
Chapter 4

So Readers, Flamers, I just wanted to talk to you about this story. This is a Godlike-Naruto (N) story but it will not be a "N is going to prance over everyone! Ha! What's an Edo-Tensei Madara to N in chapter 5!" No this is not going to be one of those stories. I admit that N is going to be very strong compared to his age group and at this point can most likely take on a Tokubetsu Jounin. ALSO, N is not super powerful for no reason. He is the Prodigy of Prodigies and this does not mean that he is immediately strong but that if he has the initiative, he will become will EVENTUALLY be godlike to the level of Kages but that will not be for at LEAST a dozen chapters. Onto comments to reviews.

Dage- You literally had me laughing when I read this review but the reason why the rule is in place so that in war, 2 masters will not fight against each other. But I can see the connection.

Kyuubi16- Thank you for taking time out of your day to comment on my story. I honestly enjoyed reading your review. Besides that, I am not going to respond to what you said and it is not because of lack of effort but rather Apathy to your review. Thanks for reviewing.

Reppuzan- Thanks for the 9 page review. I'm taking it to heart and making edits to my story. We can talk about it later, Thanks for reviewing!

On the Mountain

"No matter happens today, teaching you has been one of the greatest time of my life." Kenshin says causing N to wipe a tear before looking his Nii-sensei in the eyes. There was silence and suddenly both of the swordsman were in a battojutsu stance.

"Kuzuryūsen (Nine-Headed Dragon Flash)" Kenshin yells as he draws his sword and strikes at N nine times simultaneously. A dashing attack that uses Shinsoku (Godspeed) to simultaneously strike all nine vital spots on the foe's body from a normal kendō stance, as each of these nine points are the main targets for different sword styles. It is said to be undodgeable and nearly unblockable. N knew the only way to survive was to use the most difficult technique of Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu. He charged his body with Lightning to quicken his reaction time and got ready for the strikes to get closer.

"Amakakeru Ryū no Hirameki (Flash of the Heavenly Flying Dragon)" N yells as he perform the its form is that of any other Battōjutsu strike, the Amakakeru Ryū no Hirameki differs in that - while a normal strike is performed by drawing the katana from its sheath on one side while stepping forward with the opposite foot - this strike adds yet another step mid-draw with the leading foot adjacent to the sheath. This endangers the user by possibly putting the adjacent leg into the free sword's path and draws one even closer to an opponent's sword than usual, but on the other hand, boosts both the power and the speed of the Battōjutsu swing. By realizing one's insignificance and risking life and limb to protect something else while, at the same time, taking one's own, fragile human life into consideration, the user is able to step into the small margin behind one's own drawn sword and in front of the sword of one's opponent without fail, delivering a beyond-godspeed blow of monstrous power. It is because of this that the Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki was the secret and most powerful technique of the Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu. N, with his super charged reaction time watch the blade slice through the air and was about to strike Kenshin when something inside of him snaps. I WILL NOT KILL NII-SENSEI, N roars in his mind.

"HANTEN! (Reversal)" N yells as he twists his katana around and continues the strike only not with the blade but with the back. The katana hits Kenshin across the chest and although it is not the blade, still causes a gash along his chest. A look of shock flashes across Kenshin's face before he looks at N before dropping to one knee.

"You spared me, why?" Kenshin says as falls but N catches him and begins to bandage his wound with a first aid kit he had in a seal.

"I will not partake in this barbaric tradition" N says as he puts away Kokuryu back into it's sheath.

"*Sigh* There cannot be 2 masters of Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu. So this one will for go his life as a swordsman. Take my sakabato as a genpuku gift." Kenshin says as he hands N the sword. N looks at it and sighs.

"Thank you Nii-Sensei. I'll make you proud." N says as he places the Sakabato in his obi with Kokuryu as he would a Daisho (A Katana/Wakizashi Set).

"Visit me, This one will be peaceful for the rest of his life as someone else is carrying on my legacy. Goodbye N-kun" Kenshin says as he bows and walks back inside of the temple, not looking back at his little brother.

"Goodbye Nii-sensei" N says and walks away towards Kumogakure, a weight lifted from his chest.

Next Day, 7 am.

"I DID IT!" N yells as he jumps down stairs into the kitchen to see Pops, Bee-nii, A-nii and Mabui in the kitchen.

"So Mabui-nee, I was reading your notes and the second raikage's notes about the Tenso no Jutsu (Heavenly Transfer Technique) and how it couldn't be used in battle as you couldn't do the calculations in the middle of the battlefield. So I decided to take the challenge and I figured out the seal that connects to my brain that will automatically calculate the coordinates of where I want go! And I should be able to survive as pops and A-nee can and I have the same durability as them. Just think about it, this technique is faster than my biological father's and the Raiton no Yoroi as it moves at the speed of light and it does not require markers so if I perfect it, then I will be the fastest ninja ever!" N proclaims and jumps around before he stops when he realizes something.

"Hey Mabui-nee, why did you stay here over night?" N asks causing her and A to turn red and begin sputtering while trying to come up with an excuse but by that time N was across the room so fast the family had thought that he had perfected the technique already and was hugging Mabui hard.

"YAY! MABUI-NEE IS NOW MY REAL NEECHAN!" N yells in pure happiness, failing to noticing the look of embarrassment on A and Mabui and Z and Bee falling off their chairs in laughter.

"Enough about us, You have three hours to train before you have to be at the academy for the team assignments." A says in an attempt to change the subject.

"You said US!" N says and begins to do the people's eyebrow to A who punches him across the face and sends him into the wall, making a crater that N slowly gets out of.

