
Chapter 11

Kumo Training Ground, Fifth Day of the Second Exam

N ducks to avoid a large sword slicing where his head was a moment ago before he goes for a upwards strike with his own Sakabato. His opponent to move backwards to avoid the strike giving N time to flash through one handed ram sign and extend his blade 20 feet before going for a horizontal strike.

"Toraton- Hagane no Kawa (Tiger Release- Fur of Steel)" The large humanoid panther yells causing his fur to receive a silver sheen before returning to it's normal color just in time to block a strike from the blade of lightning. N recedes the blade with a scowl before putting the blade away and flashing through 2 handsigns before ending at Hebi (snake).

"Suiton- Dai Bakushi Shoha! (Water Release- Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave)" N yells before spewing out enough water to cover the training ground, causing N and his opponent to have to stand on the water or sink down 4 feet.

"Raiton- Hiraishin!" N yells making lightning to strike his body and enter the water causing his opponent to become temporarily paralyzed. N then skates on top of the water with raiton chakra and pulls out his sword before putting it to his opponent's neck.

"Yield," N says with dead seriousness causing his opponent to sigh.

"Fine, I yield" Pantherlily says causing N to grin and pull away his sword. Pantherlily then returns to his normal form before jumping on N's shoulder and sitting down.

"What's that? 45:me to 23:you?" N says causing Pantherlily to nod before looking at his miniature watch on his wrist.

"Today is the last day of the exam so we should hurry up" Pantherlily says. N nods before disappearing in a flash.

At the Hotel

"Hey guys!" N says as he appears in the living room seeing everyone ready to go to the final exam.

"Where have you been?" Darui asks causing N to grin.

"Training with my new summons. Speaking of new summons, meet my partner Pantherlily," N says causing Pantherlily to jump off his shoulder and onto the floor. For a second there is silence, then suddenly all the girls jump at Pantherlily and yell "KAWAII!".

"PARTNER! HELP!" Pantherlily yells in distress causing N to chuckle as he knew this might happen.

"Girls, let him go. We need to head to the exams," N says causing everyone to nod and shunshin away.


All 36 genin that passed (12 Teams) were standing in a straight line when from a shunshin steps a man with short brown hair and dark markings under his eyes. Even though he was a young man, he has pronounced lines under his eyes. He is wearing the standard Konoha shinobi outfit complete with a forehead protector that he wore as a bandanna,flak jacket and regular shinobi sandals. He is also carrying a katana with a rectangular hand guard strapped over his back.

"My name is Hayate Gekko *cough* and I am the proctor of the third exams. Unfortunately I must inform you that we did not expect as many as you to pass as such we must have a preliminary round" Hayate announces causing outroar however The Hokage raises his hand.

"Silence! You must know that while the Chunin Exams are a way to promote Chunin, more importantly, it is a replacement for war. You battle for Kages and Daimyos to show your might and your nations and because of that, your nation may get more missions from nobles and other daimyos. Be strong and good luck" The Hokage says causing a round of applause before Hayate comes back out.

"First Match- Sasuke Uchiha vs Yoroi Akado" Hayate announces causing the genin to jump down and begin the match. (A/N: I will be skipping the Canon matches as you all know how they are done. Sasuke wins his match by copying Lee and Shino wins by clogging Zaku's air conditioners)

"Third Match- Yugito Nii vs Kiba Inuzuka" Hayate announces causing Yugito to groan.

"Why do I have to get the dog?" Yugito yells causing N to snicker before she jumps down to the arena.


"You're pretty cute even if you smell like a cat. How about you ditch the blonde and go out with me? After all I am an alpha" Kiba says arrogantly making Yugito to roll her eyes and get into her stance.

"That puppy doesn't even compare to N-kun or Kuru-kun. You should show him who's boss then take N back into that closet over there and-" Matatabi begins but is interrupted by Yugito.

"MATATABI!" Yugito yells before turning to Hayate.

"Third Match- Yugito Nii vs Kiba Inuzuka, Hajime!" Hayate says before jumping back to avoid the battle. Yugito does 1 hand seal before holding her hands out like claws.

"Nekozume (Cat Claw)" Yugito says causing her nails to extend to the length of daggers.

