
Quirks of the Soul (BL)

Boku no Hero Academia Fanfiction (BL/Yaoi/MalexMale) WARNINGS: Angst, Suicide Scare, Cutting. Something in Izuku's mind snaps when Kacchan flings the words "Make a leap of faith from the roof and believe with all your might that you will have a ‘Quirk’ in the next life" at him after he exploded his Hero notebook. It was the last push he needed to tip over the edge. Quirk!Izuku Pairing: Katsuki/Izuku ; BakuDeku Disclaimer: do not own the photo Discord: https://discord.gg/AzDQaDy

Rxel · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

All Might

All Might entered the classroom with a bang, and all the fanfare that he contained in order to make a good first impression on his students, and if he was showing off slightly, well, no one would begrudge him for that, would they?

He was incomparably excited. He, All Might, would be able to pass down his wisdom to his little students in hopes that it would be useful for the future. He had been dreaming about this day for many nights. He originally intended to find his legacy here, where there were many potential Pro-Heroes in training, but little did he expect to find his successor in one Midoriya Izuku.

Had Izuku not made his way in that day in the hospital, he shuddered to think about how he might have missed out on finding the perfect successor for a lifetime. Furthermore, he would never have known that such a selfless, brave and courageous person existed. It was not an exaggeration to say that the presence of Izuku had seemed too good to be true. Never had he expected that such a perfect example of what he strove and looked for in a Hero to exist in such a tiny body.

"I have…" All Might paused for a dramatic effect. "Come through the door like normal!" He tried to tone down his usual dramatics, repressing the urge to burst through the door and perhaps cause it to break down.

The outburst of chatter from his appearance made his mood soar. It was always nice to know that he was appreciated. It wasn't that he wanted to do things in a high-key way, but it just so happened that his appearance itself was already greatly different from normal people. He'd truly honed the art of appearances over the years, but he hadn't always been like this.

In fact, in the beginning he used to go back home and roll around the bed as he recalled the things he said during the day, causing him much embarrassment at night when he finally wound down.

But he gladly endured all these things because he knew that there were people who took comfort in the things he said, in the things he did. He knew that he had a responsibility to the people and a responsibility as a mentor to uphold. He needed to set a good example.

Of course, since many people didn't know about his secret, his life had been a little lonely before. There had only been a handful of people he trusted fully. At one point of time, he even felt like he was living a lie. That he had been living a double life, fraught with doubts and insecurities.

For this, he was thankful for his student, Midoriya Izuku. The boy was truly a ray of light in his world. He never thought someone would grow on him so soon. Part of it may have been the empathic abilities that came with his Soulmate Quirk, but most of it, the blonde Hero attributed to Izuku's kind personality. He just didn't seem to be able to leave someone whom he felt was feeling down or angry to themselves.

Maybe other people would call him nosy, but All Might knew that Izuku truly had a heart of gold. He wanted to help people, to take away their fears, their sadness, their anger. It was a trait that many great Heroes contained, and All Might felt like he could see his past self in Izuku.

"Hero basic training!" he cried out, informing his new students about the course that they were about to partake in. What they didn't know was that this was the first of many tests that they would go through in the near future. Throwing them head-in to the deep part of the pool was the option that UA teachers had chosen to be able to understand their new students quicker.

As a bonus effect, it would allow them to categorise their reactions and skill levels right off the bat and focus on any weaknesses that the new students showed. Two birds with one stone! This was truly the epitome of UA's teaching, as well as something that many other Pro Heroes lived by.

"Battle training!" All Might yelled out, pointing at the panels in the walls. The panels rumbled, smoothly sliding out rows of boxes that contained the student's customised battle apparel.

"In accordance with the Quirk Registry and the special request forms that you filled out before being admitted, these are your costumes!"

All Might allowed the class to cheer as much as they wanted. He recalled his own days, recalling the excitement and joy he had felt as a student at this point of time. It never got old. The pure enthusiasm each student carried was like a balm to his soul.

"After you change, come out in ranking order to ground beta!"

All Might waited for the cheers to die down before starting his lecture. The true and tried facts he, as well as every other Hero had learnt was embedded in the words. "Looking good is very important, ladies and gentlemen! Costumes are part of a Hero's job! We look good for the masses! Costumes enhance our own natural abilities, and they are filled with the blood, sweat and tears of the people who designed them! Look alive, because from today on, you're all Heroes!"

All Might scanned the beaming faces of the students around him, his eyes landing on his protégé. He took in the sparkling eyes and deep set determination that filled the students. The blonde Hero felt a sense of joy as he looked at his students. They would be great. He recalled the days he had spent pouring over the details of his own costume with other professionals. Some of them were gone now, but he would hold them in his heart, as well as many other people.

Their dreams would never be vanquished. As long as evil was around, justice would always rise up to the challenge. Justice would always prevail!

The blonde Hero felt reassured looking at the new students. Their eyes shone and sparkled with unrelenting purity that Villains could never contain. Not even the best actors were able to produce this sort of effect. Eyes were the window to one's soul, after all, and All Might had seen all kinds of evil and depravity.

The kids were pure, even Endeavor's son, who somewhat resonated with him. He looked like he was slightly depressed. All Might somewhat wanted to intervene and help out, but with the way he caught sight of Izuku eyeing the other teen, he knew it was only a matter of time before he drew the other boy into his fold.

He would leave it to Izuku for now. For all he knew, he might end up making things worse instead. Sometimes, things were better left to a peer instead of having adult supervision.

They were going to be Heroes. All Heroes had things to overcome themselves. Obstacles were part of a Hero's education. Only overcoming it themselves did they become stronger.

All Might was filled with happiness. They were good kids. The best future Heroes were going about to be born/ All Might felt like he could see a reflection of his image in each one of them.

"Well! Shall we begin?!"

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