
Chapter 3

Time for response to review time!

To Reppuzan- Thanks cuz for the review and just wanted to say that just wait, I am upping the power level of many of the enemies so this isn't as you have called it, a "What will Naruto curb-stomp next?" story. Thanks for the support though!

To LordHero- Thanks for the review and just in response, I would like to say that the beginning chapters will be the backstory and it will turn in a unique direction soon. Also I know that separately the girls have been in a lot of harems but I have never in my time on this website have seen a harem that has included them that was not one of those humongous impractical harems. But thanks for taking the time and reviewing!

To God-ShadowEx100- All I have to say is Do you feel better now? Do you feel all warm and cuddly because you flamed someone? If you actually read the story or even the summary the you would know that Naruto and N are the same person and that Kushina never told A Naruto's full name and only N which is why Z named him N. So actually think next time instead of being an idiot.

Okay that's it! Oh and from now on Flamers will be either ignored or put into their place. If you were thinking about being a flamer, just don't as it won't be pleasant. Thanks for sticking through this long review, NOW ONTO THE STORY!


N jumps off his platform and does a somersault before landing in front of his 4 friends that was standing in front of the Academy. They are Omoi, Karui, Samui and Yugito. Omoi is a 5'1" dark-skinned Kumo-nin with short, spiky, white hair and dark eyes accentuated with lines curving upwards from the corners. He wears a dark outfit consisting of an overlong shirt with a hood, with red bandage hand guards, Kumogakure shin guards, and a lollipop in his mouth. But the most noticeable thing about him is the long katana that is strapped across his back that seemed to be almost impossible for him to draw but somehow he could do it easily. Karui is a short dark-skinned kunoichi with long red hair and amber eyes with a noticeably flat chest. She is wearing a long sleeveless black dress with fishnet stockings, 2 gold earings on and had a long sword similar to Omoi's. Samui was an attractive 5' tall girl and she has blue eyes and straight, blonde hair framing her face cut in an asymmetrical bob style with the front bangs reaching her shoulders. She wears a very low-cut outfit which displays her sizeable cleavage which even at 12 was C-cup, with mesh armour underneath, a short skirt and red hand guards, high boots, and a tanto strapped horizontally along her lower back. Yugito was a 5'2" girl with long, straight, blonde, hair bound with taut bandages and dark eyes. She wore a short-sleeved black and purple blouse and black pants, both of which had a design similar to clouds on them, purple fingerless gloves and a chain of blue beads wound around her left hand. And all of his friends have a different number of fingers up; Omoi with 8, Karui with 7, Samui with 5 (although he wasn't sure if she just didn't want to raise her other hand which was holding her lower back) and Yugito with 6.

"So a 6.5?" N says as he scratches the back of his head.

"Last week's was better. You did two somersaults and then landed more gracefully" Yugito says which causes N to nod as he knew how much she valued gracefulness.

"But imagine if you had landed wrong and you had broken your leg and you couldn't take the exams and you couldn't become a ninja and you become a civilian and OW!" Omoi begins to rant but Karui punches him hard in the head causing him to go face first into the ground.

"N-kun, could you give me a back rub? My back is killing me." Samui says as she rubs her back, knowingly pushing her breasts up causing N to be blasted backwards by a stream of blood coming from his nose. Her 4 friends are the only ones that see her emotions and N was the only one that she showed flirtatious ones to.

"Maybe later Samui-chan, we have to get to class" N says as he wipes his nose and begins to walk towards the academy. They walk inside of the academy into the class and there is a loud cheer from the fangirls and fanboys that "Their N-kun" and "Samui-chan" made it to the exam however they are quickly silenced from killing intent sent from Naruto, Samui and Yugito. Oshieru, the proctor of the exam looks up from his paperwork and up at the clock.

"Good, You made it in time. Everyone sit down. We will begin the written part of the test" Oshieru says as he hands out tests. When N begins the test, he is surprised how easy it was. Really? Who was the First Raikage? Everyone knows that is was M, King of Lightning! N thinks to himself.