"Ninpou- Shikyaku no Jutsu (Four legs Technique)" Kiba says before crouching and for his nails and fangs to extend.

"Jujin Bunshin (Beast Human Clone)" Kiba says before Akamaru turns into a perfect copy of him. Yugito lunges forward and slashes at one of the Kibas who dodges but Yugito just stabs one claw into the ground before spinning on that one nail, legs in a perfect split upside down before kicking both Kibas in the face. Both Kibas go flying but manage to land before they jump into the air and start spinning.

"Gatsuga! (Fang Passing Fang)" Kiba yells as he and Akamaru spin like drills at Yugito.

"Raiton- Kage Bunshin!" Yugito yells as a clone of her appears next to her before they both preform a Tora (Tiger) hand seal and running at Kiba and Akamaru, hands in gulfed in blue flames.

"GOKATON- NUKITE! (Hellfire Release- Nukite)" Both Yugito's yell as they slam their knife hand into Kiba's spinning form. The effect was instant as the hellfire covers their bodies before they stop spinning before falling to the floor, unconscious.

"Winner by knockout, Yugito Nii" Hayate announces causing Medics to take Kiba away and for Yugito to walk back up to the balcony and sitting next to her team.


"Never seen that move before." N comments as he looks at Yugito who smiles.

"I based it on your dad's Jigokuzuki (Hell Stab)" Yugito says causing N to nod in understanding and admiration.

"Fourth Match- Sabaku no Kankuro vs Misumi Tsurugi" Hayate says causing Kankuro and a genin dressed in all purple jumped down. (A/N: You know how the battle goes. Misumi threatens Kankuro, breaks his neck, was actually Karasu, Kankuro wins)

"Fifth Match- N Yotsuki-Namikaze vs Takeshi Iwao (Iwao means Stone Man)" Hayate says causing N along with the blonde boy with the shaggy blonde hair jumps down from the balcony. He is wearing the signature red and brown shinobi outfit of Iwa along with a Katana across his back.

"I will enjoy killing you and I will be hailed as a hero for ending the line of that bastard flash" Takeshi says causing N to look at him lazily.

"What, did you say something?" N says with a lazy look. There is silence before Kakashi stands up and begins to clap causing Kurenai to punch him in the head.

"Hajime!" Hayate announces before jumping backwards into the balcony. Takeshi flashs through hand seals at a speed so slow, N yawned.

"Doton- Doryu Taiga (Earth Release- Earth Flow River)" Takeshi says causing the spot under N to become mud but N just stands there on a platform of lightning. Takeshi grunts in annoyance before drawing his sword and lunges at N.

"You hate my father so you will die just like how my father killed the rest of your nation's army" N says before disappearing in a flash and slitting Takeshi's throat with his katana.

"Winner by Death- N Yotsuki-Namikaze" Hayate says causing there to be silence as N had ended the match in less than a minute before a girl with a short black hair and pink eyes stands up and looks at N. She wears the standard attire of the Iwa-nin consisting of a red uniform with her right sleeve missing and a lapel over her right leg, the brown Iwagakure flak jacket, fishnet tights and a skirt over them. She also wears regular shinobi sandals and a pair of gloves.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" The Girl yells and throws a kunai at N who disappears in a flash.

"Now now, we all knew the risks and I'm sure you wouldn't care if I died" N says from behind her causing her to jump and turn around kunai in hand but he is not there but talking to his friends. Hayate sighs as killing in the Chunin exams was not banned and there could be no retaliation expect for in a battle so it looked like the girl's out of luck. Hayate looks at the board to see 2 new people come up for the Sixth Match.

"Omoi vs Sakura Haruno" Hayate announces causing all of the Kumo team to pat Omoi on the back for his bad luck but Omoi was thinking something different.

"What if she acts weak but is actually the level of the Hokage and- AHHHH!" Omoi begins but is interrupted when Karui kicks him hard sending him over the edge and in front of Hayate before Omoi gets up.

"Hajime" Hayate says before disappearing as normal and suddenly Omoi's usual thoughtful face becomes serious as he draws his katana.

