't guess) We would like to do a C-Rank mission" Darui says causing Z to nod and reach into his desk marked C-Ranks and pulls out a mission scroll that says "Wave" on the side.

"You are to meet a man in Nami no Kuni in 2 days to give him protection against bandits and thugs. This mission should last about 3 weeks so bring supplies for that time. Dismissed" Z says before gesturing for them to leave.

"Meet in front of the village in half an hour so we can set off in the hour. Dismissed!" Darui says causing his team to nod and disappear in shunshins or in N's case, a flash.

Raikage Compound

N appears in a flash right inside of his room before he reaches for a scroll leaning against a wall before grabbing it and pushing chakra into it causing a large poof and all of his supplies to come out on the floor. N then pushes chakra into his own seal on his wrist.

"Fuin (Seal)!" N says before all of the supplies disappear once more.

"Ok, I'm good." N nods and says to himself before walking out of his room into the living room to see his friends congregated there around a scroll and what looked like Pocky and Chocolate.

"Yo guys, I have a 3 week mission so I want you guys to avoid trouble and stuff. So yeah, good talk" N says causing Usagi to walk up to him and whisper in his ear, "Be careful N-kun" before giving him a big kiss. Kei, Yuki and Konan give him a hug and tell him to be okay while Kimimaro just gives him a nod before diving back to his research about one of the secret techniques of the first Kaguya clan head. After talking to all of his friends and saying his goodbyes, he hears a angry cough and turns to see Yugito and Samui there with demonic look on their faces.

"YOU LEAVE FOR A MONTH AND YOU HAVE ALREADY HOOKED UP WITH 4 HUSSIES!" Yugito yells causing N and Kimimaro to facepalm but by then Kei and Yuki were set off.

"HUSSIES! YOU ARE THE ONES DRESSED LIKE A BUNCH OF SLUTS!" Yuki yells causing Samui to hug her breasts defensively and Yugito get even more upset.

"YOU'RE ONE TO TALK YOU BONDAGE LOVING BIMBO!" Yugito yells causing Yuki to suck in a shocked breath before lunging beginning a catfight. N, Usagi (She doesn't care what anyone said about her) and Kimimaro (Suddenly the scroll wasn't as interesting as something else) sit down on some chairs and eat the pocky and chocolate as they watch all the girls roll around on the floor which N must admit is quite sexy. This continues for 5 minutes before N looks down at his watch before noticing that they had to meet Darui-nii in 5 minutes.

"GUYS WE GOTTA GO!" N yells before kissing the 4 girls and giving Kimimaro a fist bump before leaving in a flash causing Samui and Yugito to sigh before shunshining away but not before sending a glare towards the other girls.

Gates of Kumogakure

"Yo Darui-nii. Sorry I was almost late. The girls will be here in about 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2...WHAM!" N says before counting down but couldn't finish because Samui appeared in a shunshin and slugs him across the face.

"Leaving us was not cool" She says as she crosses her arms in frustration. Yugito appears in a few seconds causing Darui to nod.

"Okay let's go before this get's dull" Darui says and was about to take off but stops when N holds up his hand and pulls out 3 seals from his seal tattoos.

"I mentioned about those seals that allow me to flash you and here they are. It would take about 2 weeks to get to Nami no Kuni but we could flash there in the speed of light. Just place it onto a piece of bare skin and push chakra into it" N says before handing them to his team. Darui places it on his arm, Yugito places it on her stomach and Samui much to her amusement and N's despair places it on her inner thigh.

"Okay everyone hold hands and get ready" N says which causes them to nod and do as he says.

"Ready, GO!" N yells as they all turn to light and disappear only to reappear in Nami no Kuni instantly.