"Not everyone studied the Raikage's as much as you did besides look around you, a lot of the civilians seem to be having trouble." Kurama says in N's head and sure enough, when N looks around, he see's some of the civilians struggling.

"Whatever. I'm done. Wake me up when the exam is over" N says to Kurama who gives a mental nod. N props up his feet on the table and falls asleep, much to the ire of his friends.

20 Minutes Later

"WAKE UP KIT!" Kurama shouts in N's head causing N to fall off his chair.

"Couldn't you have woken me up more gently? I was having a nice dream!" N says in the Mindscape causing Kurama to snicker.

"Sorry I had to break up your perverted dream about Yugito and Samui" Kurama says with a evil grin when he see's N freeze.

"How did you know about that?" N says as he attempts to get the blush off his face as he hands in his test to Oshieru.

"Duh, I'm in your head. I know what goes on in here" Kurama says and even though N couldn't see him, he knew he had a huge smirk on his face.

"Next is the Taijutsu section of the test! Meet me outside in the Training Ground" Oshieru yells and opens the door allowing everyone to exit. Everyone leaves and surrounds a large ring filled with sand.

"Okay this is Taijutsu and Bukijutsu only. Winner by Knockout but no killing or crippling blows." Oshieru explains causing everyone to nod in understanding. He pulls out a clipboard that has all the matches.

"First match, N Yotsuki vs. Kenichi Sato!" Oshieru says causing everyone to groan. Kenichi was that one kid that had a superiority complex due to his clan, The Sato Clan was one of the noble clan even though he really wasn't that good. Kenichi walks up to the ring with his Katana. He was 5' with shaggy black hair, pale skin and brown eyes which were staring at N.

"Hold this, I won't need it" N says as he unties Kokuryu and hands it to Yugito who grabs it.

"You should stop underestimating me N-teme. Because I am going to beat you unless you use that sword and Samui-chan will watch it all and fall in love with me." Kenichi says as he gets into his kenjutsu stance.

"There is no need to waste the Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu on you. My Supin is strong enough to defeat you, even if your clan is one of the best Kenjutsu practitioners in Kumo" N says as he pulls out his tonfas and spins them to get ready.

"Hajime!" Oshieru says to start the fight and jumps out of the ring to avoid being hit. Kenichi immediately goes for a overhead slice which N blocks with his right tonfa. N spins his left tonfa and strikes Kenichi's right wrist, causing Kenichi to falter, giving N times to strike his stomach with the right tonfa. Kenichi gets set flying backwards but manages to roll and land on his feet.

"Not bad, but take this! Kumo-Ryū: Omotegiri! (Cloud Style: Front Beheading)!" Kenichi then does a long overhead slice at N.

"Supin: Kaze no Ken! (Spin: Blade of Wind)" N yells as he spins his right tonfa at Kenichi. As the tonfa spins, an arc of wind comes out of the end which travels and cuts Kenichi's Katana in half, causing Kenichi to look at it in shock giving N time to jump into the air.

"Supin: Doroppu!" N extends his Tonfa out as an extension of his arm and drops it onto Kenichi's head, causing him to fall to the ground, unconscious.

"Winner N Yotsuki!" Oshieru proclaims as N walks out of the ring and sits with his friends. Yugito hands him Kokuryu which he takes with a thank you before pulling out his notes on space time jutsu. He begins to zone out the rest of the fights as his friends either won close to instantly or it was just a bunch of fangirls cat fighting.

"Okay it is time for the Ninjutsu portion of the exam! Samui Hito!" Oshieru yells causing Samui to come down to the bottom.

"Okay please perform the Kawarimi, Henge, Bushin as well as one advanced technique of your choosing" Oshieru instructs causing Samui to nod.

"Bunshin, Henge, Kawarimi" Samui says as she creates a bunshin that then changes into the raikage before switching with it. Effectively doing all three techniques as one causing Oshieru to mark his board.

"Raiton- Kaminari Pisutoru (Lightning Release- Lightning Pistol)" Samui says as she does 5 handsigns then puts her hand out in a hand gun with her thumb up and your middle and pointer finger together. Lightning gathered around the tips of her fingers before it shot off and hit the dummy, sending it flying backwards.