"You should give up now! Kumo will never beat Konoha" Sakura says before throwing kunai at Omoi who just dodges due to the bad throw.

"Shut up and fight" Omoi says before flashing through hand seals.

"Suiton- Bakusui Shoha (Exploding Water Colliding Wave)!" Omoi says causing water to cover the arena, except for a small amount of elevated ground where Sakura had to stand as she couldn't water walk.


"Clever. He knows how badly trained they are so he created a situation where Sakura wasn't prepared for" N comments, well aware that Kakashi was just a row behind him causing Kakashi to sigh in shame.


Omoi is standing on the water when he flashes through 25 hand seals before jumping up.

"Suiton- Suiryudan no Jutsu! (Water Dragon Bullet Technique!)" Omoi yells causing a large dragon made of water form and rush at Sakura causing her to have to jump into the water or be crushed which Omoi quickly capitalizes on by skating on the water with lightning chakra, the way N taught him and flips through hand seals.

"Suiro no Jutsu (Water Prison Technique)" Omoi announces causing a sphere of water to surround Sakura and hold her in there causing Hayate to come over.

"Winner by Restraint- Omoi" Hayate announces causing Omoi to release the prison and go back to balcony.


"Such mastery over Suiton for a genin…" Kakashi mumbles but N hears and turns around.

"Suiton isn't even his main affinity" N comments causing a loud "What!" to come from the Konoha section as to have that much skill over a element that wasn't your primary was Jonin level.

"What's your main affinity?" Kakashi asks Omoi who just smiles.

"You'll find out next time. Unless a boulder falls on me or I fall in love-OWWW!" Omoi begins to rant but is stopped when Karui grabs him by the ear.


"Seventh Match- Tenten vs Sabaku no Temari" Hayate calls causing the girls to jump down. (A/N: Same as canon. Tenten get's the worst opponent for her and get's her ass whooped. The next match is Shikamaru vs Kin and we know how that goes again.)

"Ninth Match- Samui Hito vs Choji Akimichi" Hayate says before jumping once more to the balcony, knowing the damage Kumo nins can create.

"Baika no Jutsu (Multi-Size Technique)" Choji says causing him to become even more...round meanwhile .

"Nikudan Sensha! (Human Bullet Tank)" Choji yells and begins to spin at Samui.

"Raiton- Koiru (Coil)" Samui yells and creates a platform in front Choji that when he hits, sends him into the air where Samui wants him.

"Raiton- Rairyu!" Samui yells as a dragon made of electricity materializes and strikes choji, knocking him out. Hayate shunshins in before looking at Choji to see his is unconscious.

"Winner by knock out- Samui Hito" Hayate announces causing Samui to nod and shunshin away to the balcony.


"Nice job Samui-chan!" N says as Samui walks up to see her stop next to N was taken by Yugito who was giving her a triumphant look but Samui returns it when she looks at N.

"Thanks N-kun...can I sit here?" Samui says as she points at N's lap before sitting down facing him with her...assets in his face causing N to become beet red and for all boys to be blasted backwards with nosebleed while thinking, Lucky Bastard. Yugito is seething in rage as she had thought she had won N.

"S...Sure. The next battle is starting soon" N manages to stutter out before Samui turns around toward the battle, accidentally sitting somewhere she shouldn't be causing N to become so red, he is crimson.

"Uh…Samui-chan, could you move over a bit?" N asks innocently causing Samui to give a not so innocent smirk.

"Oh like this" Samui says before she moves her ass around it before settling back to where she was before.

"You're girlfriend is evil, you know that?" Kurama comments before chuckling evilly.

"Yeah I know. I must control it" N says to his tenant and made sure that Samui wasn't sitting on a rock.


"Time for the Tenth Match- Kurotsuchi Kamizuru vs Ino Yamanaka" Hayate announces causing Ino and the girl from before to jump down.

"Hajime" Hayate says and as soon as he does, Kurotsuchi appears in a shunshin and punches Ino in the face, knocking her out. There is silence from Konoha before Kakashi shunshins in and grabs his student.

"Winner by Knockout, Kurotsuchi Kamizuru" Hayate announces causing the members from Konoha to bow their heads in shame.