Nami no Kuni

Team 13 appears in a flash of light on the edge of a lake right outside of a scene of a battle, even if a bit one sided. The battle was between Sharingan no Kakashi and the Kirigakure no Kijin, Zabuza Momochi and it was obviously that although Kakashi was a high A-rank and Zabuza was only a low A-rank, Kakashi had been slacking in this time of peace and as such, Zabuza was wiping the floor with him. Team 13 then look to see a clone of Zabuza fighting and beating a group of genin and from how weak it was, they knew it was a water clone which made it even more pathetic that they were losing. The first one was a boy about Naruto's height; he had black hair that looked like a ducks ass in the back. His onyx black eyes were watching the battle that was taking place intently. He had on a blue high-collared shirt that had what appeared to be a red and white fan on the back, with white shorts. On his right thigh was his shuriken holster and he had a pack on the back of his right hip along with white arm warmers. What caught their attention though was the headband he had on, it was the symbol of Konoha.

'Oh shit, Konoha, this complicates things. I just hope Naruto will be alright,' thought Darui as he looked at his little brother, his team mates must've had similar thoughts because Karui put her hand on his shoulder for support, while Yugito moved and wrapped her arm around him and laid her head on his shoulder, hoping to keep him calm. The second genin was a kunoichi, but even from her appearance they could tell she was weak. She had long pink hair and had her headband tied on top of her head keeping her hair back. She wore a red short sleeved dress that went down to her knees and opened on the sides to allow mobility, underneath she wore black skin tight shorts and had her shuriken holster on her right thigh.

The last member of the team was another kunoichi, and like the first she looked weak. She had long blonde hair that was up in a ponytail that reached her waist. She wore a two piece purple outfit, with bandages wrapped around her thighs and midsection. She had arm warmers on and had her shuriken holster on her right thigh like her team mates; she wore her headband like a belt around her midsection. She was currently shaking while she watched the battle that was unfolding; her pink haired friend wasn't doing any better. Zabuza and Kakashi both jump at each other at Jonin-level speeds and meet in the middle with weapons out, Hakkō Chakura Tō (White Light Chakra Sabre) versus Kubikiribocho however Zabuza's superior strength pushes Kakashi back causing him to back flip and land before looking directly at Team 13.

"You can come out now" Kakashi says towards them causing the Team to sigh and jump down from their vantage point. Zabuza takes a good look at them before frowning and thinking to himself, That's Susanoo no Darui! I can't defeat a S-Ranked Shinobi and a low A-Rank Shinobi at the same time even with Haku!

"Why are you here Darui, N?" Zabuza says causing Kakashi to look at N in shock. Name that begins with a N, blonde hair, blue eyes, 3 whiskers on each cheek. IT'S NARUTO!

"We were hired by Tazuna to protect him but apparently he hired Konoha as well" Darui explains causing everyone to look at Tazuna who looks embarrassed.

"No matter. You will all die!" Zabuza yells and goes to slice Darui in half but is stopped by N who blocks Kubikiribocho with Kokuryu and pushes Zabuza back giving him time for Yugito to flip through some handsigns and for N to do a half ram sign.

"Katon: Karyu Endan!" Yugito yells sending a large dragon shaped stream of blue fire which causes Zabuza to use Kubikiribocho as shield to block the attack however the blue flame still sent him flying backwards from the fire.

"Hiryo! (Flying Dragon)" N yells and activates his own version of the Hien (Flying Swallow) to extend Kokuryu to the length of a Nodachi. N then charges Raiton Chakra into his lower body and jumps 10 feet into the air directly over Zabuza who is still disoriented from Yugito's attack and drops with the lightning charged Kokuryu in a two handed swing.

"Ryutsuisen!" N yells and tries to cut straight through Zabuza however his strike is blocked by Zabuza's Kubikiribocho but it still managed to cut straight through the blade leaving Zabuza with only a little more than half of his blade. Everyone except N's team looks at N in shock at the amount of power he held. How does he have so much power! I must have that power to kill HER! Sasuke thought to himself as he clenched his fists and glared at N.

"You're good kid, I'll admit. You're WAY too good to be a genin so who are you?" Zabuza questions causing N to fix his Akatsuki cloak and look Zabuza in the eyes with a smirk.

