
Chapter 5

1 1/2 Month Later

"I wonder how everyone improved" A young blonde man with a sleeveless black trench coat with red clouds with a high collar. He is wearing black anbu pants and a black tank top that looked like the sleeves were cut off along with black shinobi sandals and a white Kumo headband. He had on large black headphones that appeared to be powered by Chakra and was playing loud rock music. He also wore a modified white kumo flak jacket that was more like a belt and had pockets that held scrolls and ninja scrolls. On his belt was a few loops that held several weapons, It held a black katana with the Kanji for "Ryu" on the saego in white and instead of having a normal pommel, it had a black dragon head. If the ninja was to draw the blade, he would have read the inscription, "Do not fight like a warrior, dance like a dragon" written in kanji. Hanging right next to the katana like someone would hang a Wakizashi was a sakabato in a black steel saego. On the back of his waist was 2 black steel tonfas that had multiple holes drilled in the the sides strapped in a X formation. Overall, he was quite the intimidating ninja even if he was so young.

"I'm sure your friends have if what you told us is true. The fan-girls however I would bet my pocky that they did no training" A teenage girl that was about a year older than the boy and was wearing something similar to him. She wore a black trench coat with red clouds as well however she had long sleeves that covered her hands. She had long raven black hair down to her mid-back and dark black eyes that stared into your soul. Underneath her cloak she wore mesh armor that covered her c-cup breasts and hourglass figure but if you looked you could see the three circle necklace that proved she was the heir of the uchiha clan.

"I never understood your obsession with pocky, Usagi" A long orange haired girl with 2 black ring earrings on her ears, one on each of her earlobes and one on the side of her ear. She had a slim figure that most fan girls worked hard for but could never achieve and b cup breasts that was not bad for her 13 year old body. She was wearing mesh armor and a black cloak with red clouds that ended at her ankles showing her black shinobi sandals showing her painted black nails.

"I wouldn't say that if I was you after all if we leave you near chocolate for even a minute, it will be gone and you will be complaining how you feel fat all day!" A girl with blue hair in a open black cloak with red clouds says causing the orange hair girl to pout causing her to smile. She had a origami flower in her ear and was wearing black nail polish as well. She wore a Navy blue shirt that held in her b cups under her cloak along with a skirt made out of white ribbons along with a small medics pouch that must have been expanded with fuinjutsu.

"Whatever" A white haired girl and boy say in unison before the girl glared at the boy but the boy was too lazy to. The boy was about 3 years older than the blonde haired boy and had short shaggy white hair along two red dots on his forehead. He had a black rope tied in a bow behind him and his cloak was black with red clouds like the rest of his group however his had almost no collar, had no sleeves below his elbow and the back of his cloak was cut off. The girl had long white hair that went down to her lower back however had no dots on her forehead like her brother. She wore her cloak around her waist causing her top half to flap behind her. She wore a white tank top and white anbu pants that contrasted against her black cloak. She had c-cup breasts and a hourglass figure that along with her white hair, made her very exotic looking.

"Whatever ladies, Kimimaro, let's go!" As they all shunshin (Except for N who flashed) into the Raikage Tower.

Raikage Tower

"YO POPS! I'M BACK!" N yells as he appears in his office scaring Z and A who is helping him with paperwork. Z and A look at N's new attire in admirement before noticing 4 unknown ninjas with him. Several BOLT ninjas drop from their ceiling causing N's friends to become tense however he holds his hand up to stop them from attacking.

"Everyone calm down. Pops, these are my friends and they want to join Kumo." N explains causing Z to tense and think for a moment before flicking his hand causing the BOLT to leave.

"Okay who are they and what's with the cloak" A asks as he puts his feet on his desk which is now right next to his father's considering that he was being groomed for the Raikage's position.

"This is Usagi Uchiha, One of the last 3 uchihas in the world" N says before gesturing with his hands dramatically. A and Z flash each other a look of confusion when N said "three" uchihas as far as they knew, the only uchihas left was Usagi and her brother Sasuke.