"Eleventh Match- Aoi Daichi vs Konan Uzumaki" Hayate announces calling one of the genin from Konoha and Konan. Aoi and her team had been genin for 2 years but had failed last year's test. She was wearing a black shirt and pants along with 2 green sashes crossing her body and one going around her waist which is what had her kunai pouch.

"Hajime!" Hayate yells before shunshining away. Aoi throws 2 kunai which Konan dodges before flashing 2 hand seals.

"Kamiton- Shuriken!" Konan yells as 5 shuriken flies out of his sleeve at Aoi which she just barely dodges. Konan then calls them back making Aoi have to dodge once again before they begin to spin in between her hands. The shuriken unravel and mix with more paper until it turns into a large chakram easily as large as Konan.

"Kamiton- Chakram" Konan yells as she throws the Chakram at such a speed that it was a white blur but Konan wasn't done as she flips through 2 seals.

"Fuuton- Daitoppa!" She says before blows out a large gust of wind that blows the chakram so fast that Aoi couldn't move out of the way and the chakram bisected her. Hayate shunshins there and feels for a pulse to find none.

"Winner by death- Konan Uzumaki" Hayate says provoking Konan to nod and disappear in a Kami Shunshin (Paper Shunshin). There is silence from Konoha as one of their own had been killed quickly with almost no resistance.

"Time for the Twelfth Match- Hinata Hyuga vs Jun Kazuhiro" Hayate says causing Hinata Hyuga who was dress rather scandalously and a boy with a kiri hiate-ate to jump down. He was wearing a blue jumpsuit with camouflage leg warmers (A/N: Think Lee but with blue jumpsuit and camouflage leg warmers. Also Hinata is in her Road to Ninja outfit).

"Hajime!" Hayate yells and Hinata immediately activate her Byakugan and gets into her juuken stance.

"Forfeit. You cannot stand up against the Hyuga!" Hinata says however Jun ignores her and flips through hand seals. (A/N: I really like RTN Hinata so in this story she will flirtatious and arrogant as Naruto/N wasn't here to keep her grounded and eventually gave into the Hyuga arrogance)

"Fine. Face the power of the Hyuga!" She yells as she slides forward and strikes Jun twice in each leg, making his knees buckle but giving him enough time to finish his hand seals.

"Suiton- Goshokuzame! (Water Release- Five Feeding Sharks!)" He yells and spits out 5 sharks made of water at Hinata who just smirks arrogantly.

"Hakke Kusho! (Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm)" She says before doing 5 palm strikes and the sharks explode as if hit by an explosive tag. She then runs ahead and stands a foot away from Jun's disabled form and gets into a stance.

"You're in my field of divination" Hinata says before striking Jun twice consecutively. She then does another two consecutive strikes to make four. After that four consecutive strikes to make eight. She does another eight consecutive strikes to make sixteen before sixteen more consecutive strikes to make thirty two. Lastly another thirty two consecutive strikes in succession to make a total of sixty four strikes.

"Hakke Rokujuyon Sho!" Hinata says after shutting down 64 of Jun's tenketsu and knocking him out. Hayate checks on the Jun's body and finds him to be unconscious.

"Winner by Knockout- Hinata Hyuga!" Hayate says to the crowd making the Konoha section cheer.

"The Thirteen Match- Neji Hyuga vs Katsu Isao" Hayate announces before 2 genin jump down from the balcony.(A/N: I'm not going to write this as you know what's going to happen. Neji says some BS about fate, kicks ass of opponent, etc.)

"Winner by Knockout- Neji Hyuga" Hayate announces before looking up at the board to see the next match. This is the LONGEST chunin exams ever!, He thinks to himself.

"Can Sabaku no Gaara and Sai come down please?" Hayate says causing Gaara and a very pale boy in black jumps down. Sai has short, black hair, and black eyes which contrast with his very pale skin. He is usually seen carrying a small backpack with his brush, scrolls, and ninja ink in it. He wears a short black jacket with red straps and high-collared midriff shirt, black pants, shinobi sandals and gloves with his index and thumb fingers exposed.

