
Chapter 2

4 Years Later (Naruto is 10)

"I'm going exploring! I'll back soon!" N yells as he jumps out the window and begins to sprint to one of the near by mountains. N was now 4'8" and had a swimmers build compared to his family's "holy crap those are big muscles" build. He was physically weaker however made up for it with his speed which was chunin speed and his multiple weight seals along with a multiplier seal that overall increased his strength. He began the trek up the steep mountain and had to use chakra to grab onto the path which was slippery.

"This is going to take forever" N says to Kurama who could do nothing but nod and enjoy the show.

1 Hour Later

N made it to the summit to see a temple that he had never noticed. It had a couple large torii and in fact looked very much like those Shaolin Temples in the Land of Fire.

"How could no one have noticed this?" N says to Kurama who shrugs his shoulder.

"No one but the Raikages and a select few has attempted to climb this mountain. Actually I don't think anyone has been up here in 15 years since your father climbed it." Kurama says causing N to nod and knock on the solid wood oak door. The door opens and a man that appears to be in his late 20's opens the door. He has long red hair that is tied in a thick ponytail and had a cross-shaped scar on his left cheek. He is wearing a plain burgundy men's kimono of cheap, worn cloth with a white hakama, zori and white tabi. In his hand was a katana with a black steel sheath however the sageo was tying the tsuba to the saya meaning that the man could not draw it on him, calming N's nerves a bit.

"Hello young man. You seem very tired, would you like to come in? This one could use some company" The man invites causing N to flinch for a second before nodding. The man nods and turns around before walking back into the temple. N follows him into the temple to see the man pouring tea and gesturing for him to sit on one of the two cushions of the floor. N looks around the room to see pictures all around the walls most including a woman with long black hair, a man with short spiky black hair or a young boy that looked much like the man who had invited him in.

"Oh yes that is my family. This one had to leave them many years ago. Oh this one has seem to have forgotten his manners, my name is Himura Kenshin" The man says as he begins to pour the tea. Inside of N's Mindscape, Kurama was wondering where he had heard that name before.

"Arigato Kenshin-san. My name is N Yotsuki, Son of the Raikage. I am sorry but may I ask you a question if it is not too intrusive, You say many years ago however you seem very young?" N says as he takes the tea and begin to sip the tea. Kurama begins to think, Himura...Himura. Where have I heard that name? Himura...BATTOSAI! Oh My God! If this is who I think this is...

"You are very intelligent to catch that N-kun. This one may look young but in fact this one is more than 45 years of age." Kenshin says as he sips his tea and looks at the pictures with nostalgia. N is in shock, this man looked to be a little older than Bee-Nii but in fact was just a little younger than his father who was 52.

"Wow, you look very young!" N says causing Kenshin to scratch the back of his head sheepishly.

"It is a side effect of this one's kenjutsu style" He says as he flashes a quick look at the sword to his side. Kurama jumps up and down in N's head and is thinking, I knew it! I knew it!

"Woah! You know Kenjutsu! Will you teach me!" N says causing Kenshin who look embarrassed.

"This one does not teach anymore. I am sorry N-kun" Kenshin says which causes N to start crying on the floor.

"Please!" N jumps onto his knees and begins to plead. Kenshin does not look like he was going to break so N decides to break out the big guns. N flashes through some hand signs causing Kenshin to go on guard. He may like the boy but he was a ninja that he had just met and just told some unpleasant news.

"Ninja Art: Puppy Dog Eyes no Jutsu!" N yells and activates the SSS-rank jutsu that Yugito and Karui had taught him. Kenshin was about to tell him to stop playing around before he notices how it looked so much like what Kaoru used to do. Kenshin looks over to a picture of him and Kaoru on their wedding day and sighs.

"Why do you want to learn Kenjutsu?" Kenshin says causing N to think. To be strong...no...For power...no. I just want to protect everyone. Pops, A-nii, Bee-nii, Darui-nii, Yugito, EVERYONE!

"There are people precious to me and I want to protect them. I can't protect them from everything but I would lay my life on the line for them" N says with fire in his eyes.

"*sigh* Okay, come back tomorrow with a Katana" Kenshin says before smiling. N would not make the same mistakes as him. Kenshin stands up causing N to too and begin walking to the door.

"Thanks alot Kenshin-Sensei! I'll see you tomorrow!" N says with a smile and a wave as he begins the climb down the mountain.

Raikage's Office

N walks into his father's office to see him stuck under a bunch of paperwork. The greatest raikage, the man with the strongest shield and spear was being defeated by paperwork, worthy of a picture it was.

"Yo Pops! I need you to take me to The Dragon's Fang!" N yells causing Z to whip his head out of that pile so fast N was afraid he got whiplash.

"Why? Know what I don't care, let's go!" He says as he jumps up and grabs his son from the collar before rushing out the door. It wasn't until they were 5 minutes away from the Weapon Store when Z asks his son the question that should have jumped straight to his mind.

"So N, Why do you need to go to the Weapon Shop?" Z asks as they walk through the village. The kids they passed always looked at the two of them with awe as it was their leader and his son and they were just walking through the village like everyone else.