"You are now an official genin of Kumogakure, Congratulations. Come back here tomorrow for team assignment" Oshieru says as he hands Samui a flak jacket and a Hiate-Ate which she takes and leaves. This continues as everyone takes the exam but only about 8 people past including his friends.

"N Yotsuki" Oshieru says as N walks down. He is the only one left but that was expected considering that his surname ends as Y.

"Please perform the Kawarimi, Henge, Bushin as well as one advanced technique of your choosing" Oshieru says to N who nods.

"Kawarimi" In N's place is A who has a orange book in hand and is giggling pervertedly.

"A-sama?" Oshieru says causing A to look up and put away his book at a speed that must have been lightning enhanced.

"uh…" A begins to attempt to come up with an excuse when there is a puff of smoke and N is back there.

"I forgot it was his smut time. Any way Raiton: Kage Bunshin, Henge" N says with a sheepish look on his face before creating a lightning clone and turning that into his father.

"Uh N, why didn't do the bunshin?" Oshieru asks as he begins to write notes on her notebook.

"My chakra levels are too high and I don't have a high enough level of chakra control to do a bunshin. Besides a Raiton: Kage Bunshin uses almost no chakra for me" N explains causing Oshieru to nod.

"Okay then Congratulations, you are now an official genin of Kumogakure. Please come back here tomorrow " Oshieru says as he handed N a flak jacket and a white Hiate-Ate.

"Thanks Oshieru-sensei! See you tomorrow!" N yells as he jumps out the window and begins the run on his platform towards Raikage Tower.

Raikage Tower

"Yo Dad, I passed!" N says as he walks into his father's office with his new flak jacket and Hiate-Ate on.

"Was there any doubt? Besides I heard what you did to A, I makes me want to promote you to chunin" Z says and gives a hearty chuckle.

"You should" N tries but Z just shakes his head causing N to shrug because he tried.

"N...There's something I want to tell you. You are the last of the Namikaze and Uzumaki clans and while they are not originally Kumo clans, you could restart them here. As such in order to bring up the numbers of your clan, you need more than one wife. Kumo doesn't care how many unlike I heard Konoha but it should be enough to restore your clan" Z explains and holds his arms around his head in an armadillo position to protect himself from N's rage but surprisingly there was none. N's was actually in deep thought on how much off a relief this is as he knew that Yugito and Samui liked him and he couldn't pick one and let down the other.

"You seem happy to have your own harem." Z says with a perverted grin causing N to go red and attempt to change the subject

"Yeah yeah, I have an idea for my space time jutsu. Here check my notes, it may be a little advanced as it has some master level fuinjutsu in it" N says as he changes the subject and he slides his notes over toward his father who takes a few minutes and reads through it before looking up with a look of shock.

"Is this what I think it is?" Z says, completely forgetting the previous subject as he hands the notes back to N.

"Yep. Only you, A-nii and I could use this technique although I doubt you guys would want to." N says with a proud look on his face.

"Yeah yeah, I'll get Mabui to send you the notes on the technique we have in the Raikage Archives. Oh, Kenshin-san told me to tell you to meet him at the temple." Z explains as he writes himself a note.

"Gotcha Pops! See ya later!" N yells as slams through the wall making a big hole.

"DAMMIT N!" Z yells as he looks at the hole. That boy is going to give me gray hairs but his potential is amazing. One day, you could become Raikage. Z thinks to himself before looking back to his desk to see 2 piles of paperwork.

"WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" Was heard all over Kumo.

The Mountain

"NII-SENSEI, I PASSED!" N yells as he opens the door but stops when he sees Kenshin sitting in the middle of the field. Kenshin had eventually grown to be a big brother to N but was still his teacher so N began to combine "Nii-san" and "Sensei" and thus was born "Nii-Sensei".

"Sit down N-kun because today is your final exam" Kenshin says causing N to sigh as he knew this day was coming. Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū is known by very few people in history due to the fact that it has only passed on from master to apprentice for fourteen generations, with each apprentice taking the life of his master.