"Wait the ninja who killed the entire Uchiha Clan in one night" Z asks causing Usagi to nod and throw a scroll to Z who catches and opens it. He reads it and his eyes would make dinner plates jealous.

"Is this real? The village elders demand the killing of the Uchiha clan? And old man Sarutobi gave you a scroll which allows you to join any village...Fine you can be a jounin" Z says as he reads the scroll before pulling out a black kumo Hiate-ate and jonin vest causing her to bow to the Raikage.

"Next, we have Kei and Kimimaro Kaguya. They are the last of the Kaguya's and the last people in the elemental nations that can use Shikotsumyaku. Kimimaro is S-ranked and Kei is high B-rank so you can place her on the team with Omoi and Karui" N explains causing everyone to nod in agreement except for Kei who jumps up and drop kicks N in the face.

"I am higher than genin!"

"No, you are not. Powerwise you are B-ranked but experience wise and mentally, you are nothing but a high genin" Kimimaro scolds causing Z to nod and hand them both headbands.

"Kei-san, Please report later today for the team meetings" A says causing Kei to nod and sigh before A gestures his hand to tell N to continue.

"Continuing on, This is Konan Uzumaki and Yuki "Pein" Uzumaki also known as the Angel and the Goddess" N explains before handing his family a bingo book open to their pages that showed that they were both A-ranked ninjas in the bingo books that were wanted in Iwa, Oto and Kusa.

"You are both Jonin level but for now you can be Genin until the exams" A says with a sigh before handing them both black Kumo headbands which they take happily.

"I have a Question, Why do they call you Pein" Z asks causing N to snicker before Pein looks back to the Raikage.

"Because I am only as strong as I am now because I have felt pain" She says before closing her eyes and when she opens it, in her eyes was the rinnegan. Z and A have a shocked look on her face causing N to laugh and think about the first time he met Yuki.


N was sitting in a ridge in the middle of Kusa overlooking a river when he hears a rustle. He turns around to see 2 girls both wearing black cloaks with red clouds, one with long orange hair and one with short blue hair. The orange haired girl is levitating mid air over the ridge while the blue haired girl is floating with wings coming out of her back that look much like it was made of paper.

"Who are you?" The orange hair girl asks as she looks at the cute blonde haired boy in her opinion.

"It is customary to give your name before asking for someone else's" N says without even looking at her as he look over the river.

"I am Pein" She says causing N to smirk. In a flash, N is right behind her standing on a platform of lightning with his face right next to her's causing her to blush even though she was trying to suppress it..

"Oh, aren't you shy but I'm sure you are wild behind closed doors. Sexy" N says causing her to blush even more red before kicking N in the face.

"Kamiton- Shuriken (Paper Release- Shuriken) (A/N: I made Konan's Shikigami no Mai into a Bloodline. Kami can mean God or Paper and in this case, Kamiton is Paper Release not God Release)" The blue haired girl yells as she lifts her sleeves causing multiple chakra reinforced paper shuriken to fly out of it but by that time, N was gone in a flash of white lightning.

"Oh, you're a masochist too" N says as she slaps her ass causing her to erupt in a blush so red that she put a certain hyuga heiress to shame. Pein looks at N in anger for embarrassing them before raising her right arm.

"Shinra Tensei!" Pain yells causing a shockwave of gravity chakra to erupt outwards towards N. N flashes 3 handsigns before holding his hands like his father used to when he performed his version of the technique.

"Tenso- Dorai (Transfer- Guiding Thunder)" A shield of white lightning appeared in front of him and blocked the wave of chakra sending it into a tree nearby.

"Sorry Ladies. I had fun but it is time to end this" N yells as he charges his body with white lightning.

