
Chapter 12

Day of the Finals

It was the day of the finals and everyone had changed their abilities. They had been sure to train separately unless they needed something from the Uzumaki compound library. N was in the same outfit as before however now his Akatsuki cloak was hanging over his shoulders (A/N: Think Shanks from One Piece). He now had black highlights in his hair, a new tattoo with the kanji for "tiger" on his shoulder and had a tiger claw on a necklace around his neck. But one of the most noticeable thing about him is that instead of his signature Sakabato/Katana, he had a different simple black Katana, his Sakabato and a Sake bottle on his right hip.

Flashback Start

N had enter his seal and was searching through the artifacts when he remembers the scroll next to the Tiger Summoning Scroll. He finds the scroll and opens it to suck in his breath in shock. Inside are the treasures of the Uzumaki clan, The Sword of Kusanagi, The Yata Mirror, The Totsuka Sword, The Nihongo along with several other treasures. N unseals the Sword of Totsuka and The Sword of Kusanagi and threads it through his obi before taking out the Nihongo and Yata mirror.

"Usagi-chan says she requires real weapons as she doesn't have enough chakra to make weapons in her Susanoo. Maybe she could use these?" N says to himself before he places the weapons on the ground and forms a ram sign.

"Tenso no Jutsu" He says before the weapons disappear in a flash of white to Usagi's room in the compound. N smiles before he continues to look around, grabbing jutsu scrolls here and there until he sees a jutsu that he must learn.

"Rasengan…" N whispers under his breath before walking out of the seal, eager to master his father's signature jutsu.

Flashback End

N had quickly mastered the jutsu due to reading his father's notes which he found in his father's office. The jutsu was truly a masterpiece as it didn't need hand seals and could be created in seconds. N had also made 3 variations of his father's rasengan with Raiton, Suiton and Katon using thousands, upon thousands, upon thousands of Shadow clones. Overall much had happened and N had needed to get stronger considering what was going to happen to Konoha today. Yes, N knew about the Invasion.

Flashback Start

N had a rasengan in hand and was pumping raiton chakra in it when he felt the distinct electrical imprint of Gaara.

"You can come out now" N says without looking up from his rasengan.

"You interest Mother, Yotsuki" Gaara says causing N to raise an eyebrow on how Gaara talked about Shukaku but Kurama is laughing inside of the seal.

"Does he think Shukaku is a girl?" Kurama says while rolling on the floor laughing.

"How is your seal?" N says with concern, ignoring his partner who is crying from laughter in his head.

"Why do you care?" Gaara says defensively, most likely listening to Shukaku in his head.

"Because you are my brother in burden!" N says causing Gaara to freeze before lifting his shirt, allowing N to see the 3 Column Fuinjutsu with no back doors or siphons.

"That's seal is meant for containment of objects not Bijuu!" N says to Kurama who nods in agreement.

"Gaara, I can fix this seal. You could shut out Shukaku is you wanted and it will allow you to sleep. You may also get greater control over your sand" N says to his fellow jinchuriki who sits there for moment before nodding.

"Lay down and lift your shirt" N instructs and Gaara does so. N creates a Kage Bunshin who nods in understanding before N flashes through hand seals. Hebi → I → Hitsuji → Usagi→ Inu → Ne → Tori → Uma → Hebi → Clap Hands, N thinks in his head as he performs the fuinjutsu.

"Fuinjutsu- Kagami (Fuinjutsu- Mirror)" N says as he rips off the 3 Column Seal, requiring his clone to hold back Shukaku who was now buckling out but by then the fuinjutsu was finished. There was a large blast of chakra and upon Gaara's stomach was the Hakke no Fuin Shiki (Eight Trigrams Sealing Style), the same seal that N had upon his own stomach. Gaara slowly gets up tries his sand to find it is moving at speeds greater than previously.

"Thank...Thank you" He says before thinking for a moment.

"There is going to be an invasion in Konoha during the finals" Gaara says causing N to shoot upwards.

"WHAT!" He yells in surprise.

"Suna and Oto have an alliance to attack Konoha during our battle. They want me to summon Moth...Shukaku in the village but I am tired of living under my father's rule." Gaara says causing N to memorize the information and think for a moment.

"You can join Kumo if you want. I have a friend who could sneak you out during the invasion." N offers causing Gaara to think. He would be leaving behind his "family", his village but he would get new opportunities in Kumo.

"...Okay, I'll go with you" Gaara decides causing N to smile widely.

"Act normally and my friends will find you during the invasion, see you soon Gaara" N says causing Gaara to nod and shunshin away. N then writes 3 notes, one to his father, one to Usagi and one to Haku.

"Invasion, huh? Show me what you got, Orochi-teme" N says before practicing his elemental Rasengan.

Flashback End

N appears in the living room in a flash to see everyone getting ready and looking different. Karui, N had heard was being trained by Kumo's genjutsu specialist, C and now had the flute N had gave her that was made of chakra metal. Yugito had been trained by Dodai and was now supporting 2 Wakizashis strapped across her back. Samui looked similar but was now supporting a jug on her hip and a metal bubble blower. Omoi was now supporting the Kiba Blades which N had given him when he had found it during his adventures with the Akatsuki but he was also supporting a tattoo of the kanji for "Lightning" on his shoulder. So you found a successor, N thinks as he looks at Darui. Kei, Konan and Yuki looked the exact same except that Yuki now had 2 Jians strapped to her hip that was made out of her chakra rods that were melted down and reforged by N.

"I must say we are quite the fearsome looking group" C comments causing everyone to nod in agreement.