"Hajime" Hayate says causing Sai to jump back and open his scroll. He then pulls out ink and begins to draw on his scroll a lion which quickly comes to life and leaps at Gaara who is standing where he was before. Gaara puts out one hand and his silver shoots out of his gourd and creates a sphere around the lion. Gaara then closes his hand into a fist causing the sphere to constrict.


"Interesting, Jiton and Sabuton (Magnet Release and Sand Release). Sai has ink techniques but he won't survive" N comments causing Yugito to look at him oddly.

"He's strong, he may survive" Yugito responds causing N to look at her.

"No, Gaara won't let him" N says matter of factly before turning back to the battle.


"Gin Shuriken (Silver Shuriken)" Gaara says as the silver turns to shuriken and fly through the air at Sai who has to run horizontally to dodge however runs into a pit of sand that Gaara has set.

"Sabaku Kyu (Sand Binding Coffin)" Gaara says as the sand traps Sai who now cannot move before Gaara holds out his open hand.

"Sabaku Soso (Sand Waterfall Funeral)" Gaara finishes as he closes his hand into a fist. The coffin around Sai constricts causing a large fountain of blood, Sai doesn't even have time to feel pain when he is liquified. Hayate comes over and takes one look at Sai before facing the crowd.

"Winner by Death- Sabaku no Gaara" Hayate says before Gaara disappears in a Suna Shunshin but not before sending a look at N who smiles back.


"He...He killed Sai" Sakura says with her face in her hands. She may not have liked Sai but he had gone to the Academy with them and was a Konoha nin and he had just been killed like it was nothing.

"You all knew the risks" Kakashi says causing Sakura to nod before turning back to the matches.


"Fifteenth Match- Chojuro vs Ichiro Isamu" Hayate calls before 2 boys jump down. One boy is the teammate of Aoi Daichi and was wearing a grey shirt, black pants and a brown jacket on top of it. The other boy in a pale blue striped shirt, cow camouflage pants, and glasses jumps down but the most noticeable thing about him is a large bandaged sword with two handles.


"Is that what I think that is?" N says as he stares at the blade.

"I believe so. The competition just got scarier" Darui says as he too stares at the blade.

"What is it!" Yugito asks frustratedly at not knowing what made what her boyfriend and sensei were looking at special.

"That is Hiramekarei, one of the 7 swords of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū (Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist)..." N says before staring at the boy. Hiramekarei, the second most powerful sword of the set, N thinks to himself before focusing on the battle at an even closer level.


"Hajime!" Hayate yells causing Chojuro to draw Hiramekarei and channel chakra into it, causing the bindings to unravel and to form a hammer which he swings and strikes Ichiro with it before he could react. Ichiro quickly goes flying into the wall however climbs out of the crater only to be hit by the hammer again knocking him out. All of Konoha is silent on how easily their genin are being beaten this entire tournament.

"Sixteenth Match- Yuki Uzumaki vs Hotaka Kateshi" Hayate announces causing Yuki and a boy in the same outfit as his teammate Takeshi but with not katana and he had a scar across the bridge of his nose and had long black hair. He gets into the fighting stance while Yuki just stays where she is.

"Hajime!" Hayate yells before leaving but neither move until Hotaka opens his mouth.

"I wonder how much Tsuchikage-sama would respect me if I got him a pair of Rinnegan eyes?" Hotaka says causing Yuki to give him a bored look before she holds out her hand.

"Shinra Tensei" She says sending a wave a gravity causing Hotaka flying but he lands after a bit. Hotaka flashes through hand seals however Yuki would not allow him to.

"Asura Path" She says causing rocket powered roller skates to appear from the bottom of her feet sending her across the floor at speeds greater than a shunshin and kicks Hotaka in the face. Hotaka then flies across the arena before striking the wall with enough force to create a crater before Yuki appears in front of him and places her hand on head. She closes her eyes as she reads his soul before scowling.

"You stole from, raped and killed innocent people in your missions and for that, I pass judgement. Human Path" Yuki says before pulling out Hotaka's soul and crushing it, damning him to oblivion.

"Winner by Death- Yuki Uzumaki" Hayate instructs causing Kumo to cheer and for Yuki to shunshin back up to the balcony.


"Congrats Yuki-chan!" N says as Yuki sits in her seat and engages her team members in conversation however Sakura is red.