"Shiroton- Dabura Shirohyo! (White Release- Double White Leopard)" N yells and 2 leopards made of white lightning comes out of his body and leap at the girls. Suddenly 2 men appear in a shunshin, a red haired man that appears to be an Uzumaki however has the Rinnegan and a orange haired man. The Rinnegan user raises his hand and sucks in the chakra from the leopards. (A/N: So Yuki and Nagato have the Rinnegan but Yahiko does not however he still is a S-Ranked Shinobi. The reason why Yuki has it will be explained)

"You are strong. We are looking for members of our group, The Akatsuki (New Dawn). We are a mercenary group that take missions and fight the Hakumei (Twilight). We fight for peace and the betterment of the ninja world. Would you like to join?" The orange haired one asks causing N to think for a moment.

"Sure, What is your name?" N asks after nodding.

"I am Heiwa (Peace) and He is Rei (Zero)" The orange haired man now known as Heiwa says before flipping N a ring like a coin. It was slate blue and it had the kanji for "Void" or "Sky" and when N placed on his right index finger, it resized itself and glowed for a second.

"It has chosen you. You are now a true member of the Akatsuki. Let us go" Rei says before shunshining away. Heiwa grabs my shoulder and shunshins me away to their hideout causing N to think to himself, This is going to change my life.

Flashback End

"So yeah, that's what happened"

"So you made fun of then caused a Rinnegan user that you didn't know what it could do to become hot and bothered. That's the N that we know and love. You still haven't explained the cloak" A says with a smile before asking the question.

"Oh these are the signature cloaks of the Akatsuki. You can modify it any way you want though so almost no one has the same designs. Besides that everyone has a different ring that allows them to contact each other." N says before holding up his hand to show his "Void" ring. Usagi shows her "Scarlet" ring, Kimimaro his "South" ring, Konan her "White" ring and Yuki her "Jewel" ring.

"Okay...You can stay at our compound" Z says before N scratches the back of his head. For a second, A and Z saw a orange book inside his sleeve but N quickly pushes it back into his sleeve after a dirty look from the girls. N turns around with a sheepish look on his face and looks like he was trying to think of something to change the subject.

"Hey Pops as I am now clan head of the Uzumaki clan and Namikaze clan (A/N: I know there is no such thing but roll with it) I would like to get an Uzumaki-Namikaze compound built" N says causing his father to stop and think before nodding and writing a note. He attaches it to a messenger falcon with sends it away to most likely the best Ninja carpenter in the village, Atsushi Miyamoto.

"So yeah that's it, Pops, A-nii. I gotta go to the meeting! Sayonara!" He says before flashing away. A raises an eyebrow before flashing a look to N's friends.

"How good is he with that Jutsu?" A asks causing N's friends to laugh as he didn't know that without a doubt that N was one of the strongest members of the Akatsuki only after Rei and Heiwa, also known as the S-ranked ninja, Suijin (The Shinto god of Water).

"So good that he took out 200 Jonin and Chunin and wounded the Tsuchikage in a minute during a battle against Iwa. He is the same speed as you guys, maybe faster if he pushes and is only a little slower than his father. The only reason why he is not faster is because he doesn't have the experience like his father did and his reaction time is slower" Usagi says with a smirk after all she was proud of her Naru-kun.

"You guys fighting the Tsuchikage? N only left a month ago" Z asks with alarm and surprise. He was surprise as his son was now faster than him and would become the fastest ninja to ever live in a year TOPS.

"N once told, 'Time doesn't run the same for someone who can move at the speed of light'" Usagi says as she looks out the window with her sharingan on looking for N.

"...That's all I wanted to know. Here are your keys, you can stay at the compound before N's compound is made. The compound is about half a mile behind Raikage tower. Dismissed" Z says with a wave of his hand causing the group to nod and shunshin away before he turns around toward the window.

"He's become very strong. I wonder how much he has matured?" A asks as he looks toward his father.

"You and Mabui just want some new sisters in law besides you and Bee must have corrupted him with your Icha Icha obsession. Maybe I should tell his girls and Mabui?" Z says with a grin on his face and a full blown booming laugh when he sees the look of horror on A's face.

"Still got it!" Z says as he loved teaming his sons before looking back to his paperwork with a sigh.