
Quirks of the Soul (BL)

Boku no Hero Academia Fanfiction (BL/Yaoi/MalexMale) WARNINGS: Angst, Suicide Scare, Cutting. Something in Izuku's mind snaps when Kacchan flings the words "Make a leap of faith from the roof and believe with all your might that you will have a ‘Quirk’ in the next life" at him after he exploded his Hero notebook. It was the last push he needed to tip over the edge. Quirk!Izuku Pairing: Katsuki/Izuku ; BakuDeku Disclaimer: do not own the photo Discord: https://discord.gg/AzDQaDy

Rxel · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Katsuki Side-Eyes Aizawa

Katsuki screamed inwardly. His brain was melting out of his ears from the sheer boredom he was feeling. He wanted to move his feet and hands, not sit here and listen to Present Mic go through English examples. The blonde struggled as he drifted off slightly in the middle of the lesson, even as his brain supplied him the answers for the questions on the chalkboard.

He pinked slightly. He could somewhat feel Izuku's presence behind him. It somewhat reminded him of an affectionate cat, brushing up against his senses briefly and intermittently, reminding him that he was still there. He may not have the acute senses for Auras and emotions that Izuku had due to his Quirk, but he liked to think that he was more sensitive to other's intentions and glances than most other people.

Did he just feel Izuku's presnece that much more keenly? Or was it just that his fucking body had somehow gained some sort of proficiency at locating Izuku? Katsuki scoffed. Considering the danger that Izuku seemed to go through seemed to shorten his lifespan every time, it made sense that his body developed a response for that.

It felt like his body had been hard-wired to Izuku's presence. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. On one hand, it made it hard to concentrate in class when he could keenly feel the attention on him, but on the other, being able to locate Izuku meant that it would be easier to find him in any times of crisis.

If Katsuki was a little relieved at the thought, he didn't acknowledge it.

His eyes wandered around the classroom, only a small part of his brain still paying attention to Present Mic. The bunch of extras around him all seemed to be feeling similar feelings of boredom. Izuku wouldn't be though, even with how he could feel the green-haired teen's glances on him every so often, it gave the feeling of being more like a reflex action of checking whether he was still there or not. Other than that, Izuku was probably wholly focused on solving the questions on the board.

Katsuki blocked his mouth with his hand, hiding the slight smile that he couldn't stop from breaking onto his face. He didn't want any of those extras to get any funny ideas. He had a persona to keep up, dammit! Izuku was making him feel fluffy and soft. Not that he would change anything about that, but he couldn't help but feel helpless that Izuku was inevitably changing him. It gave him mixed feelings, but the one thing he did know was that as long as he managed to keep Izuku close to him, he didn't mind the fact that he was changing.

He wanted to treat Izuku kindly, and he wanted to be treated kindly in return. Katsuki felt his stomach clench slightly. He knew he didn't have any rights to be able to ask for the same treatment back, but he really did like Izuku. He couldn't help wanting to both give and receive affection from the other teen. No matter what Izuku said, he had spent years tormenting and heaping abuse onto the other.

Even if Izuku had forgiven him, he hadn't forgiven himself. He was trying to change. He still felt uneasy whenever Izuku showed him affection. He knew that the guilt he felt still affected his interactions with Izuku. He tried his best to keep those negative feelings out of their interactions, but Izuku actually had a pretty good poker face when he wanted or needed to. He couldn't tell if Izuku had noticed or not. He didn't want Izuku to think that they were together because of guilt, because while the guilt had played a part in changing his perspective, his feelings had developed gradually, ever so slowly creeping up on him before he finally noticed.

The bell rang, causing him to flinch out of his thoughts, ignoring the subsequent cries of happiness around him. Katsuki cast a casual glance behind him, hoping he hadn't emitted the negative emotions too much when he had been lost in thought. Izuku didn't look any different, so the blonde gradually let down his guard.

His heart skipped a beat when Izuku smiled at him, causing him to stand up abruptly, the chair making a loud screech. He dug around in his bag, pulling out the bento he had haphazardly shoved inside earlier this morning.