"HOW CAN YOU KILL SO EASILY? YOU'RE ENDING SOMEONE'S LIFE!" Sakura questions causing N to turn around with an "are you kidding look?".

"I'm not sure what you think a Shinobi is but we are weapons. We kill and we are killed and if you cannot understand that then you should just drop out of the Ninja Program so your team's safety is not threatened by your naivety" N scolds before turning back around.


"Time for the Seventeenth match- Karui vs Hikari Megami" Hayate calls causing Karui to jump down along with the last member of the Kiri team. She has black hair and is wearing a long blue tunic that goes to her thighs and a pair of stockings along with her Hiate-ate sideways on her head.

"Hajime!" Hayate yells causing Karui and Hikari to both jump back whole they both flash through hand seals.

"Suiton- Koku no Jutsu (Water Release- Black Rain Technique)" Hikari announces the technique as a black mist rains down on the arena and Hikari pulls out a kunai with an explosive tag, aiming to set the flammable oil around Karui.

"Mateki- Mugen Onsa (Demonic Flute- Phantom Sound Chains)" Karui says before blowing a loud consistent whistle. Just as Hikari was about to throw the kunai, she found herself restrained by chains and couldn't move no matter how she tried.

"Let me end this, Kumo-ryu: Omotegiri (Kumo Style: Front Beheading)" Karui yells as she slices her sword and bisects Hikari.

"Winner by Death- Karui" Hayate announces causing Karui to shunshin up to the balcony before he looks at the board for the last time.

"For the final match- Kei Kaguya vs Goro Daisuke" Hayate calls causing Kei to sigh in relief before jumping down along with the last member of the Konoha team. Goro is wearing a red shirt, black pants and had bandages wrapped around his right leg and left arm but thing most noticable about him was the black ninjato on his back.

"Hajime!" Hayate yells causing Goro to draw his ninjato and do a vertical slice which Kei just sidesteps and kicks him in the stomach. He flips and lands before flipping through hand seals before putting a hand to his mouth.

"Katon- Hosenka no Jutsu (Fire Release- Phoenix Sage Fire Technique)" He yells and shoots out many small fireballs out of his mouth. Kei knew she couldn't dodge them all so she holds her left arm in front of her.

"Shikotsumyaku- Shirudo (Shikotsumyaku- Shield)" She calls causing a 3 foot shield made of bone and then blocked all of the fireballs.

"Is that bone?" Goro asks causing Kei to nod and place a hand on her shoulder.

"Yes, I am one of the last users of the Shikotsumyaku bloodline" Kei says before pulling out a large bone sword. She then dashes forward and slices downward with her sword which Goro just barely manages to block but the bone sword just continues through the ninjato and through Goro's shoulder into his chest cavity causing him to scream in pain but his is still alive.

"Winner- Kei Kaguya. Medics" Hayate announces causing medics to rush on and take Goro off to the hospital.

"Thank you for waiting this long. Now it is time for the final matchings." Hayate calls and hands out numbers to everyone.

"1" Samui and Hinata say before looking at each other, Hinata smirking.

"2" Yugito and Kurotsuchi say in unison before Kurotsuchi gets a smile so sinister that Orochimaru would be scared. He took my boyfriend, I'll take his girlfriend.

"3" Omoi and Chojuro say before smiling as they both knew it would be a battle of swordsmen.

"4" Shino and Kankuro were next but neither had much emotion on their faces.

"5" Shikamaru and Temari say to before looking at each other.

"6" Konan and Karui say before sighing as they knew that they might have to battle someone from their team.

"7" Kei and Lee both say before smiling (Lee yelled "YOUTH!") as they would both be fighting Taijutsu specialists.

"8" Yuki and Neji say in unison however there is no emotion in their faces.

"9" Sasuke, Gaara and N say in unison. There is silence before they look at each other, all with psychotic grins.

"Congratulations for making it pass the preliminaries. The finals will begin in 1 month so you have time to practice. Dismissed" Hayate calls so everyone goes back to their groups.

"Congratulations but we should go before it get's dull" Darui says making everyone nod in agreement before shunshining away after a long day.