"I'll be training" N says without looking at his family as he grabs his notes and his weapons and heads to the training grounds.

Raikage Training Ground

"So I do the ram sign and imagine a bolt of lightning in the place of the object. Then find out the coordinates of where you want it to go" N reads to himself as he looks at the kunai in front of him.

"Let's see if this seal works" N writes as he pulls out a piece of seal paper that has the kanji for "Heaven" (Tengoku) on it. The kanji if you looked at it closely was actually made of thousands of smaller fuinjutsu formulas, it was truly a masterpiece. N places it on his shoulder right under his kanji for white and pushes chakra into it, tattooing the seal onto his body permanently. He focuses on the kunai and imagines the kunai being turned to lightning before imagining it being stuck in the tree, suddenly he sees the coordinates in his head.

"Tenso (Heavenly Transfer)!" N says and suddenly there is a blue flash and the kunai is stuck in the tree.

"I DID IT!" N yells and begins to dance around in happiness while failing to notice footsteps behind him.

"Are you planning on doing that with yourself?" Yugito says as she walks up to him.

"Hey Yugi-chan! And to answer your question, yes!" He says as he takes a few deep breaths and begins to think. That technique took about 1/15 of his chakra so he would not be able to use it often. Maybe this wouldn't make him better than his parents.

"You seem tired, did that technique use a lot of chakra?" Yugito asks with a puzzled look on her face. They were jinchuriki, almost nothing was too much chakra.

"Not really but it would after a while after all you are moving yourself with just your chakra." Naruto explains which cause Yugito to once more have a puzzled look on her face.

"It's not a raiton jutsu?" Yugito asks and receives a shake of his head from N causing her to continue, "Why not use your white lightning to make the flash instead of pure chakra?" She says causing N to ponder the idea.

"That's brilliant! Thanks Yugi-chan!" N yells and gives her a hug causing her to blush. He then throws a kunai in the air.

"Tenso!" N says and this time instead of a blue flash, there is a white one and the kunai is embedded into the wood. N feels his reserves again and this time he felt almost no chakra used in the technique.

"Thanks so much Yugi!" N exclaims as he gives Yugito a kiss on the cheek before realizing what he did and jumps back blushing but his reaction is nothing compared to Yugito. She is frozen with a blush so red a certain girl in konoha would be in envy and she kept shaking her head every 15 seconds like she was trying to get something out of her head which considering what Matatabi was probably saying in her head, she most likely trying to get it out. (A/N: I would type it but then this fic would be rated whatever was after MA)

"Uh, Yugi. Ya there?" N says as he waves his hand in front of her face causing her to finally snap back to the real world.

"Uh… I'm going to go...visit your family. Gotta go!" Yugito says with a crimson blush before she bolts at a speed that N is sure she has her own Jikukan Jutsu.

"Uh okay. Bye" N says but by that time she was gone. N sighs but gets ready for teleporting himself.


At the Academy, 3 hours later

4 out of the 5 members of the group was standing in front of the academy waiting for their last member.

"Where is N?" Karui asks and as soon as she does, there is a white flash and standing there is N with his arms crossed and a huge grin on his face. He looked so much like his biological father, the yellow flash with his blonde hair, blue eyes, white cloak and maybe it was also the teleportation technique that caused a bright flash.

"I figured it out! It's not fully combat ready like my father's but I can use it to move around and use it in a pinch!" N yells as he jumps up and down before looking at his friend's hands. All 4 of them had up 10 fingers causing N to jump up and down even more and begin to do his happy dance. The 4 of them look at each other before Samui nods in understanding. (A/N: He got this jutsu so fast because his DREAM is to be faster than his father and his biological father so if this is his way to be faster, I imagine he would jump at the chance)

"Let's go!" Samui says as she grabs N's ear and drags him into the academy against his will.


"Okay, now that everyone is here." Oshieru says before sending a glare to N who has a sheepish look on his face.

"Team 1…" Oshieru continues to say all of the teams causing N to space out until he hears a name.

"Team 13, N Yotsuki, Yugito Nii" Oshieru says but gets interrupted by Yugito who yells "YES!" before continuing, "and Samui Hito". Samui does not jump up but she does have a smirk on her face before looking at Yugito who glares. The N fan club and Samui begin to groan as they are not on the team as "N-kun" and "Samui-chan".

"Okay, You have a month before missions with your teams begin. We would begin them immediately however we would like to give you time to train and gain new skills before C-ranked missions (A/N: Genin do D-Ranked Missions only for the first 2 weeks then do low C-Ranked Missions) begin. You are shinobi of Kumogakure and living representations of the Will of Lightning. Do not join the life of a ninja for glory or riches as you will achieve nothing, fight to protect your village, your family and friends. Dismissed!" Oshieru preaches before dismissing them.

"Gotta go talk to pops, see ya guys!" N yells causing his friends to nod before his concentrates for a moment and flashes away to the Raikage Tower.

Raikage Tower

"YO POPS!" N yells as he appears in a flash of white causing his father to jump up and knock over his piles of paper work.

"WHAT THE F #$ N!" Z says as he sits back down and begins to pick up his paperwork which was scattered all over the place.

"Yo Pops, can I get Sannin traveling rights?" N asks causing his dad to get a "Why?" look on his face.

"I want to go traveling around the elemental nations before Missions begin...I promise not to... get caught in Konoha. Besides Sami-chan and Yugi-chan can do d-ranks without me" N explains with a mischievous smirk on his face causing his father to sigh in defeat and signs the papers.

"See ya in a month and a half!" N yells as he disappears in a white flash causing Z to sigh again. That boy is going to be the death of me, Z thinks to himself before diving back into the sea of paperwork.