Katsuki waited for Izuku to keep his belongings, shoving the embarrassment at what they were about to do deep, deep down.

"I'm done, Kacchan!"

The quicker they could get this over with, the better. The two aspiring Heroes darted off before the hallways could get too congested, aiming to complete the task earlier.

Katsuki peeked into the room where Recovery Girl had told them Aizawa-sensei usually rested in during lunchtime, inwardly disapproving as he noticed the yellow sleeping bag that contained the sleeping man.

What the fuck did he think he was doing? Didn't he know that it was better to eat during regular hours?! Fucking seriously. Recovery Girl was right. Aizawa-sensei was neglecting his health and drinking nutritional drinks instead of having proper meals.

Katsuki eyed the offending nutritional drink sticking out slightly from the sleeping bag, itching to snatch the drink and toss it away, but held himself back because it would be rude. And Katsuki wasn't rude. Really. No, seriously. Fuck, why didn't anyone believe him?! It wasn't like he intentionally set out to be as rude as possible. Things just slipped out without him noticing, alright? The blonde huffed, offended that there was a person in the world that tried to get by without properly enriching their body when they were supposed to be a Pro Hero.

That person was their fucking teacher, no less! Even if Katsuki was doing this to show his gratitude, it still offended him to the core at the lack of professionalism his teacher was showing in neglecting his body. Nutritional drinks were just an extra; they couldn't fucking fully replace an entire meal, dammit! Especially Pro Heroes, who needed even more nourishment due to the high amount of calories they burned.

No wonder he looked so fucking tired.

Katsuki and Izuku inched closer to their homeroom teacher, not sure how to wake him up without sounding rude. They were resolved of the problem when the tired-looking man cracked open a slightly bloodshot eye, silently asking them what they wanted.

Katsuki exchanged a glance with Izuku before deciding to bite the bullet and get this over with. He thrust the neatly tied bento toward their homeroom teacher, feeling the burning sensation in his cheeks that he was steadily getting more familiar with, his embarrassment overpowering his gratitude at the moment.

"Here!" he blurted, not quite sure what to say. He powered on, despite being far as fuck out of his comfort zone. If he was going to do this, he was going to do it properly, fuck it.

"Thanks for, you know, helping Izuku and I out yesterday. If you didn't get into Izuku's head that we should communicate, we'd probably still be floundering around and feeling miserable. So thanks. This is for you."

The room was silent. Katsuki felt his ears growing hot at the lack of reaction, not quite able to bring himself to look his teacher in the eyes. He abruptly wanted out as the feeling of embarrassment overwhelmed him, but stubbornly stuck to it, refusing to let his body's reactions dictate his actions.

"Thanks for your help yesterday, Aizawa-sensei," he heard from Izuku, echoing his previous statement.

He forcefully stopped his body from fidgeting, staring hard at the bento, feeling caught off balance. He couldn't remember the last time he thanked anyone outside of his immediate family and perhaps Izuku. The weight in his hands lightened as two hands lifted the bento from his hands.

"Thank you, Bakugou."

That's it. He was done for today. Katsuki escaped from the room without a second word, taking refuge outside the room. He waited for Izuku to emerge from the room, sinking down and burying his face in his hands, feeling the heat his face was giving off. That was fucking embarrassing!

Katsuki ignored the grin on Izuku's face when he emerged, his mind whirling as he thought about what dishes he should make tomorrow. The two of them walked to the cafeteria in a comfortable silence, feeling a little lighter now that they managed to convey their thanks to their teacher properly.

"Hey, Izuku. We're going to be making sensei's lunch from now on. I refuse to accept that he's only drinking those nutritional drinks," Katsuki said, his eyes once again narrowing in anger at the thought.

He looked away when the grin on Izuku's face only grew, feeling the embarrassment creep up on him again. He scowled slightly. It wasn't like he was concerned or anything, it's just that Aizawa-sensei's unprofessionalism offended him deeply. That's all.

Katsuki carefully avoided looking at Izuku's knowing grin, quickening his pace to the cafeteria.

"Hurry up, I'm starving!"