"I found myself a Kenjutsu teacher on that Mountain nearby and he told me to find a katana for lessons tomorrow. His name is Himura Kenshin" N says causing Z to look at him in shock before satisfaction. His son was going to be trained by one of, if not the greatest living swordsman in the elemental nations.

"Okay we're here" Z says with a smile on his face when as they stand in front of The Dragon's Fang and walk inside to see a older blonde man in his early 50's at the counter. The Dragon's Fang itself was impressive due to the weapons all over the walls. Katanas, Bo staffs, Naginatas, Nunchakus, and just about any other weapon.

"Well well well if it isn't my friend Lil' Z" The Blonde says with a smile, that's when Naruto recognized him. He was Samui who was one of N's good friends' Father.

"I am not little! Know what screw you, Ondo (A/N: Samui means "Cool" and Atsui means "Hot" so I gave their father a name that means "Temperature")" Z says as he walks up and shakes Ondo's hand.

"Oh hey I know you, you're Samui's friend N, right? So what do you need?" Ondo says with a smile causing N to smile.

"I need a Katana" N says causing Ondo to smile and gesture to the walls around him. N walks over to the Katana area and picks one out and holds it in his hand before putting it back. This continues for about 15 minutes before he walks back over to Ondo and Z.

"None of these feel right, sorry" N says with an embarrassed look on his face. Ondo smirks before looking over to Z who is chuckling.

"All three of your kids, I think that is a new record" Ondo says to Z who is nodding and N who has a puzzled look on his face.

"I feel like I am being left out of something." N says to Ondo who reaches into his desk and pulls a key from a drawer.

"My clan, The Hito Clan has a pseudo-bloodline that allows us to create weapons that will connect to their users and will activate abilities based on it's user. Both of your brothers have Hito weapons. A has gold bands that increase his strength while limiting his speed but can be released to double it and Bee's seven swords are all perfectly balanced and has lightning chakra pushed into it, making it just like the Kiba swords of the Mist." Ondo explains as he walks to the center of the shop and unlocks a secret trap door in the floor.

"Go inside and find your perfect weapon" Z says which causes N to nod and walk down stairs. Inside of the chamber is piles of gold and silver and lots of other treasure and more importantly is the thousands upon thousands of weapons on the walls. N begins to pick up katana after katana until he feels a pull that drags him to the right and into the depths of the weapons before he pulls out a black katana with the Kanji for "Ryu" on it in white. Instead of having a normal pommel, it had a black dragon head. N grabs the wrap and draws the blade to see that it is pure black with the kanji engraved on it that says, "Do not fight like a warrior, but dance like a dragon". Overall it was beautiful. N was walking back to the ladder when he felt 1 more pulls to his left. N looks down on the floor to see a pair of black steel tonfa that calling to him as well. He picks them up and begins to spin them awesomely before hitting himself in the funny bone causing him to jump around like an idiot.

"Just grab the tonfa and katana and go upstairs" Kurama says causing N to sigh and take everything and climb the stairs. The light blinds N as he exits the underground chamber and returns back to the over ground version of the store.

"I'M BACK!" N yells as he pulls himself out of the door. Ondo and Z rush up to help him but are shocked when they see what he is holding. He had 2 things! Sometimes people would get twin or like Bee would get multiple of the SAME weapon but never has anyone ever received 2 separate Hito items. Ondo then takes a closer look at the weapons to be even more startled.

"Those weapons belonged to the Shodaime Raikage!" Ondo yells causing Z and N to whip their heads around very fast.

"WHAT!" They yelled in unison before turning and glaring at each other.

"When a hero of kumo is about to die or if they told me before time, They can have their weapons enchanted by my clan and placed in the chamber for one of the next generation to use." Ondo explains as he walks over to the counter causing them to nod in understanding.

"So how much do I owe you?" N asks the man who begins to punch in numbers but then stops.

"Know what, I was going to charge you but instead let's make a deal. You become a hero and when you get older, you give me your weapons for the next generations" Ondo says as he puts out his hand.

"Gotcha Ondo-san!" N says as him and his father begin to walk out the door.

"I might see you sooner than that if you are going to be my son in law!" He yells out of the closing door, too bad he couldn't see the crimson blush on N's face as he walked back to Raikage Tower.

A Month Later

This last month had been one of the best and worst times of N's life. It had been the best as he had made a new friend in Kenshin-Sensei and had been learning Kenjutsu in particular the Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu, one of the hardest and most powerful Kenjutsu styles ever (A/N: I do not own Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu and Himura Kenshin in any way or form). The style was so difficult that it had required N to do a month of physical conditioning to even attempt to learn the first technique not to even mention the fact the Kenshin-Sensei was a slave driver and had made him do hundreds and hundreds of just about every exercise. Kenshin had also looked through the library and found the techniques and styles of the Shodaime Raikage. The Style called Supin had techniques like "Le no Sen Supin" (A/N: I don't know if that is right but I tried) or House of a Thousand Spins and a hundred others that N swore that he would master. But today is the best day of them all because A-nii promised to test his affinity and Kenshin-Sensei while he was not a ninja, knew about chakra flow and had promised to help him flow his affinity through it.