"I have many titles. The Nidaime Hitokiri Battousai, Shidousha no Akatsuki (A/N: This means "Leader of the Dawn" and this does mean that N is the Leader of the Akatsuki but rather he is the vanguard or one of the strongest members that would leader their group to victory), Kami no Senko (God of the Flash) (A/N: He is the fastest man alive however not the fastest man ever as he is not faster than his father yet). I am N Yotsuki-Namikaze or as you may know me better as 'Raijin'" N says with a foxy grin causing Zabuza and Kakashi to look shocked but for different reasons. Zabuza was in shock that one of the strongest up in coming ninjas was here in front of him and was his enemy. Kakashi was shocked that his "Little brother" was a S-ranked Ninja. But one person was in pure rage and his name was Sasuke Uchiha. Sasuke had read the Bingo books and had learned about this "Raijin" and how he was the youngest S-ranked ninja ever at the age of 12! But more importantly he learned how he dated his sister! He was not being protective but rather the fact that N was one of the only people in the nations that knew the current whereabouts of Usagi.

"No matter, you will still die" Zabuza says as he rushes through 18 hand seals before ending on bird.

"Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu!" Zabuza yells and shoots water from his mouth which becomes a giant wave and surges toward N. N breathes and grabs his right wrist. He places it in front of him and begins to charge Shiroton chakra into it until it is visible. The move looks reminiscent to the Chidori and Raikiri that Kakashi was known for but everyone could tell it was several times more dangerous.

"Face my Signature move, Tonbogiri!" N yells as he uses Tenso to appear 5 feet from the wave and stabs his Tonbogiri into it. For a second there was nothing until suddenly there was a 25 foot hole in the wave and everything behind it, sending Zabuza into a tree. Everyone looked in shock as none of Team 13 had ever seen N in true combat and Team 7 had never seen power of that level. I NEED THAT TO KILL HER! Sasuke yells in his head. The wave dispersed causing N to flash back to where Zabuza was laying unconscious. He pulls out Kokuryu to end it when 2 senbons fly through the air and strike Zabuza in the next killing him. N reaches out and checks Zabuza's pulse to feel none but then noticing where the senbons struck causing him to sigh.

A Oinin (Hunter Nin) appears causing N to look at her. She was wearing the standard Kirigakure pinstriped outfit which stopped at her knees. Over this she wore a green haori with white trimmings, and around her waist a brown sash with a fringed trail wrapped around her waist twice. She also had a white kiri oinin mask that had a red wave design that cover most of her eyes but N could tell she was looking at him.

"Thank you for wounding him enough for me to kill him. I will dispose of the body somewhere where the genin won't have to watch. Good day" The Oinin says as she grabs the body and slings it over one of her shoulders and was about to shunshin when N stops her.

"See you in about a weeks time" N says causing the Oinin to become scared and disappear quickly in a shunshin. N turns around to the two teams to see them confused.

"What was that about?" Samui asks causing N to shrug.

"That Oinin was a fake and an accomplice to Zabuza. She used Senbon which are rarely deadly unless hitting a vital area and when I felt where the senbon hit, I felt that it was none vital and it would place the victim into a pseudo-death state. As such, Zabuza is still alive and will be back in a week or so" N explains in what his friends in Kumo say is his "Lecture Mode". Both Teams nod in understanding although Sasuke is enraged that some no name from Kumo had such power and noticed something that he, an elite uchiha did not. Kakashi suddenly falls over causing everyone to tense up but Samui activates some Iryo-Ninjutsu and checks Kakashi before looking back at the group.

"Don't worry it's cool. Just Chakra exhaustion. He should be good in a couple of hours." Samui says causing the teams to nod except for the fangirls who are enraged after all Samui was strong, cool, pretty but most importantly, she had a large chest that all of the fangirls wanted but none of them had.

"I guess since we will be doing this mission together that we should head to Tazuna's house." Darui says causing everyone to nod and for Sasuke to sling Kakashi over his shoulder as he didn't trust the Kumo nin before they all begin walking.