"LET'S GO!" N yells in excitement before jumping through the window, destroying it. His friends sigh and follow him through until it is only Darui and C.

"Should we go?" Darui asks causing C to nod before jumping out the hole in the wall.

"I'll take the door" Darui says before walking out the door.


They enter the arena which is much larger than the Preliminaries arena and had a Kage Box and had many, many people from across the nations.

"Looks like we're popular" N comments as they get into line, getting a snicker from Kei.

"Can't wait for this to get started" N says before looking to the Kage box.

Kage Box

"Hokage-sama, thank you for inviting us" Z, the Sandaime Raikage says to the Sandaime Hokage.

"Oh, of course Raikage-sama. After all, your village has the most genin in the finals" The Hokage says to the father of N.

"Hokage-sama, you appear to be missing a genin" The Kazekage comments causing Hiruzen to internally smirk. Orochimaru, your greed and obsession about that boy will be your downfall. Yes, The Hokage knew about the Invasion as N had told only the higher-ups.

Flashback Start

N flashes right inside of the Hokage's office and surprisingly, no ANBU attacked him.

"Hello N-kun, what could I do for you?" Hiruzen asks and that is when N notices the other person in the room. A tall man with waist-length, spiky white hair usually tied back into a ponytail, with two shoulder-length bangs that framed both sides of his face. He also had red lines that ran down from his eyes and wore a horned forehead protector with the kanji for 'Oil'. wore a green short shirt kimono and matching pants; under which he wore mesh armour that showed out of the sleeves and legs of his outfit. His outfit was completed with hand guards, a simple black belt, traditional Japanese geta (wooden sandals), a red haori with two simple yellow circles on each side, and a scroll on his back.

"Hello Ero-sennin" N says causing the man to glare at him before realizing something. Blonde hair, blue eyes, whiskers, IT'S NARUTO!

"Kid, I've been looking for you for years!" Jiraiya says causing N to scowl. His father had wanted Jiraiya there at his birth as he was the godfather but Jiraiya said he was busy with his research. Maybe if Jiraiya was there, his parents may have been alive but he did not hate the Toad Sennin as if his parents had been alive then he never would have ended up in Kumo so things worked out.

"I have been raised by my family in Kumo and I am happy there. I have also blossomed to become an S-ranked shinobi known as the Raijin" N says to Jiraiya who sucks in his breath. This kid was an S-ranked shinobi at 13 and was the fastest man alive!

"I know you're strong kid but I would like for you to sign the toad contract" Jiraiya says in an attempt to win over N who just shakes his head.

"Sorry Ero Sennin but I have a contract and in fact, I am the Tora Sennin (Tiger Sage)" N says before facing Hiruzen.

"Now back to why I came here. Suna and Oto are going to attack."

"WHAT!" Hiruzen yells but Jiraiya just nods as it made sense.

"Call the Council and don't bring Danzo, I think he is in league with Orochi-teme" N says causing The Hokage to nod and for Jiraya to grin as that is what he used to call Orochimaru as well.

"N-kun, please come with us to the council!" Hiruzen begs causing N to sigh before nodding.

Council Room

"What is he doing here?" A civilian asks rather rudely causing N to scowl as Kumo did not have a civilian council and only had a single civilian member who was the representative for all of the civilian.

"We must ask the same thing as it is highly irregular for someone who is not a Konoha shinobi to be in front of the council" Shikaku Nara comments causing Hiruzen to nod as he saw this coming.

"N Yotsuki is an S-Ranked Ninja and child of our own Yondaime Hokage and Aka no Shi but also is the adopted child of the Sandaime Raikage" Hiruzen says causing there to be silence before Pandemonium erupts.

"Why is the child of our Hokage in Kumo!" Koharu yells saying what all of the civilian council is thinking.

"MINATO-KUN HAD A CHILD WITH THAT RED-HEADED SLUT!" Sakura's mother, Banshi Haruno screeches much like her daughter. (A/N: I know that her mother is actually blonde and quite nice but I needed a literary device)

"What did you call my mother?" N says with white lightning sparking along his body causing Banshi to shiver in fear from KI and refuse to answer causing the lightning to recede back into his body.

"May I ask N-san but are you the Raijin?" Shikaku asks causing N to look at Hiruzen and Jiraiya with a surprised look which they just return with a shrug.

"Yes. I am the Raijin and the Fastest man alive" N says causing the Shinobi council to sigh as they had lost the next flash to Kumo.

"This is a shinobi matter so the civilian and elder councils should go"

"You can't kick us out!" Koharu yells causing N to raise an eyebrow.

"The civilian and elder councils are only needed in matters concerning the financials of the village" N says causing the councils to become enraged but leave when they see the ANBU jump down.

"Back to why I came here, Suna and Oto will invade in the finals of the chunin exams" N says causing the council to suck in breath in surprise.

"What! Suna is our allies!" Tsume says causing Jiraiya to nod in agreement.

"I had heard that the Wind Daimyo is giving less missions to Suna and more to us." Jiraiya says causing everyone to nod as that would make sense.

"I think you have a rat in your ranks. I don't trust Danzo or anyone below Jonin so I would just tell your more experience Jonin" N says causing The Hokage to nod before N looks at his watch.

"Kumo knows about the invasion as well and has offered to help. Thanks all I know. Ja Ne" N says before he disappears in a flash causing the Konoha nins to sigh in relief and sadness. Relief that were now going to be prepared and that Kumo offered to help but sad that they had lost an S-ranked shinobi and the legacy of their greatest hero.

Flashback End