"A-nii, So what do I have to do?" A extremely hyper N says to his brother. A just sighs and hands his brother a small square of paper piece of paper.

"Okay just push your chakra into the paper and it will do something based on your affinity. If you have Fire, the paper will ignite and turn to ash. If you have Wind, it'll split in two, Lightning, the paper will wrinkle. If you have Earth, the paper will turn to dirt and crumble away and lastly if you have Water, the paper will become wet/damp. Got it?" A explains but by that time N had already pushed in his chakra and was watching what was happening. The ball crinkled up into a ball so tight it looked like it couldn't be pull apart while sparking pure white lightning before it got split down the middle and each half became so soggy that it fell apart.

"OH MY GOD!" A yells causes N to go flying backwards and hold his ears in pain.

"You have 3 affinities, a lightning affinity that it equal or greater than the Nidaime's water affinity, an extremely high water affinity and a bloodline that gives you pure white lightning!" A yells causing N to scratch his head sheepishly.

"What can I say, I'm awesome!" N yells as he pumps his fist into the air.

"Something tells me that this is going to be interesting" A says as he begins to tell explain the beginning steps of elemental control.

2 Years later, Graduation Day

N woke up with a smile on his face because today was the day he became a real ninja! Sure he had been training from a young age and his was jounin level but he was still a civilian but that was going to change today. N was now 5'3" which was tall for his age and he had a swimmers build as Kenshin-Sensei refused to let him to be a body builder's build. Because as he said, "This one will not have an apprentice that looks like a gorilla! No offense to Raikage-dono and A-dono but no honorable swordsman will have that build!". However he had broad shoulders and a six pack so while he was not buff, he was still extremely strong. His hair was spiky but 2 bangs ran along the side of his face much like his biological father but 3 whiskers on either side of his cheeks which were thicker than they used to be due to the influence of Kurama's chakra.

He had almost mastered Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu and had even managed to make it even more deadly by combining his lightning chakra to make it sharper and longer to the size of a nodachi making it even more powerful. He had also mastered his Raiton Chakra to the level of his father however his Fuiton techniques are only chunin level due to lack of teachers in the Kaminari no Kuni and his Suiton while very powerful was only low Jounin due to lack of work he put into it.

It was due this that he now had 2 tattoos on his shoulders much like his family, a tattoo of the kanji for lightning on his right shoulder and the kanji for white right underneath it. It was the tradition in kumo for that when a ninja has mastered their affinity, they would get a tattoo of it on their body much like how Darui-nii had a water and lightning tattoo as he had mastered them. His lightning affinity they found was even more powerful than the Nidaime's to the level where he could use natural lightning and feel the bioelectricity in people to sense them. At first, Z was confused by how powerful it was but then realized that Minato must of had a strong affinity to lightning due to the fact that the Hiraishin being a Raiton technique (A/N:Just roll with it) and when Z gave N the blood ceremony, it must have strengthened his natural affinity to untold levels. NOT to mention the fact that the Kyuubi being sealed in N may have mutated it making the lighting white. When N found out the reason why he had such a powerful affinity and he had received it from his biological father who was known for his teleportation technique, he swore he would surpass all of his family as the fastest man in history.

As such he had looked into fuinjutsu and was know level 8 out of 10 as his Uzumaki blood must have kicked in making him in 2 years, a seal master that was one level higher than Jiraiya of the Sannin. But was even more impressive than his determination was his bloodline, The Shiroton Bloodline. There had been no record of the bloodline so N took his father's notes about Black Lightning and used it to analyze his own lightning. He found out that while his father's black lightning moved at half the speed of normal lightning through the use of a seal, his white lightning moved at twice the speed making the lightning move twice as many volts through an enemy and twice as fast. Imagine when N attempted his brother's Raiton no Yoroi, he moved close to the same speed as his brother WITHOUT any practice. The possibilities of the Shiroton (White Release) techniques were vast and it was not something that went unnoticed by the council and fan-girls. Yes, the bane of all male ninjas; fan-girls. Luckily, Samui and Yugito were there to protect him...quite viciously. Yet the council saw him as the golden boy and had tried to marry him off to their daughters left and right. N sighs as he throws on a pair of black anbu pants and a black sleeveless shirt with white lightning bolts at the bottom.

N continues to get dress as he places 3 long leather belts criss-crossed around his waist in place of an obi and threads Kokuryu through it before tying the sageo to his waist. Lastly he attaches his tonfas to the back of his waist and he is ready. N runs out of his room and knocks on all of the doors in the Raikage Mansion, waking up the rest of the Yotsuki's in the process. A jumps out of his room in white pajamas with pig slippers on and a sleeping cap that was hanging off his head haphazardly along with a bunch of kunais in hand.

"Screw you N!" He yells as he throws the kunai but by that time N was down the hall knocking over Bee who had came out of his room.

"Graduation exam today! Gotta go!" N says as he jumps out the window and lands on a platform of lightning.

"Bye!" N yells as he begins to sprint along the platforms towards the Academy.

"That boy will kill me one day." Z says making A and Bee nod before going back to bed like nothing happened.